
2003 DPI Drought Survey
Good morning/afternoon/evening. My name is ………….. and I am calling from the
Department of Primary Industries. We are interviewing a number of primary
producers across the State to find out how they are handling the current drought
conditions, and also to get feedback on forms of Government assistance.
Q1. I just need you to confirm that this phone number is for a farm business? (Tick
Terminate interview
Q2. Could I please speak to a person who is in a position to talk about how the farm
or property1 is managed? (Interviewer – arrange call back if necessary).
Q3. Have you received a letter from DPI about this survey? (Tick one)
(If no) Interviewers will need to:
 Check that the name, address and phone number are correct (If the name and
address are correct, it is permissible to proceed).
 Read the main points in the letter that was sent:
1. As mentioned, the survey is being carried out to collect information on
how producers across the State are handling the drought, and also to
get feedback on government assistance.
2. Participation in the survey is voluntary.
3. Farms for this survey were selected from a list provided by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The DPI has given a written
undertaking that all data received will be treated in the strictest
confidence and that it will not publish or release data that may identify
your farm to any organisation or party.
Find out whether they would like another copy of the letter posted to them.
Q4. This interview will take around 15 minutes to complete and participation is
voluntary. All replies will be treated confidentially. Are you willing to proceed with
the interview?
(If no) Record any comments (place in text box) and terminate interview.
Beef and/or wool enterprises are generally called “properties”, while most other agricultural
enterprises are called “farms.” Interviewers will generally be able to assess by the answer to Question
5 what to call the enterprise during the rest of the interview.
Q5. What enterprises do you have on your farm/property?
(If more than one enterprise, ask which is the most important one. Classify the
farm/property by ticking only one of the squares).
Horticulture and fruit growing
Plant nursery
Cut flower and flower seed growing
Vegetable growing
Grape growing
Apple and pear growing
Stone fruit growing
Kiwi fruit growing
Fruit growing n.e.c2.
Grain, sheep and beef cattle
Grain growing
Grain-sheep and grain-beef cattle
Sheep-beef cattle
Beef cattle
Dairy cattle farming
Dairy cattle farming
Poultry farming
Poultry farming (meat)
Poultry farming (eggs)
Other livestock farming
Pig farming
Horse farming
Deer farming
Livestock farming n.e.c.
Other crop growing
Sugar cane growing
Cotton growing
Crop and plant growing n.e.c.
Pre drought planning
Q6. When the current drought started, how well prepared do you think you were to
cope with a drought such as this? Were you - Very well prepared, Moderately
prepared, Slightly prepared, or Not at all prepared (Tick one)
Very well prepared
Moderately prepared
Slightly prepared
Not at all prepared
Go to question 8 on next page
Q7. We want to know the main things you had done to prepare for this drought? I
will read you some statements about how some people prepare for drought and you
can indicate the ones that apply to you.
First of all, the strategies you had in place on-farm for managing this drought?
Had plans to destock, depending on feed supplies and outlook
Had stored fodder on the property
Had purchased another property
Improved/acquired more reliable livestock water
Improved/acquired more reliable irrigation water
Increased the efficiency of water use eg through trickle irrigation
Moisture conserving crop management practices eg zero till
Adopted a flexible cropping system
Used climate forecasts and seasonal outlook in management
Made sure farm maintenance was up to date
Not elsewhere classified.
What other things had you done on-farm to prepare for this drought? (Describe in
text box)
Next, what financial management strategies had you adopted to prepare for this
drought? Again, I will read a list.
Invested in Farm Management Deposits
Built up other cash reserves
Built up other off-farm assets that could be sold when necessary
Reduced debt in good years
What other financial management strategies had you adopted to prepare for this
drought? (Describe in text box)
Q8. In hindsight, is there one thing that you would have tried to do better to prepare
for this drought? (Tick one)
Go to section on Management Strategies
Used on top of next page
What was that one thing? (Tick one. Use this list but do not read)
On-farm management practices
Intentions to destock, depending on feed supplies and outlook
Stored fodder on the property
Purchasing another property
Improved/acquired more reliable livestock water
Improved/acquired more reliable irrigation water
More efficient water use eg through trickle irrigation
Moisture conserving crop management practices eg zero till
Adopting a flexible cropping system
Using climate forecasts and seasonal outlook in management
Making sure farm maintenance was up to date
Other (describe in text box)………………………………………………………..
