L23B: Sociolinguistics 2005-2006 Please Turn off all cellular phones & pagers L23B Website: www.mona.uwi.edu/dllp/courses/l23b 6/30/2016 1 Course Assessment 6/30/2016 Incourse Test (40% of total grade) TEST DATE: MONDAY, APRIL 3, 2006 (2-4pm) Final Exam (60% of total grade) 2 Topics for this Session 6/30/2016 Review: Linguistic Variables Extra-linguistic Variables Data Collection & Analysis 3 Labov distinguishes Linguistic Variable as: Indicators - little or no social significance attached Markers/Socially diagnostic variables – carries social significance. 6/30/2016 Stereotypes – popular and conscious characterization of the speech of a particular group. 4 Causes of Variation 6/30/2016 Extra linguistic variables 3 main types: Speaker variables Group Variables Situation Variables 5 Speaker variables 6/30/2016 Characteristics of the individual, such as: Age Gender Ethnic origin Social background Regional origin Level of education Occupation 6 Group variables 6/30/2016 Factors that are external to the speaker: Prestige Stigma Correctness 7 Situation variables (DIATYPIC VARIATION) Context Environment Formality 6/30/2016 8 Dyatypic Variation Eg. A Politician The linguistic variation might be seen in: the manner of address the use of colloquialisms, jargons the selection of topic and examples the level of detail presented 6/30/2016 9 Social Groups 6/30/2016 Primary assignment based on: social class membership, sex, age, ethnicity, etc. Secondary assignment: – church membership - leisure-time activities - community involvement 10 Can you quantify… 6/30/2016 Sex? Age? Race? Ethnicity? 11 Social Class 6/30/2016 How do you determine someone’s class ranking? How precise can you get? Upper Working Class Lower Middle Class Middle Middle Class Upper Middle Class 12 Social class cont’d Problems determining class: (a) Classifying someone based on statistics (b) The designations used- eg. MMC? (c) Are criteria applicable to all in the society? 6/30/2016 13 Social Class cont’d 6/30/2016 How do you determine the social class ranking of children? 14 Variation Studies - Micro Process – identify: 6/30/2016 linguistic variables social variables relationship between (1) & (2) data collection method sample to be used 15 Data Collection Problem: Observer’s Paradox 6/30/2016 investigation method may affect outcome. injecting personal bias. 16 Types of collection method: 6/30/2016 Self–reported method: Questionnaires or Interviews (structured or open-ended) Audio/Visual recording Overt or covert Observation 17