MAT Lesson Plan Formative Assessments Sample

UCA MAT Lesson Plan Formative Assessments Sample
Grade Level:
AR Framework: NO.1.6.1 Demonstrate conceptual understanding to find a specific percent of a number, using models, real life examples, or
explanations; NO.1.6.2 Find decimal and percent equivalents for proper fractions and explain why they represent the same value.
Objectives (TESS - 1c)
Learners will calculate percents and explain the steps and purposes using items found in real life. Learners will calculate decimal and percent
equivalents for proper fractions representing the save value and explain the steps and purposes using items found in real life.
Essential Question(s) (TESS 1a)
List (multiple) means of content representation (TESS – 1b)
Materials (TESS – 1d)
List (multiple) means of expression (TESS – 1b)
Differentiation for diverse learners (TESS – 1b)
List (multiple) means of engagement (TESS – 1b
Techniques (watching, listening, and/or reading) are highlighted in green. Each technique must be used one time on its own.
Tools (class rosters, checklists, rubrics, anecdotal records, electronic apps, etc.) are highlighted in blue.
For item 3 and 7 ONLY: Alignments between assessments and objectives are highlighted in pink.
Instruction (TESS – 1e)
Preassessment (measurement of prior knowledge)/
Introduction (motivation of learners)
Briefly describe your Preassessment/Introduction here.
Learners will be given a graphic organizer with three columns labeled percents,
decimals, and equivalents on which learners will write definitions for each of the
words based on their prior knowledge.
Content Exploration
Briefly describe your Content Exploration here.
Learners will be asked to individually demonstrate ways to calculate percents,
decimals, and equivalents and examples in real life. Learners will be challenged to
consider various examples relevant to other academic disciplines.
Guided Practice
Briefly describe your Guided Practice here.
Learners will be provided a set of numbers and asked to individually demonstrate the
steps for calculating decimals, percents, and equivalents on sheets of paper.
Independent Practice
Briefly describe your Independent Practice here.
Learners will be provided one of several advanced sets of numbers relative to a
specific situation and asked to demonstrate calculation of decimals, percents, and
Formative Assessments
(TESS – 1f)
Learner outcomes will be monitored and
measured by the teacher walking around the
room, reading and listening to responses. The
four levels of achievement include proficient,
satisfactory, needs improvement, and no
definition provided. Progress will be recorded on
a class roster. Defining the terms on the graphic
organizer demonstrates the learner’s prior
understanding of each of the three concepts and
aspects of each concept that need more
Learner outcomes will be monitored and
measured by the teacher by observing the
calculations on the board and listening to the
examples provided during the class discussion.
Progress will be recorded as anecdotal records for
each learner.
Learner outcomes will be monitored and
measured by the teacher observing individual
learners demonstrate the accuracy of their
calculations in their math logs, then self-assessed
and recorded in their math logs.
Learner outcomes will be monitored and
measured by the teacher reading the learners’
calculations and applications recorded on a rubric.
The rubric will include quantitative and
qualitative criteria.
equivalents sheets of paper. Additionally, learners will be asked to write three
sentences explaining the real life application.
Briefly describe your Postassessment/Closure here.
Learners will work in a group of four learners and asked to identify a situation
involving percents and decimals. Each learner will be asked to give one example of a
percent and decimal equivalent from real life related to the identified situation.
Learner outcomes will be monitored and
measured by the learners through self-assessment
as learners record their situations and examples
with their group members, and then share them
aloud for the whole class. Outcomes will be
monitored and measured by the teacher by
listening and recorded on a checklist with the four
levels of proficient, satisfactory, needs
improvement, and no participation. Defining the
terms on the graphic organizer demonstrates the
learner’s achievement with understanding,
calculation, and application of the three concepts.
Learner outcomes that need improvement will
receive additional review and practice through
differentiated instruction.