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Distance Education Addenda Technical Review Checklist
Updated April 6, 2016 – Accompanying CurricUNET
Technical Review Avoiding Common Errors (TRACE) Checklist
Curriculum Handbook
Please be mindful of the various deadline dates for Curriculum Committee meetings.
To ensure a thorough technical review, we must receive your submission on the dates listed on the Curriculum Committee
calendar. We greatly appreciate it whenever you submit your items a day or two before the tech review or regular
submission deadline.
Things to pay attention to with Distance Educations classes:
 There must be regular and effective contact between student and the instructor (typically demonstrated through
forums, discussion, voice threads, weekly announcements, feedback on assignments, etc.) Must be substantive,
effective, and regular (at least weekly).
 Be sure you have student-student contact as well, so we can demonstrate interaction in the classroom environment.
This usually means shared projects and discussions in which original posts and responses are required. Make sure
forums are vibrant and required – not just “post questions here.”
 The course cannot be self paced. Students must be required to check in regularly and meet deadlines. Generally that
means opening modules 1 week at a time and having deadlines and activities that can’t all be completed ahead.
 Your course must also meet all requirements of the underlying base course, so be sure you address how you’ll
be meeting all these components in the online model. Use the addenda to show how you will adapt requirements to
online delivery. For example, in a 52.5-hour lecture-only face-to-face class, for every hour spent in class, there must
be an equivalent 2 hours of outside work. But for online, in addition to the 2 hours of “homework” there has to be 1
hour of interaction with the course material and participants online. So 3 hours total time commitment for every 1 hour
of lecture for all students.
Reference to policies:
 Title 5 Language
 Definitions of online versus hybrid
 Regular and Effective Contact
Within CurricUNET, Create Proposal, choose the Distance education addenda
Proposal type carefully. You also need to carefully choose whether your proposal is
NEW addenda
MODIFYING an existing addenda
DEACTIVATING course addenda.
This information is at the top of the proposal screen, Main Tab.
If you choose the wrong proposal type, you have to delete and start all over
Base course and
course title
Handbook chapter:
General Information
Reviewer comments:
A DEA sits atop a base course, so the addenda is IN ADDITION/supplemental to the underlying
course outline for the base course and appears always with that underlying base course outline.
Choose base course that is “Active” or “Approved” not “In Review.
Course Title is identical to that of the base course. Note: though course title is requested when
you first create your proposal, what you enter in the create proposal stage is not used, nor
editable later. CurricUNET pulls the title directly from the base course, once you choose that
course and connect it to your addendum.
Reviewer comments:
Course number
Handbook chapter:
General Information
Handbook chapter:
Handbook chapter:
Instructional Delivery
Use exactly the same number as the underlying base course, but attach the following suffix:
"-DE1", "-DE2", "-DE3" as appropriate. If you have only one Distance Education Addendum
associated with a course, you should add just the suffix "-DE1".
Examples: Ocan 1-DE1, Ocan 1-DE2, Geog 1L-DE1
How do you know if there’s another DE course already associated with a given base course?
Look first in your department’s course listings for the same course number.
Reviewer comments:
Use this section to give brief (1-2 paragraph) description of how the content of this course is
conducive to the proposed method of distance education. Be sure to speak directly to the
course content, and how the course’s student learning outcomes can be achieved and/or
enhanced in a distance education mode. (For more examples, see the Distance Education
Justification section of the Curriculum Handbook and review CCSF's definition of fully online vs
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Reviewer comments:
Use of Technology
All online classes at CCSF are required to use the College’s learning management system.
Currently the College is using Insight (Moodle).
Contact Details Related to Regular and Effective Contact
Please provide details on the previous delivery sections. Be sure you include the required items listed in
the Curriculum Handbook as well as addressing whether or not there will be face-to-face meetings. It's
okay to copy and paste.
Handbook chapter:
Please be sure you are using Inherited Font and Inherited Size for all text.
Reviewer comments:
How will the assignments and evaluation be modified to reflect the change in mode from face-toface delivery to online delivery?
Remember, all the assignments and evaluation methods in the base course apply to this online
course, however, they will need in most cases to be modified to reflect the change in mode to
the online environment. Here is where you describe how. Examples:
Quizzes will be submitted online in the College’s learning management system
The final exam will be given at a face-to-face meeting.
Presentations will be delivered at face-to-face meetings or submitted online
through video
Assignments will be submitted online via the College’s learning management
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Reviewer comments:
Handbook chapter:
How will the course maintain integrity while being offered at a distance? The previous section
discussed the change in mode of delivery and this section will focus on how integrity will be
maintained given that change in mode. In this section, in a paragraph or bullet format, explain
how the integrity of any remote evaluations used in the course will be maintained.
Please provide details on how instructors will maintain integrity of any remote evaluations used in this
course. The Curriculum Handbook has specific options for you to copy and paste here.
Please be sure you are using Inherited Font and Inherited Size for all text.
Reviewer comments:
Problems with CurricUNET? Email