Professional Growth Plan MAT Internship Revised 2015 PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN This assignment is to be completed in TWO parts. PART I: SELF-EVALUATION, PLAN, & SUBMISSION TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE BEGINNING OF INTERNSHIP A. SELF-EVALUATION: You will perform a self-evaluation for all domains using the TESS SELF-SCORING RUBRIC Domains 1-4. This Excel rubric is available at . Save your self-evaluation file for submission. B. PLAN: Using page 2 of this document, develop a professional growth plan targeting a specific improvement goal. In choosing your improvement goal, consider your experiences and the results of your self-evaluation from part A. What are your areas of weakness? In which areas related to planning, environment, or instruction do you struggle? On which teachingrelated skills do you need to focus this semester to grow and develop professionally, based on previous feedback or the results of your self-evaluation? See page 2. C. SUBMISSION: Upload and submit BOTH your Self-Evaluation (Part A) AND Professional Growth Plan (Part B) to Blackboard. Consult with your supervisor concerning a due date. Professional Growth Plan MAT Internship Revised 2015 B: PROFESSIONAL GROWTH PLAN Name ____________________________ Grade/Subject ____________________________ School ____________________________ Date ___________________________________ Professional Growth Plan: Type into this document. The boxes will enlarge as necessary. Improvement Goal(s) and Rationale for Choosing Goal: Be specific here. What is your goal? Why did you select this goal? Consider your self-evaluation results from the TESS RUBRIC, areas of concern, performance evaluation results, and any relevant student learning data. Align with TESS Domain/Component(s): Align your improvement goal with the TESS Domain/components. Briefly explain the connection. Plan of Action and Timeline: Based on your improvement goal and the selected TESS Domain/components, write the steps you will follow to ensure that your will reach your improvement goal. Include the estimated time required for each step and include any professional learning activities in which you will engage during each step. Resources Needed: What resources will you need to help you meet your goal? Be specific. Professional Growth Plan MAT Internship Professional Growth Plan, Part I Revised 2015 Rubric 1-Unsatisfactory 2-Basic 3-Proficient 4-Distinguished Candidate did not create or share with mentor teacher and university supervisor a Professional Growth Plan Part I, AND did not uploaded the self-scoring rubric OR plan to Blackboard by the required deadline. Candidate created and shared with mentor teacher and university supervisor a Professional Growth Plan Part I, which identified an area for improvement, aligned with TESS, AND uploaded the self-scoring rubric and plan to Blackboard after the required deadline. Plan of action steps and estimated time included. Minimal professional learning activities included. Path toward goal is somewhat clear. Candidate created and shared with mentor teacher and university supervisor a Professional Growth Plan Part I, which identified an area for improvement, aligned with TESS, AND uploaded the selfscoring rubric and plan to Blackboard by the required deadline. Resources are only somewhat appropriate and/or list lacks specifics. Resources are appropriate and applicable. List is specific. Writing demonstrates some competence in response to the assignment and/or a lack of attention to professional language. Noticeable errors. Writing demonstrates competence in response to the assignment and/or professional language used. Few minor errors. Candidate created and shared with mentor teacher and university supervisor a thorough Professional Growth Plan Part I, which identified an area for improvement, clearly aligned with TESS, AND uploaded the self-scoring rubric and plan to Blackboard by the required deadline. Plan of action steps are clearly defined, logical, and estimated time included for each. Professional learning activities included. Specific and effective path set for progression toward goal. Resources are highly appropriate and thoughtful. List is specific and thorough. Writing demonstrates a high degree of competence in response to the assignment and professional language is used throughout. No noticeable errors. Plan of action steps and/or estimated time not included and/or professional learning activities not included. Path toward goal is unclear. Resources are missing or inappropriate. Writing demonstrates little to no competence in response to the assignment and/or fails to demonstrate an acceptable level of professional language. Many noticeable errors. Plan of action steps are defined, logical, and estimated time included for each. Some professional learning activities included. Clear path set for progression toward goal. Professional Growth Plan MAT Internship Revised 2015 PART II: REFLECTION TO BE SUBMITTED NEAR THE END OF INTERNSHIP OR WHEN GOAL IS MET. Write a professional growth reflection and upload it to Blackboard for assessment. Include all of the following in your reflection: Analyze the progress you made toward the accomplishment of your improvement goal. Be specific. Elaborate to show your thinking. What resources did you utilize and how did these resources impact your growth? Be specific. Elaborate to show your thinking. Review your progress using observation results, artifacts and evidence from teacher and student work. Be specific. Elaborate to show your thinking. Professional Growth Plan, Part II Rubric 1-Unsatisfactory 2-Basic 3-Proficient 4-Distinguished Candidate did not share a Professional Growth Plan Part II reflection with mentor teacher and university supervisor AND/OR did not upload a Professional Growth Plan to Blackboard. Candidate shared with mentor teacher and university supervisor a Professional Growth Plan Part II reflection with basic responses to the prompts and/or little evidence, and/or uploaded the reflection to Blackboard after the required deadline. Writing demonstrates some competence in response to the assignment and/or a lack of attention to professional language. Noticeable errors. Candidate shared with mentor teacher and university supervisor a Professional Growth Plan Part II reflection with appropriate responses to all prompts, evidence of growth, AND uploaded the reflection to Blackboard by the required deadline. Candidate shared with mentor teacher and university supervisor a Professional Growth Plan Part II reflection with detailed and well-elaborated responses to all prompts, strong evidence of growth, AND uploaded the reflection to Blackboard by the required deadline. Writing demonstrates a high degree of competence in response to the assignment and professional language is used throughout. No noticeable errors. Writing demonstrates little to no competence in response to the assignment and/or fails to demonstrate an acceptable level of professional language. Many noticeable errors. Writing demonstrates competence in response to the assignment and/or professional language used. Few minor errors.