Thesis Defense


Courtney Stahl

Under the direction of Dr. Leslie Kirby & Dr. Craig Smith

Vanderbilt University

April 16, 2010


 Goal of Research: Test the Process Model of Appraisal

 Question: Experimentally, can we selectively activate appraisals of self and other accountability through the use of selected songs playing in the background while participants work on an unrelated task?

 Background of Appraisal theory, relevant research

 Methods

 Results

 Discussion

Appraisal Theory

Structural Model

 If known how a person evaluates the environment in a particular situation, can predict emotional reaction

Primary Appraisal

Importance (Relevance)

Motivational Congruence (Desirability)

Secondary Appraisal


 Self vs. Other

Credit vs. Blame

Coping Potential

Future Expectancy

Criticism of Structural Model

 Doesn’t explain the mechanisms by which these cognitions are generated

 Suggests appraisal is deliberate and slow

 Contradicts notion that emotions can be elicited quickly with minimum cognitive effort

Process Model of Appraisal

 Process model developed to fill gaps

 Specifies cognitive routes by which appraisals are generated

 Associative Processing

 Priming & activation of memories

 Quickly and outside of awareness

 Reasoning

 Deliberate thinking, uses content of focal awareness

Priming Appraisals

 Test process model

 Prime appraisals of motivational relevance, coping potential, and accountability to influence emotional reactions and emotion-related behaviors

 Success  Provides theoretical support for a causal role for appraisal in emotion elicitation

Relevant Research

Julie Crider, 2004

Participants primed with appraisals of high, low, or neutral coping potential using scrambled sentence task

Given 2 math problems, 1 medium difficulty, 1 high difficulty

Participants in high and low coping conditions more successful at medium problem than those in the neutral condition

Participants in high coping potential reported reduced feelings of resignation and were more likely to solve the difficult math problem

 Can prime appraisals

Purpose & Overview

 Goal: Prime appraisals of negative self and other accountability to influence emotion and emotion-related behavior

  Causal role of appraisals

 3 conditions: Anger playlist (other accountability),

Guilt/Shame playlist (self accountability), or neutral (no music)

 Timed tinker toy task with confederate (expected failure)

 Completed questionnaires

 Ex: Neutral vignettes– show movement in appraisals of accountability


 Self Accountability, blame  Guilt/Shame

 Other Accountability, blame  Anger

Pilot Study 1- Songs

 Over 200 songs: Anger (other-blame), Guilt/Shame

(self-blame), Gratitude (other-credit), Pride (selfcredit), General Positive, General Negative

 30 second clips-- Narrowed down to top 20 for each song

 Top 20 embedded into survey

 Appraisal ratings by 62 Vanderbilt Undergraduates

 Top 10 on final song list, focused on accountability ratings

Anger Playlist

(Other accountability, blame)

 “Because of You” – Kelly Clarkson

 “Look What You’ve Done” – Jet

 “You Give Love a Bad Name” – Bon Jovi

 “You Oughta Know” – Alanis Morisette

 “Father of Mine” – Everclear

 “I’ve Come to Expect it from you” – George Strait

 “Before He Cheats” – Carrie Underwood

 “Complicated” – Avril Lavigne

 “Apologize” – Timbaland

 “Torn” – Natalie Imbruglia

Guilt/Shame Playlist

(Self accountability, blame)

 “Shame” – Avett Brothers

 “Sorry” – Buckcherry

 “Hard to Say I’m Sorry” – Chicago

 “Cold” – Crossfade

 “Unfaithful” – Rihanna

 “Confessions Pt. II” – Usher

 “Last Name” – Carrie Underwood

 “Nobody’s Fault But My Own” – Beck

 “Blame it on me” – Akon

 “Whatever It Takes” – Lifehouse

Pilot Study 2- Vignettes

 Created 32 neutral vignettes, positive and negative sides of 16 situations

 119 Vanderbilt Undergraduates rated appraisals of self, other, and chance accountability

 Selected top 6 most neutral positive and negative vignettes

 Negative Example:

 You and your teammate are in a rowing race and get last place.

Pilot Study 3- Building Task

 Needed to determine amount of time for task

 4 pairs of male friends, Vanderbilt undergraduates

 Instructed to complete tinker toy model as fast as possible

 Average time: 6 minutes, 5 seconds

  Give participants 5 minutes in study

Tank Model

Participants & Design

 Participants: 45 Vanderbilt Undergraduates (33 female,

12 male)

 3 conditions: Anger (other accountability, 11 female, 4 male), Guilt/shame (self accountability, 12 female, 3 male), Neutral (no music, 10 female, 5 male)

 Paired with a lab confederate

 Confederate is neutral


Emotion Ratings

 “Mad, angry, irate”

Appraisal Ratings

 “To what extent do you think that YOU are responsible for your team's performance?”

Impression Ratings

Ex: Rude, friendly, attractive

Positive, negative, and attractive scales for self and partner

Vignette Ratings

 12 situations with neutral accountability

Standard appraisal questions

Ex: “I am responsible for what’s going on.”


 Played music prior to participants’ arrival

 Introduction/Cover story

 Completed emotion ratings for baseline measure

 5 minute building task (failed)

 Completed emotion ratings, appraisal ratings, impression ratings, and vignette ratings

 Debriefed and dismissed

Emotion Ratings

 ANCOVA, pre-task emotion ratings as covariate

 Show change in emotion

 Hypothesis: Elevated ratings of guilt and shame for participants in the self accountability condition and elevated ratings of anger for those in the other accountability condition

Emotion Ratings

Appraisal Ratings


 Examine participants’ assessment of accountability for team’s performance (failure)

 Hypothesis

 Guilt/Shame condition- blame selves

 Anger condition- blame confederate

Appraisal Ratings

Impression Ratings

 Positive impressions scale, negative impressions scale,

& perceived attractiveness scale


 Hypothesis

 Guilt/shame condition- Rate partner more positively than self

 Anger condition- More positive self ratings and lower other ratings

Impression Ratings

**Positive Impression Scale (self)- Participants in the neutral condition felt more positively about themselves (M=7.023) than participants in the guilt/shame condition (M=6.723) who were blaming themselves for their failure

Vignette Ratings


 Hypothesis

 Guilt/shame condition- Rate themselves as more accountable in negative scenarios

 Anger condition- Rate other person as more responsible

Vignette Ratings

Trends- Appraisals of Accountability

 “To what extent do you think that YOU are responsible for your team's performance?”

 Mean for neutral higher than anger, lower than guilt/shame, as expected

Anger M=5.530, Guilt/Shame M=6.200, Neutral


 Participants in the guilt/shame condition blamed themselves more for the failure than those in the anger condition.

Trends- Negative Vignettes

 Participants in Guilt/Shame condition rated themselves as more accountable than those in Anger condition

 Anger M= 6.222, Guilt/Shame M= 6.522

Limitations & Future Directions

 Sample Size

 Increase sample size to increase power

 Not adequate exposure to music

 Filler task

 Not motivationally relevant for participants

 Increase relevance, more incentive

 Misinterpretation of question

 “Who do you think is the MOST responsible for your team’s performance?”

Limitations & Future Directions

 Interpersonal task overwhelmed priming

 Griner & Smith, 2000

Anger manipulation caused absence of significant effects

 Need to test just music as primer

 Positive appraisals of self and other accountability

 Pride, Gratitude

 Finish model

 Other methods to prime accountability


 Dr. Leslie Kirby

 Dr. Craig Smith

 Laura Fritzsche

 Jenn Bauman

 Smith/Kirby lab members
