Announcements - January 12

Greek Announcements
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
LaunchPoint Recruitment Boot Camp
Reminder about Recruitment Boot Camp this Sunday, the 17th, from 9am-5pm in the SC Ballroom.
President’s: please make sure our chapter’s participants have been forwarded the email from the lead facilitator
about what to expect for the day!
AFLV Central Conference is February 4-7th. Please remember to assist your chapter’s Panhellenic exec member
financially by covering those meals not covered by the conference. (Email sent in December).
OrgSync portal renewal
Make sure your OrgSync portal is renewed for this semester! Your faculty/staff advisor must also approve the
registration request so it is good to remind them to be expecting the email. January 22nd is the due date.
Panhellenic Dues
February 10th – Panhellenic Council Dues due, $10/member, amount should match roster total at time of
Spring RSO Training
As per the RSO Policy in the UCA handbook, there is a mandatory training for all RSO presidents on January
25, 2016 at 4:00 pm in the Student Center Ballroom. Two additional members and your faculty/staff advisors
are welcome and encouraged to attend as well.
Fall 2016 SAFA Process
See updates on the back page.
UCA Foundation Scholarships: Scholarship application for the 2016-2017 academic year is now available. to apply. Due March 11.
Greek Village Parlor Fee: Please note that the last day for the fee for the Spring 2016 semester to be removed
from your student account has passed. If any member is terminated or drops during the Spring 2016 semester,
this fee cannot be removed.
Greek House Manager Application: Applications are now available on OrgSync. Due January 31st.
January 17th – AST hosts “Strategy for Difficult Situations: Keep Calm and Carry On”, 6pm, AST Chapter Room
January 18th – Campus Closed – MLK Jr. Day
January 18th – Who’s Who Applications Due, 4:30pm, via OrgSync; for students with at least 90 hours
completed and at least a 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA
January 26th-28th – Red Cross Blood Drive;
26th & 27th: 10:30am-4:30pm in SC 223/224
28th: 9:30am-3:30pm in SC 215
Fall 2016 SAFA Application Process
If your organization will be applying for SAFA funding for the Fall 2016 semester, please pay attention to the
following changes to the application process. The following 10 steps are provided to clearly outline the process.
For questions regarding SAFA, please contact the SGA VP of Finance directly at
1. Attend a Budget/ Hearing Training. This training will go over how to properly fill out the RSO
information form and the budget request form. The training dates are listed below. All trainings will take
place in the Student Government Offices, Student Center 208.
January 20 @ 4 pm
January 21 @ 1:40 pm
January 26 @ 1:40pm
January 27 @ 4 pm
February 3 @ 4 pm
February 4 @ 1:40 pm
2. Fill out the RSO information form on the SGA portal under forms. This form is mandatory for your
organization. Failure to fill out the form by JANUARY 29th at 11:59 pm will eliminate you from
participating in the SAFA process.
3. Fill out your budget request within your OrgSync portal. Please be as detailed as possible. (Make each
thing its own line item and have the amount- Be Specific.)
4. The SGA VP of Finance will comment on your budget request with a link to schedule a time for your
SAFA hearing. Select the time that works best for you. SAFA hearings will be held February 16-18, 2016.
5. Attend your 10 minute SAFA hearing at the scheduled time.
6. You will be notified of the allocated amount around February 26, 2016.
(You will have the option to appeal the amount you were allocated. In order to do so, you will need to
fill out an appeal form on the SGA portal. This is due March 4th by 11:59 pm.)
7. A OrgSync card scanner is mandatory for logging attendance at SAFA funded events. These can be
checked out free of charge from the Office of Student Life beginning at noon the day of your event.
8. Attend an “After SAFA” training. This training will go over how to properly fill out payment requests
and the process to follow for reimbursement. The training dates are listed below. All trainings will take
place in the Student Government Offices, Student Center 208.
March 1 @ 1:40 pm
March 2 @ 4 pm
March 9 @ 4pm
March 10 @ 1:40 pm
March 15 @ 1:40 pm
March 16 @ 4pm
9. Apply for reimbursement. The deadline for Fall events is March 1. Accounts payable will need the
original receipts, invoice, contracts (have to be routed and approved before AP can process a check). If
you use a card, AP will need a card or bank statement to show that it was paid.
10. Pick up your check. The reimbursement process can take about two weeks depending on the paperwork
and accounts payable schedule.