Jenna Harris Capstone Fall2015 Appendix

Appendix A
Lesson Title
Pass the Portrait
Long-Term Target
I can write a narrative to
develop a real-experience
using effective technique,
relevant descriptive details,
and well-structured even
sequences (W.7.3)
I can write routinely over
extended time frames and
shorter time frames for a
range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and
audiences (W.7.10)
I can effectively engage in
discussions with diverse
partners about seventhgrade topics, texts, and
issues. (SL. 7.1)
I can use precise words and
phrases, relevant descriptive
details, and sensory
language to capture the
action and convey
experiences and events
I can write routinely over
extended time frames and
shorter time frames for a
range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and
audiences (W.7.10)
I can effectively engage in
discussions with diverse
partners about seventhgrade topics, texts, and
issues. (SL. 7.1)
Supporting Targets
Ongoing Assessment/Modifications
I can write a narrative in
response to picture from a
classmate’s home and/or
I can free write to complete
the sentence, “I
remember...” and apply it
my personal life
I can effectively participate
in discussion with my
classmates about their
personal and cultural
Student free-writing/narratives
Writing conferences
Writer’s Workshop
I can write a six-word
memoir to convey a
significant experience or
I can effectively participate
in discussion with my
classmates about their
personal and cultural
Six-Word Memoirs
Writing conferences
*Introduce Classtory portfolio – compilation of all
materials to be presented at end of mini-unit
ELL Modification (if necessary)
Sentence stems
Peer support
ELL Modification (if necessary)
Sentence stems
Peer support
Wikipedia Entry
Launching the
Text: Indian
Education: Day
Education: Day
I can use precise words and
phrases, relevant descriptive
details, and sensory
language to capture the
action and convey
experiences and events
I can write routinely over
extended time frames and
shorter time frames for a
range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and
audiences (W.7.10)
I can effectively engage in
discussions with diverse
partners about seventhgrade topics, texts, and
issues. (SL. 7.1)
I can determine the central
ideas of a literary text.
I can analyze how particular
elements of a story or drama
interact (RL.7.3)
I can effectively engage in
discussions with diverse
partners about seventhgrade topics, texts, and
issues. (SL. 7.1)
I can determine the central
ideas of a literary text.
I can analyze how a drama
or poem’s form or structure
contributes to its meaning
(RL 7.5)
I can write a narrative to
I can write an Wiki entry on
a selected letter about a
personal memory or
I can effectively participate
in discussion with my
classmates about their
personal and cultural
Student Wiki entries
Writer’s workshop
I can determine the central
ideas Indian Education.
I can analyze how the
sequence of the narrator’s
childhood experiences
developed his view of
I can effectively participate
in discussion with my
classmates using textconnections to Indian
Education in Writer’s
I can plan the central idea of
my personal memoir.
I can analyze how the
vignette style of Indian
Education contributes to its
I can draft a storyboard
timeline of specific-life
Timeline graphic organizer
ELL Modification (if necessary)
Graphic organizers
Sentence stems
Necessary vocabulary translated into student L1
Socratic Seminar observations
Exit ticket: Reflection on how discussion connects
personal linguistic and cultural experiences to
“Indian Education”
ELL Modification (if necessary)
Discussion frame/Sentence stems
Timeline graphic organizer
Writer’s Workshop
Timeline storyboard
Writing conferences
ELL Modification (if necessary)
Timeline graphic organizer
Peer support
develop a real-experience
using effective technique,
relevant descriptive details,
and well-structured even
sequences (W.7.3)
Education: Day
Education: Day
experiences that contribute
to my central idea.
I can analyze the use of
language in the text. (RL
I can write a narrative to
develop a real-experience
using effective technique,
relevant descriptive details,
and well-structured even
sequences (W.7.3)
I can write routinely over
extended time frames and
shorter time frames for a
range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and
audiences (W.7.10)
I can write a narrative to
develop a real-experience
using effective technique,
relevant descriptive details,
and well-structured even
sequences (W.7.3)
I can effectively engage in
discussions with diverse
partners about seventhgrade topics, texts, and
issues. (SL. 7.1)
I can write routinely over
extended time frames and
shorter time frames for a
range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and
audiences (W.7.10)
I can analyze how the
author’s discourse in Indian
Education helps develop his
I can begin drafting Grades,
1, 2, and 3 of my memoir.
I can imitate the vignettestyle of Indian Education in
my writing.
Writer’s Workshop
Writing conferences
I can begin drafting Grades,
4, 5, and 6 of my memoir.
I can imitate the vignettestyle of Indian Education in
my writing.
