DRAFT DEST Industry Survey_Pre approach letter_17May2005.doc

Business Contact
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
Industry survey of demand for science, engineering and technology skills
In the next few days you will receive a questionnaire in the mail, from the Department of Education,
Science and Training. The survey is part of the work program for the audit of science, engineering
and technology skills announced by the Australian Government.
Your organisation and many similar organisations have been selected to represent the industry
demand for science, engineering and technology skills, relative to the level of supply arising from
higher education, vocational education and training, schools and immigration. Your co-operation is
crucial to the success of the survey.
The survey will collect important information from your organisation on how you recruit people with
science, engineering and technology skills, the occupations for which you are recruiting, and the
degree of difficulty you have had in recruiting people with science, engineering and technology
skills over the last twelve months. Your organisation’s human resource or recruitment manager
should fill in the survey questionnaire.
Confidentiality of information
The survey will be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Privacy
Act. Personal information collected and stored by this Department during the survey will be used
solely for the purpose of the national audit of science engineering and technology skills, and no
organisational level data will be published. Any information that your organisation provides to this
Department will be treated as confidential.
Due Date
We would like to receive your organisation’s response by Friday 10 June 2005.
Further information
If you wish to enquire further about this survey, please contact us on 1800 113 149, by fax (02)
6123 7909 or by email at saegindustrysurvey@dest.gov.au
I would like to thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely
Tony Gargan
Branch Manager
Skills Analysis and Research Strategy Branch
23 May 2005
Australian Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number 01628 -- 01
16-18 Mort Street, Canberra ACT 2601 | GPO Box 9880, Canberra ACT 2601 | Tel: (02) 6240 8111 | www.dest.gov.au |
ABN 51 452 193 160