NOVEMBER 2002 Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire Income Support Recipients The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Australia (AFFA) has been funding the Farm Help Program through which you have received Income Support. The actual payments to you and any interviews and assistance were co-ordinated by Centrelink. AFFA is now seeking to find out how well this program has helped farm families and whether there are any changes that could be made to the Farm Help program to make it work better. Information collected from this questionnaire will be used to assess the effectiveness of the program. You can help this process by completing this questionnaire and returning it to Centrelink in the enclosed Reply Paid envelope. In this way you are helping the government to continue providing appropriate and relevant assistance to farmers in the manner in which it is most needed. Your personal information is protected by law and participation in this questionnaire is voluntary. The information provided by you will be collated by Centrelink and forwarded to AFFA for analysis. You can get more information from the pamphlets called 'Your Right to Privacy' and 'Customer Research and You'." The questionnaire is completely anonymous. You are given the option of providing permission for AFFA, or a consultant representing AFFA, to contact you at some point in the future for on-going assessment of the program. If you do agree, you are asked to provide your contact details – these details will only be used for the specific purpose of contacting you regarding the Farm Help program. If you choose not to provide your details, the questionnaire will remain completely anonymous. Most questions can be easily answered by ticking the box that describes your action or your response. There are a few questions that ask you to show how satisfied you were with some parts of the program – again you just need to tick the relevant boxes. There is also some space for you to add your own comments if you would like to – especially if you wish to identify problems with the program or suggest any improvements. The questionnaire should take you only about 20 minutes to complete. If you have any problems in completing the questionnaire, please contact the Centrelink Call Centre on Freecall™ 1800 050 585 for assistance. Your co-operation is appreciated. Thank you. Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FORESTRY – AUSTRALIA Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 2 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 YOU AND YOUR FARM Male Female 1. Are you Male or Female? 2. Do you speak a language other than English at home? Yes No 3. Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? Yes No 4. Where is your farm located? Town: .............................................. 5. State: ................ Post Code: .................. How did you hear about the Farm Help Program? (Please tick one or more boxes.) Radio .................................................................................................................. Newspaper ......................................................................................................... Centrelink advice or information from Centrelink offices ..................................... Industry Body/Farmer Representative Group ....................................................... Agriculture Advancing Australia (AAA) – green box – TV advertising campaign ............................................................................ Agriculture Advancing Australia (AAA) – green box – newspaper advertising campaign .............................................................. Agriculture Advancing Australia (AAA) – brochures ............................................ Rural Financial Counsellors ................................................................................ Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website ................................. Accountant or Financial Advisor ......................................................................... Bank Manager ..................................................................................................... Other Farmers or friends/neighbours ................................................................... Other (please specify) ............................................................................ 6. Which source of information most influenced your decision to apply for assistance? (Please tick one box only.) Radio .................................................................................................................. Newspaper ......................................................................................................... Centrelink advice or information from Centrelink offices ..................................... Industry Body/Farmer Representative Group ....................................................... Agriculture Advancing Australia (AAA) – green box – TV advertising campaign ............................................................................ Agriculture Advancing Australia (AAA) – green box – newspaper advertising campaign ................................................................ Agriculture Advancing Australia (AAA) – brochures .............................................. Rural Financial Counsellors ................................................................................ Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website ................................... Accountant or Financial Advisor ............................................................................ Bank Manager .................................................................................................. Other Farmers or friends/neighbours ................................................................... Other (please specify) ............................................................................ Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 3 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 7. What is the size of your farm in hectares? (Please tick one box only) 1 to 100 hectares 101 to 200 hectares 201 to 300 hectares 301 to 400 hectares 8. 401 to 500 hectares 501 to 1000 hectares 1001 to 5000 hectares 5001 or more hectares How many family units does your farm support? (Please tick one box only) Only your own family unit - no other families ............................................................... One other family unit ................................................................................................... Two or more other family units .................................................................................... 9. Please indicate your age group. (Please tick one box only) Less than 20 years 20 to 29 years 30 to 39 years 40 to 49 years 50 to 59 years 60 to 64 years 65 to 69 years 70 years and over 10. How many years had you worked in farming before applying to the Farm Help program? ...................... years 11. How long had you worked on your current farm before applying to the Farm Help program? ...................... years 12. Did you inherit your current farm? Yes No 13. (Please indicate how many years ago you inherited the farm:.............years) What form of ownership best describes your working arrangements on the farm? (Please tick one box only) Sole owner (regardless of mortgage) .............................................................................. Partnership – family (regardless of mortgage) ............................................................... Partnership – other (regardless of mortgage) .................................................................. Trust ............................................................................................................................... Private Company ............................................................................................................ Leasing the farm ............................................................................................................. Sharefarming arrangement ............................................................................................. Other (please specify) ................................................................................................... Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 4 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 14. What do you think were the main reasons that contributed to your farm enterprise being in a position where you needed to apply to the Farm Help Program? (Please tick one or more boxes) Local drought conditions* Local flood conditions* Other local severe weather conditions* Environmental problems (e.g. salinity) Non-viability of farm (e.g. size, location) Lack of finance to expand/develop farm Pests and/or disease Other (please specify) Note: 15. Ill Health Personal or family problems Age and/or physical ability Loss of market Debt problems Inheritance related debt Falling commodity prices *localised adverse weather conditions but not declared as Exceptional Circumstances. Have you accessed any other Government support payments in the last five years? Yes No (Please indicate how many years you received payments for in the table below) (Go to Question 16) Note: Answering this question will NOT affect your entitlement to Government support payments. How many years did you receive the following benefits? Exceptional Circumstances Relief Payment Exceptional Circumstances Interest Rate Subsidy Sugar Industry Assistance Package Flood Assistance Package Dairy Structural Adjustment Program (DSAP) payment or a Supplementary Dairy Assistance (SDA) scheme payment Newstart Allowance Family Payment Disability Support Pension Parenting Payment Age Pension Widow Allowance or Pension Other Centrelink payments (please specify) FARM ENTERPRISE VIABILITY ASSESSMENT Years Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 5 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 Questions 16 to 22 relate to your initial Farm Help financial viability assessment session. This session was the initial professional advice session funded by Centrelink under the $3000 Professional Advice grant and was compulsory for all recipients of Farm Help Income Support to assess the farm’s viability. 16. Who provided you with your initial professional advice session, which included the viability assessment? (Tick one box only) Rural Financial Counsellor ........................................................................................ Accountant/Financial Advisor .................................................................................... Agronomist or agricultural expert .............................................................................. Other (please specify) ............................................................................................... 17. Based on your experience, how do you rate the following elements of the viability assessment process? (Tick one box only) 18. Poor Below Average Average Good Very Good Professionalism of the advisor The overall advice given to you at this session Based on your experience, how do you rate your experience of the viability assessment process in terms of the following? (Tick one box only) Poor 19. Helping you to understand your farm’s basic problems Helping you to understand your farm’s long-term financial outlook Below Average Average Good Very Good How was your farm assessed at the end of the viability assessment session? (Tick one box only) Viable enterprise requiring no change to current operations Would be viable with some operational changes Non-viable farm with little or no prospect of recovery 20. Note: Only answer this question if your farm was assessed as non-viable. If your farm was assessed as non-viable, how do you rate your experience of the viability assessment process in terms of the following? (Tick one box only) Poor 21. 