The Academic Senate C I T Y C O L L E G E O F S A N F R A N C I S C O 50 Phelan Avenue, Box E-202, San Francisco, CA 94112 (415) 239-3611 Fax (415) 452-5115 email: Curriculum•Degree Requirements•Grading Policies•Program Development•Student Prep & Success•Governance Accreditation•Professional Development•Program Review•Planning & Budgeting Processes• Others as agreed Plan for restructuring of Academic Senate Committees (adopted October 24, 2012) (revised 12/20/12) a) Academic Senate Executive Council adopts outcomes and a plan for organization of committees. 10/24/12 b) Academic Senate Executive Council adopts schema and description of committee types. 10/24/12 c) Academic Senate Executive Council adopts elements of committee description and purpose statement. 10/24/12 d) Senate officers collaborate with committees to place them in appropriate group by type. (OctoberDecember, 2012) e) Each committee drafts new description and purpose statement. (November, 2012-January, 2013) f) Academic Senate Executive Council approves new description and purpose statement for each committee. (planned for January, 2012) g) Academic Senate Executive Council adopts procedures for committees. (November 28, 2012) h) Training in committee roles and procedures is provided to committee chairs, committee members, members of the Academic Senate, and members of the college community. (January-February, 2013) i) Academic Senate Executive Council amends Article VII of the Academic Senate By-laws as appropriate. (Spring, 2013) j) The new committee structure is evaluated and assessed annually. (Fall, 2013) k) Improvements to the committee structure and procedures are made as needed. Outcomes for restructuring Academic Senate Committees (adopted October 24, 2012) 1. Academic Senate committees will support the Academic Senate in its responsibilities under Title 5 CCR § 53200 “to make recommendations to the administration of a college and to the governing board of the district with respect to academic and professional matters.” 2. Academic Senate committees will support City College of San Francisco in meeting Accreditation Standards. 3. Academic Senate committee structures will be clear and easily understood. 4. Academic Senate committee structures and descriptions will provide guidance to members of the committees, to prospective members, and to persons seeking to initiate improvements to practices, programs and services. 5. Academic Senate committee structures and description will encourage the participation of a full range of stakeholders with diverse experience and expertise. 6. “When ideas for improvement have policy or significant institution-wide implications” in regards to academic or professional matters, Academic Senate committee and Executive Council processes “will be used to assure effective discussion, planning, and implementation.” [see ACCJC Standard IV.A.1.] 7. Academic Senate committees will provide information about their activities to the college community. Karen Saginor, President Kathleen Moriwaki, Second Vice President Venette Cook, First Vice President Jacques Arceneaux, Secretary