Coy Merge Form.doc

GPO Box 900 Civic Square ACT 2608
Unique Identifier: «Unique_ID»
Dear Sir/Madam
Your company has been selected to participate in this survey in order to assist the Australian
Government to forecast the revenue collections for the remainder of the 2002-03 and the
2003-04 fiscal years. This information will assist the Government to better manage the
This survey is voluntary and respondents will not be held accountable if their results differ
from the estimates provided in the survey.
This survey requests estimates of PAYG instalments, balancing payments and refunds that are
likely to be made during the period 1 April 2003 to 31 January 2004. It also requests an
indication of the items that may change in the next income tax return that you will lodge. As
with previous surveys, particular care is taken to ensure the confidentiality of the estimates
provided through the use of randomly generated unique identifiers.
The survey design and process has been authorised by the Commonwealth Statistical Clearing
House. [authorisation no:XXXX].
Please submit the completed questionnaire to John Meaney on fax number 02-9374 8995 or
02-9374 8992 by 28 March 2003.
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please feel free to contact John Meaney on
02-9374 2516 or Ping Wu on 02-6279 7563.
Thank you for participating in this survey.
Yours faithfully
Michael Carmody
1 March 2003
Survey of Income Tax Payable by Companies
Previous respondents will note that the new questionnaire design allows for separate estimates
relating to the individual components of PAYG Instalments, balancing payments and refunds.
This change has been prompted by feedback, from the September 2002 survey, to simplify the
survey structure and to reduce the information required.
Question 1- Accounting Period or Substituted Accounting Period
According to our records, you are a «SAP».
If this is incorrect, please enter your correct Accounting Period or SAP.
Eg. Early December Balancers - EDec
Question 2 – Response Type
Please identify the corporate structure for which your estimate is provided by placing a tick in
the appropriate box .
Responses relating to the period ending 30 June 2003:
 Entity
 Group
 Consolidated Group
Responses relating to the period beginning 1 July 2003:
 Entity
 Group
 Consolidated Group
Question 3 – PAYG Quarterly Instalment Estimates - (excl. balancing payments/refunds)
Between 1 April 2003 and 31st January 2004, you will have «No» quarterly PAYG
instalments relating to various Income Tax Return years (ITR) as follows:(a)
In respect of
To be paid
Instructions for completing tables:
Column a)
Please estimate the net PAYG instalments you expect to pay for the above quarters. eg. If
your estimate is a payment of one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, your entry
should be 1,250,000. (Please do not abbreviate to thousands or millions of dollars).
If the net instalment is a credit, please indicate this using a minus sign. The net instalment
may be a credit if you expect to claim a variation credit (at label 5B on the activity statement)
as a result of varying the instalment rate or the amount for the quarter.
Column b)
Please place a tick in the box corresponding to the quarterly instalments that are based on a
variation of your instalment rate or amount.
Column c)
Please update the Alternate Date fields, only if arrangements will be made to make your
payment (or claim your refund) outside the standard due dates.
Question 4 – Estimates of Balancing Payment or Refund
Most companies will have to pay a balancing payment or receive a balancing refund when the
final Income Tax Liability is determined upon the lodgement of the Income Tax Return.
Accordingly, please answer Part A if your estimate is a balancing payment or Part B if your
estimate is a balancing refund, in a similar manner to Question 3.
If you feel unable to make an estimate, please complete Part C.
Part A – Balancing Payment
In respect of
To be paid in
Payment Date
*Please up-date the Alternate Payment Date field only if an arrangement will be made to
make payments outside the expected time frame for a «SAP».
Part B – Balancing Refund
In respect of
To be
Refund Date
*Please up-date the Alternate Refund Date field according to your estimated lodgement dates
for a «SAP».
Part C – Non-response to Estimate of Balancing Payment or Refund
Part C should only be completed if you have not responded to Part A and Part B.
Please select the reasons for your non-response by placing a tick in the appropriate box/es .
 You have not yet made an estimate of your balancing payment or refund as part of
your cash flow estimate for your business.
 You do not make cash flow estimates, including balancing payments or refunds,
which cover the relevant time interval.
 You have made an estimate but you consider it too unreliable to report.
 You have not provided your estimate for other reasons.
Question 5 – Changes of Items in Your Income Tax Return
Please indicate, by ticking the appropriate boxes below, any of the following items that will
vary significantly compared to the «ITR». A significant variation maybe considered as being
10% greater or lesser than the previous value.
It is possible that you may have already ascertained estimates for the items listed. If this is not
the case, please do not spend an undue amount of time completing this question.
Items in respect to ITR 2002-03
Income Items
Expense Items
Depreciation Items
Extraordinary Items
Reconciliation Items
Net Capital Gains
Loss Utilisation (income and capital)
Rebates and Credits applied in
calculating Tax Payable
Question 6 – Time Taken to Complete the Survey
Please provide an estimate of the time taken to complete this survey.