Received by the Graduate Council—May 3, 2010 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Sixth Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year April 12, 2010 SECTION D – Items reported for inclusion in the 2010-11Graduate Catalog by another standing committee of the Graduate Council p. 1 of 4 Admission to Graduate Study Termination of Admission; Retention If a student has been admitted to a graduate degree program, and does not complete any course work applicable to that program for 24 12 consecutive months, then, at the discretion of the department, the student’s admission to that program may be terminated. Similarly, if a student is enrolled in a given term, but not in any course work applicable to his or her degree program, then, at the discretion of the department, the student’s admission to her or his program may be terminated. (Course work applicable to the program is defined by the requirements on the student’s program of courses for that degree, plus any deficiencies listed on the program of courses or in the student’s official letter of admission to the program.) ^ TOP Readmission/Reentry If a student who was previously enrolled in a … …. A degree-seeking student who does not register for course work in a 12-month period must submit a reentry application and a new program of courses, as well as and obtain permission from the program to reenter. Requirements for Graduate Degrees Graduation Requirements for the Degrees Masters Degrees Section Credit Requirements Students in master’s degree programs must earn a minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate credit with a minimum GPA of 3.00. This average must be earned over all NIU graduate courses required in the student’s program of courses (excluding deficiency courses taken for graduate credit) as well as over all graduate work taken at NIU. The minimum number of required semester hours is greater than 30 in some programs, as indicated in the respective major department sections. ↓ Limitation of Time ↓ If an NIU course taken to complete the requirements for the master’s degree … … examination or other assessment if available from the department. Otherwise, the outdated course work must be deleted from, and other course work Received by the Graduate Council—May 3, 2010 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Sixth Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year April 12, 2010 SECTION D – Items reported for inclusion in the 2010-11Graduate Catalog by another standing committee of the Graduate Council p. 2 of 4 must be substituted in, the program of courses. Transfer courses falling outside the limitation of time cannot be used in a graduate program. ↓ Student-at-Large, Study-Abroad, and Transfer Credit With the approval of the student’s major department and the office of the dean of the Graduate School, a maximum combined total of 15 semester hours of credit for courses taken for graduate credit that are accepted in transfer from other accredited or recognized institutions, plus NIU graduate courses taught outside the United States, may be counted toward meeting the requirements for an advanced degree. Some degree programs also have limitations on the amount of credit from courses taken at NIU as a student-at-large, and/or on the combined total of student-atlarge, study-abroad, and transfer hours, that may be applied toward meeting degree requirements; such limitations are described below or in individual program descriptions in this catalog. ↓ The above semester-hour limits may be exceeded on a of courses only by the use of transfer courses and only if the total number of semeer hours required on the program of courses exceeds the minimum requirements for that major (and specialization, if any) by at least the same number of hours. Course Number 699 A student who has formally begun the thesis or its equivalent must register in course number 699 … … upon recommendation of the major department, the student’s admission to the degree program will be terminated. After a student has registered for the maximum number of hours of credit that can be earned in a course numbered 699, he or she should register as an auditor in 699 each term until the thesis receives final Graduate School approval. Requirements for the Degrees Doctor of Education Doctor of Philosophy Credit Requirements Graduate students working for a doctoral degree must complete at least 90 semester hours of graduate work beyond the baccalaureate degree. Departments may waive 30 semester hours for students holding a masters degree in the same field or a related one, allowing the doctoral degree to be completed with 60 semester hours. with a minimum GPA of 3.00. This The hour requirement for a doctoral degree will includes formal course work, independent study, research, and the dissertation, as specified on the student’s program of courses. Some doctoral programs require more than 90 semester hours. Received by the Graduate Council—May 3, 2010 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Sixth Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year April 12, 2010 SECTION D – Items reported for inclusion in the 2010-11Graduate Catalog by another standing committee of the Graduate Council p. 3 of 4 The minimum GPA requirement applies to all graduate courses required on the student’s program of courses (excluding deficiency courses taken for graduate credit) as well as to all graduate course work taken at NIU and applicable to the degree. Transfer credit will be allowed at the discretion of the department concerned and the office of the dean of the Graduate School. , subject to the limitations described below. For a student applying graduate work from another institution … …. Limitation of Time Except as indicated below, the student must fulfill all requirements for a doctoral degree within nine consecutive years immediately preceding the date of the student’s graduation from that degree program. At the discretion of the student’s major department, the nine-year limit need not apply to some or all of the earliest 30 postbaccalaureate semester hours of credit included in the student’s doctoral program of courses. ↓ The time limit applies to enrollment in all graduate course work applicable to the doctoral degree, on the student’s program of courses for the doctoral degree, excluding deficiency courses and hours waived because a student holds a relevant masters degree, but including work for which transfer credit is allowed. If any such NIU course does not fall within the time limit defined above, the student’s major department may require the student to retake the course for credit or may allow the student to demonstrate current knowledge of the subject matter. In the latter case, the student must demonstrate competency in the course material currency must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the department offering the course through successful completion of an appropriate examination or other assessment if available from the department. Otherwise, the outdated course work must be deleted from, and other course work must be substituted in, the program of courses. Transfer courses falling outside the limitation of time cannot be used in a graduate program cannot satisfy degree hour requirements. unless exempted by the department as part of the earliest 30 semester hours under the provision above. Study-Abroad and Transfer Credit (Doctoral) Up to a total of 30 semester hours of transfer credit from master’s degree programs completed at other accredited institutions may be applied to meeting the credit-hour requirements of the doctoral degree. A grade of B- or better must have been earned in each such graduate course accepted in transfer from a master’s-degree program, and the overall GPA for all such master’s work accepted must be at least 3.00. In addition, w With the approval of the student’s committee chair, major department, and the office of the dean of the Graduate School, up to 15 semester hours of credit for NIU graduate study-abroad courses, plus courses taken subsequent to the master’s degree and completed with grades of B or better from departments offering graduate programs above the master’s level at other accredited institutions, may be accepted as credit toward a doctoral degree at NIU. Received by the Graduate Council—May 3, 2010 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Sixth Meeting/2009-10 Academic Year April 12, 2010 SECTION D – Items reported for inclusion in the 2010-11Graduate Catalog by another standing committee of the Graduate Council p. 4 of 4 For any other student, the total credit transferred from accredited institutions, plus credit for NIU graduate studyabroad courses, may not exceed 30 semester hours. The above semester-hour limits may be exceeded on a program of courses only by the use of transfer courses and only if the total number of semester hours required on the program of courses exceeds the minimum requirements for that major by at least the same number of hours. Dissertation Requirements ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ A student who has formally begun the dissertation or its equivalent must register in course number 799 (doctoral dissertation). …. …. A student who fails to complete this procedure will, upon recommendation of the department, have all accumulated hours in the dissertation course converted to audit (no credit). After the student has registered for the maximum number of hours of credit that can be earned in dissertation research (course number 799), he or she should register as an auditor in 799 each term until the dissertation receives final Graduate School approval.