22. (Go to Question 21) (Go to Question 21) (Go to Question 20) Identifying options to help you exit farming Identifying other career opportunities Below Average Average Good Very Good Did you agree with the viability assessment and the advice given by the Professional Advisor? Professional advice: Yes No Viability Assessment: Yes No Do you have any comments regarding the professional advice and/or the viability assessment?.................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................ Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 6 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 23. Part A: Did you receive any other professional advice paid for by the $3,000 grant for professional advice? Yes (Go to Part B) No (Go to Question 24) Part B: Please indicate each type of additional professional advice you received in the following table, by placing a tick in the corresponding box. Please rate the advice by ticking one box only in the corresponding row. Indicate type of additional advice Poor Below Average Average Good Very Good Financial Planning Business Management Career Options Legal Matters Personal and Family Issues Stress Management Agricultural Expert Other (please specify) 24. Do you have any comments regarding Other Professional Advice? ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ EDUCATION AND TRAINING 25. Have you or your spouse undertaken any farm business management training? Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 7 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 Yes No 26. (Go to Question 26) (Go to Question 28) Note only answer this question if you have undertaken farm business management training: Please indicate the name/s of the training course/s you or your spouse have accessed and who provided the course/s. Also, if the course was provided through FarmBis please place a tick in the FarmBis column: Course Name (for example, Property Provider (for example, TAFE, private Management Planning, SQF 2000) training provider, local DPI) FarmBis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 27. Do you have any comments regarding Farm Business Management Training? .......... ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ (Note: Once you have completed Question 27, please proceed to Question 32) Note only answer this question if you have not undertaken farm business management training: 28. Do you think your farm’s viability would have been helped if you (or your spouse) had undertaken some retraining? Yes (Go to Question 29) No 29. (Go to Question 30) Note: Only answer this question if you think that retraining would have helped your farm’s viability: What type of course do you think would have helped you (or your spouse)? ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 30. 31. Would you (or your spouse) have undertaken some retraining if financial assistance were provided for it? Yes No Do you have any comments regarding retraining assistance?...................................... ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 32. What year did you exit high school? (Please tick appropriate box) Year Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 8 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Other (please specify) 33. Do you have TAFE qualifications? (eg Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma). Yes No If yes, please specify: Qualification 1 Qualification 2 Qualification 3 34. Do you have a University qualification? (eg Degree or higher). Please provide details below: Yes No If yes, please specify: Qualification 1 Qualification 2 35. Do you have any other skills or qualifications? If yes, please provide details below: 36. What year did your spouse exit high school? (Please tick appropriate box) Year Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Other (please specify) 37. Does your spouse have TAFE qualifications? (eg Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma). Yes No Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 If yes, please specify: Qualification 1 Qualification 2 Qualification 3 38. Does your spouse have a University qualification? (eg Degree or higher). Yes No If yes, please specify: Qualification 1 Qualification 2 39. Does your spouse have any other skills or qualifications? Please provide details: Page 9 Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 10 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 FARM HELP PATHWAYS PLAN Questions 40 to 43 relate to the Pathways Plan. The plan was developed with your Centrelink contact person in order to identify your longer-term goals and was based on your initial financial viability assessment. This process was compulsory if your farm was assessed as non-viable under the initial financial viability assessment session and voluntary in other cases. 40. Did you develop a Plan with a Centrelink Farm Help contact person? Yes No (Go to Question 41) (Go to Question 43) Note: Only answer Questions 41 and 42 if you developed a Plan 41. How do you rate your experience of the following elements of the Plan process? (Tick one box only) 42. Little Help Helpful Very Helpful How do you rate the Plan process in terms of the following? (Tick one box only) 43. Relevant knowledge of the Centrelink Farm Help contact person Professionalism of the Centrelink Farm Help contact person No Help Clearly stated what options were available Helped you understand the potential outcomes from these options Helped provide a good exchange of ideas between yourself and the Centrelink contact Helped set goals and directions No Help Little Help Helpful Very Helpful Do you have any comments regarding the Plan? ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 11 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 FARMING ACTIVITIES 44. Before you applied to the Farm Help program what were the main activities undertaken on the farm? Please indicate in the table below what your 3 main farming activities were when you applied for Farm Help. Rank them in the order of importance where 1 represents the most important activity. For example, if your farm was primarily a dairy farm, but you also earned a small income from poultry, then you would place 1 next to dairy and 2 next to poultry. Type of Activity Before Farm Help Dairy Cattle Sheep wool Ranking Before Type of Activity Before Farm Help Sheep Meat Cotton Beef Cattle Pigs Poultry - meat Poultry - eggs Crops – grain – please specify: Sugarcane Flowers Nursery Beekeeper Crops – other - please specify: Other livestock – please specify: Fruit – please specify: Aquaculture – please specify: Vegetables – please specify: Ranking Before Other – please specify: 45. 46. Did you change your main farming activities after accessing Farm Help? Yes (Go to Question 46) No (Go to Question 48 over the page) Note: Only answer this question if you have changed your main farming activity since accessing Farm Help: What are your main farming activities now? This will indicate any changes that have been made since you applied to the Program. Please indicate in the table below what your 3 main farming activities are now. Rank them in the order of importance where 1 represents the most important activity. For example, if your farm is primarily a dairy farm, but you also earn a small income from poultry, then you would place 1 next to dairy and 2 next to poultry. Type of Activity Now Ranking Now Type of Activity Now Dairy Cattle Sheep wool Sheep Meat Cotton Beef Cattle Pigs Poultry - meat Poultry - eggs Crops – grain – please specify: Sugarcane Flowers Nursery Beekeeper Crops – other - please specify: Other livestock – please specify: Fruit – please specify: Aquaculture – please specify: Vegetables – please specify: Ranking Now Other – please specify: 47. Note: Only answer this question if you have changed your main farming activity since accessing Farm Help: Please indicate the main factors that influenced you to change the main farming activities. (Tick as many boxes as required) Pathways Plan developed with Centrelink Better commodity prices in new activity Pests and/or disease Professional advice–financial / business Weather Conditions Professional advice – agronomist/ agriculturalist/other Other reason (please specify): Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 12 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 48. How is your farm’s financial viability position now compared to when the initial application for Farm Help was made? (Please tick one box only) Better No change Worse 49. (Go to Question 49) (Go to Question 50) (Go to Question 51) If you ticked better, please indicate the reasons for the improvement in the financial viability of your farm. (Tick all relevant boxes) Farm Help income support Professional advice Commodity prices Farming/management techniques Weather conditions Sale of farm stock, machinery or farm land Off-farm income Budgeting issues Debt reconstruction Plan developed with Centrelink Other reason (please specify) Once you have completed Question 49, please proceed to Question 52 50. If you ticked no change, please indicate the reason. (Tick all relevant boxes). Commodity prices Professional advice issues Weather conditions Sale of farm stock, machinery or farm land Budgeting issues Other reason (please specify) Once you have completed Question 50, please proceed to Question 52 51. If you ticked worse, please indicate the reason. (Tick all relevant boxes) Commodity prices Professional advice issues Weather conditions Sale of farm stock, machinery or farm land Cessation of off-farm income Budgeting issues Other reason (please specify) Once you have completed Question 51, please proceed to Question 52 Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 13 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 POST PROGRAM EVALUATION 52. Please indicate how helpful you found the following aspects of the Farm Help Program (Please tick each aspect that is relevant to you and then tick one box in the corresponding row). No Help Aspect of the Program Helpful Very Helpful Help Program’s assistance to make informed decisions on the farm’s future Program’s assistance to help me to plan for my family’s future Income assistance to enable the farm to get over a bad patch Initial farm financial viability assessment to help clarify options Identification of on-farm improvements or alternative activities Plan developed with Centrelink Farm Help contact person Being able to seek assistance with financial management records and systems Being able to seek assistance with debt finance restructuring Being able to seek assistance for business planning techniques Regular contact with Centrelink Ability to seek other advice within the program 53. Little Are there any improvements you would like to see made to any aspect of the Farm Help program? ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ 54. What impact did Farm Help have upon you and your family? ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................ Farm Help Post Program Assessment Questionnaire: Income Support Recipients V5 Page 14 Commonwealth Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01000 - 02 55. Do you give your permission for AFFA to contact you to ask follow-up questions regarding this Farm Help survey at some point in the future? If you agree to being contacted, please provide your name, phone number and the most convenient time for AFFA to contact you. (These details will only be used for the purpose of contacting you regarding the Farm Help survey and will not be used for any other reason). Name: Contact phone number:( ) Please indicate the best time to contact you: Morning 56. Afternoon Evening Anytime How long did it take you to complete this questionnaire? minutes Thank you very much for your time and effort in completing this questionnaire. Your responses will be very helpful in monitoring the effectiveness of the Farm Help program. Please return the questionnaire to Centrelink in the enclosed Reply Paid envelope.