Financial management
Investing in Farm Management Deposits
Building up other cash reserves
Building up other off-farm assets that could be sold when necessary
Reducing debt in good years
Other (describe in text box)………………………………………………………..
Management strategies used during the current drought
The next questions are about whether the drought has affected your farm/property
profits, and what steps you have taken to manage this drought since it started.
Q9. Has this drought resulted in an increase or a decrease in your net farm/property
profits3, or has there been no change? (Tick one)
No change
Go to section on Use of assistance
measures (Page 6)
How big of an impact has the drought had to date on your farm/property profits? Has
it had a - Very large impact, Moderate impact, or a Slight impact. (Tick one)
Very large impact
Moderate impact
Slight impact
(If an increase in profits) What are the main reasons for the increase in profit? I will
read you a list and you can indicate the ones that apply to you. (Tick as appropriate)
Sold livestock at good prices
Sold crops or other produce at good prices
Purchased another property
Planted a different type of crop to normal
Took on extra off farm work
Are there any other reasons for the increase in profits? (Describe in text box).
Go to section on Use of assistance measures (Page 6)
(If a decrease in profits) What are the main strategies you have used on-farm to
manage this drought? I will read you a list and you can indicate the ones that apply to
you (Tick as appropriate).
Sold stock earlier than otherwise
Put stock on agistment
Used fodder that had previously been stored
Purchased extra feed
Fed livestock in a feedlot
Installed emergency stock water supplies
Made an early decision not to plant a crop
Planted a different type of crop to normal
Purchased an additional water allocation
Used climate forecasts
Reduced the workforce
Cut down on maintenance around the farm
Minimised other farm operating expenses
Note that this question refers to net profits rather than gross sales. Many livestock producers have
had a high level of gross sales because they have been forced to sell their stock due to a lack of feed.
However, they have been operating at a loss when the decreased inventory of stock is taken into
What other things have you done on-farm to manage this drought? (Describe in text
And what financial and other strategies4 have you used to manage this drought?
Again, I will read you a list.
Took on extra off farm work
Accessed Farm Management Deposits
Used other cash reserves
Sold farm assets
Sold off-farm assets
Took out new loans/increased the overdraft
Reduced debt
Cut down on personal spending
Are there any other things you have done to manage this drought? (Describe in text
Have you invested in Farm Management Deposits during this drought? (Tick one)
Many respondents will have used State and/or Commonwealth government drought programs. Their
usage of these should not be recorded in Question 9. This is the intent of Questions 10 to 16.
Use of assistance measures
Both the State and the Commonwealth governments have provided assistance to
producers during this drought. We would like to know which programs and initiatives
you have used in addition to your own strategies.
State programs and initiatives
Q10. Firstly, I will read a list of State funded programs. Please indicate which ones
you have used during the current drought. (Tick if yes).
Freight assistance on fodder or livestock
Waiver of stock route fees
Drought carryon loan
Drought recovery loan
Mortgage duty relief
School transport assistance
Concessions on vehicle inspection fees or regulations
Electricity tariff relief
Q11. Did you apply for any of these State programs and not get it approved? (Tick
(If yes) What was it? (List in text box)
Q12. (If no programs have been approved or applied for). Why haven’t you
applied for any of these State programs? (Tick one or more. Do not read the list)
Amount of paperwork/bureaucracy
Could not understand/read the paperwork
Lack of knowledge of programs
Could not find anybody helpful
Time/stress of applying
Not eligible
Pride/do not believe in it
Do not need it
Other (Use text box)………………………………………………….………….
Q13. I will read a list of other state initiatives. Please indicate which ones you have
you used during the drought? (Tick if yes).