I can effectively participate
in discussion with my
classmates in Writer’s
Writer’s Workshop
Writing conferences
ELL Modification (if necessary)
Graphic organizer
Peer support
ELL Modification (if necessary)
Graphic organizer
Peer support
Education: Day
Education: Day
This lesson
serves to support
writers who need
more time and to
begin compiling
Classtory for
I can develop and strengthen
writing through revision
I can write routinely over
extended time frames and
shorter time frames for a
range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and
audiences (W.7.10)
I can develop and strengthen
writing through revision
I can write routinely over
extended time frames and
shorter time frames for a
range of discipline-specific
tasks, purposes, and
audiences (W.7.10)
I can effectively engage in
discussions with diverse
partners about seventhgrade topics, texts, and
issues. (SL. 7.1)
I can revise my memoir
using the STAR strategy in
Writer’s Workshop.
I can effectively participate
in discussion with my
classmates in Writer’s
Writer’s workshop
Writing conferences
STAR revision worksheet
I can revise my memoir
using the STAR strategy in
Writer’s Workshop.
I can prepare my final draft
for publication and
presentation to the class.
I can effectively participate
in discussion with my
classmates in Writer’s
Writer’s workshop
Writing conferences
STAR revision worksheet*
I can effectively participate
in discussion with my
classmates about their
Classtory portfolio.
Classtory Portfolio
Peer Feedback (descriptive assessment)
ELL Modification (if necessary)
STAR revision worksheet
Peer support
ELL Modification (if necessary)
STAR revision worksheet
Peer support
ELL Modification (if necessary)
Peer support
Appendix B
Lesson #3: Using cultural artifacts to write a Wikipedia entry
Materials and
Bellwork &/or
I can use precise words and phrases, relevant descriptive details, and sensory language to capture the action and convey
experiences and events (W.7.3D)
I can write routinely over extended time frames and shorter time frames for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes,
and audiences (W.7.10)
I can effectively engage in discussions with diverse partners about seventh-grade topics, texts, and issues. (SL. 7.1)
I can write a Wikipedia entry on a selected letter about a personal memory or experience.
I can effectively participate in discussion with my classmates about their personal and cultural experiences.
Student artifacts from home
Note: Prior to lesson, students were asked to bring in artifacts that were reflective
Wikipedia observation sheet
of who they are. Examples: video game; poem, jewelry, sports team photo
Wiki entry example (template)
Wiki entry exemplar (teacher)
Student interactive notebooks (or binders)
Document camera (or platform to model writing for students)
Wikipedia pages printed from internet (at least 1 per partner set)
- Pages can be on any topic; however, it is suggested that pages are about topics students are interested in (information
gathered from student interest surveys, class observations/discussions, community, etc.)
Optional: Encyclopedia (just one is necessary) – possibly check school library for
10 min
Ss cut and glue Wikipedia observation sheet into interactive notebook
Ss work with peers to make observations using observation sheet prompts: What do you notice about how the information is
organized? Who is the author? How do you know the information is credible?
Ss share out findings with class; T (or student scribe) records information on anchor chart (formatted like observation sheet)
7 min
T holds up copy of encyclopedia and explains how encyclopedias used to be highly relied upon reference materials to learn
about the world and the people in it. The people who wrote encyclopedias were considered experts, and readers trusted the
material in the encyclopedias. [Possible story about encyclopedia salesmen coming door-to-door; Encyclopedia Britannica,
T: What are some reasons encyclopedias not as relied upon anymore for information? [Lead students to the understanding of
static knowledge; up-to-date information; and how information conveyed by more than one person is more reflective of
population versus one point of view]. Connection to why Wikipedia is a popular (but not always credible) source of
information because the information is consistently updated and multiple perspectives are reflected in information.
T passes personal artifact around class. T explains that we are all experts of ourselves, and the artifacts that we brought in
today are reflective of who we are.
T introduces assignment of writing a brief Wikipedia entry (on paper) on the artifact they brought in. This writing will be
submitted as a section of the Classtory for presentations at the end of the unit.
3 min
T models using the Wikipedia planning template.
T conducts think-aloud during modeling that demonstrates how to connect personal experiences to artifact. T should make a
specific note to mention that his/her voice in writing is reflective of a personal tone – not strong academic tone.
Checks for
Why are Wikipedia entries more popular sources of information versus printed encyclopedias?
Why are you able to write knowledgably about your artifact from home in a Wiki entry?
12 min
Ss work in partners or groups to discuss and plan their Wikipedia template entry.
T pulls small-groups of students for additional support in planning.
ELL students are encouraged to incorporate whichever language (L1 or English) they feel comfortable using for Wiki or
students can orally explain their Wiki and peer can act as scribe.
10 min
Ss work independently to write draft of Wiki entry for submission into Classtory.
8 min
Ss share submissions in Writer’s Workshop groups. Group members write one thing they learned about the author on a sticky
note and “submit” their comment to the author.
Closure &/or
exit ticket
[Entries with sticky notes are turned into the teacher, who adds entries alphabetically to the Classtory binder]