Farm financial counselling
Other support services eg Lifeline and Bush Connection
FarmBis training
Regional drought workshops
Information on climate, such as SOI information (Southern Oscillation Index)
Commonwealth programs
Q14. Now I will read a list of Commonwealth programs. Please indicate which
programs you have used during the current drought? (Tick if yes)
Income support from Centrelink (under Exceptional Circumstances funding)
Interest rate relief on new loans from Centrelink (under EC funding)
Interest rate relief on existing loans from Queensland Rural Adjustment
Authority (under EC funding)
Farm help funding from Centrelink
Personal counselling arranged through Centrelink
Employing farm labour under the Drought Force Work for the dole scheme
through Centrelink
Tax relief (through the Australian Taxation Office)5
Q15. Did you apply for any of these programs and not get it approved? (Tick one)
(If yes) What was it? (List in text box)
Q16. (If no programs have been approved or applied for). Why haven’t you
applied for any of these Commonwealth programs? (Tick one or more. Do not read
the list)
Amount of paperwork/bureaucracy
Could not understand/read the paperwork
Lack of knowledge of programs
Could not find anybody helpful
Time/stress of applying
Not eligible
Pride/do not believe in it
Do not need it
Other (Use text box)………………………………………………….………….
In special circumstances, the ATO is prepared to organise an extension of time to pay, or to work out
an interest free instalment plan. Also, livestock producers who have had to make forced sales because
of the drought can spread this income over a number of years.
General feedback on drought information
Q17. How easy has it been for you to get information about State and Commonwealth
programs during the drought? Has it been - very easy, moderately easy or difficult
(Tick one)?
Very easy
Moderately easy
Don’t know
Q18. What sources of information on drought programs did you find useful? (Tick the
ones mentioned. Do not read the list)
Local newspapers
“Country Life”
Other newspapers
Other local networks
Local member
Shire council
Industry organisation
Community organisation
DPI Drought Hotline
DPI Call Centre
DPI website
Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry
Australia (AFFA)
Queensland Rural Adjustment
Authority (QRAA)
DPI office/staff member
Other (Use textbox)………………...
Q19. Has there been anything that has made it difficult for you to get information?
(Tick one)
(If yes) What was it? (Tick one or more. Do not read list)
Lack of access to communication channels
Inability to use the technology eg Internet
Staff not helpful
Lack of time
Not sure what need to know
Other (Use text box) …………………………………………………...
Q20. Would you like more information about current State and Commonwealth
drought programs? (Tick one)
(If yes, interviewer – take details to address envelope for Drought Pack).
The following questions seek your opinions on drought management in
Q21. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree
with the following statements.
Interviewer - Do not read out “don’t know,” or in the case of the first statement,
“equally important”. Use this latter category only if they say the environment
and farm businesses are equally important.
In managing drought, it is
more important to protect
the environment than farm
During droughts taxpayers
should provide financial
assistance to farm businesses
Any financial assistance to
farm businesses affected by
drought should be subject to:
 an income test
 an assets test
Farm businesses should
receive a greater level of
financial assistance than
other businesses affected
by drought
Background information
And finally, could I ask for some background details on yourself and your
farm/property. This information will be used for statistical purposes only and is
completely confidential.
Q22. Thinking about your primary production business only, which of the following
categories best describes your gross value of production6 in a normal year (Tick one).
Less than $22,500
$22,500 to $50,000
$50,000 to $100,000
$100,000 to $200,000
$200,000 to $500,000
$500,000 to $1 million
Over $1 million
Q23. Approximately what proportion of your household net income comes from
primary production? (Tick one)
Up to one quarter
Between one quarter and a half
Between one half and three quarters
Over three quarters
Q24. How many years of experience have you had in managing farms (properties)?
………………. (Years)
Q25. In what shire7 is your farm (property) located? …………….
Q26. Are there any other points you would like to make about this drought and its
effects on primary producers? (Tick one)
Yes (Record comments in text box)…………………………………
Thank respondent and close
A measure of the total value of agricultural production in a year. It is:
1. Gross proceeds from the sale of produce produced during the year.
2. Livestock sales less purchases.
3. Changes in the value of produce and livestock inventories.
4. The value of produce produced during the year that has left the farm but has not been paid for.
Production expenses are deducted to calculate farm profit.
Some producers will have farms/properties in more than one shire. In this case, ask for the shire
where their main farm is located.