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Programs Technical Review Checklist
Updated March 23, 2016 – Accompanying CurricUNET
Technical Review Avoiding Common Errors (TRACE) Checklist
Curriculum Handbook
Please be mindful of the various deadline dates for courses and programs.
To ensure a thorough technical review, we must receive your submission on the dates listed on the Curriculum Committee
calendar. We greatly appreciate it whenever you submit your items a day or two before the tech review or regular
submission deadline.
Program Type
Program Title
Award Type
Program Catalog
Be sure you have used the correct proposal type.
 New for brand-new programs.
 Modify for modifying existing programs.
 Credit programs for programs that contains credit courses.
 Noncredit programs for programs that contain noncredit courses.
If you are using the wrong proposal type, you will have to start all over once discovered, so
check this FIRST! (See Main screen of proposal or program description for proposal type.)
Reviewer comments:
If your program is a major, please include AA (Associates of Arts) or AS (Associates of Science)
or AA-T (Associates of Arts) or AS-T (Associates of Science) in your title. Examples:
 Geology AS
 Photography AA
 Film, Television, & Electronic Media AS-T
If your program is a certificate, don’t include the word “certificate” in the title.
Reviewer comments:
Choose the correct program type. See website for details. Note: Certificate of Achievements
required state approval. Certificates of Accomplishment are locally approved only (at CCSF), but
must be less than 18 units total.
Reviewer comments:
The first part of the catalog description comes before the PSLOs. The second appears
afterwards. At the bottom of the second section, be sure to include minimum completion time:
MAJORS: “Assuming students start this AA or AS with transfer‐level math and English eligibility,
the minimum time for completion is 4 semesters. Completion time will vary based on student
preparation and number of units completed per semester.” Choose AA or AS as appropriate.
CERTIFICATES: “The minimum time for completion of this certificate is X semesters.
Completion time will vary based on student preparation and number of units or classes
completed per semester.” Replace X with minimum number of semesters.
Reviewer comments:
Course blocks and
Use block titles that match current practice. Be sure to add a “:” at the end. Examples:
 Required courses:
 Choose 2 of the following elective courses:
 Choose 6 units from the following math courses:
 Recommended additional coursework (*avoid including this if possible*)
DO NOT PULL IN “In Review” classes. Pull in only the “Active” or “Approved” classes.
If students have options between multiple don’t use “or”s as conditions between course. Instead,
use separate blocks with min/max units for the block. Example: Choose one of the following
math courses:
min/max units = 5 units;
Use “ands” between courses only if student have to choose a course combination.
Example: Choose one of the following course or course combinations:
Min/max units = 4 units
BIO 9 (4 units)
GEOG 1 (3 units)
GEOG 1L (1 unit)
If your program has multiple OPTIONS, these need to be combined into the same block to
total correctly. Example: Choose one of the following options: (min/max = 5/8)
OCAN 1 (3 units)
OCAN 1L (2 units)
GEOG 1 (3 units)
GEOG 1L (1 unit)
GEOG 41A (1 unit)
GIS 110 (3 units)
*Enter OPTION language as "non-course requirement". You can also add a double-line to your final report
between the options by adding a blank "non-course requirement" element.
Reviewer comments:
Program Student
Handbook Majors,
Certificates, + SLO
Content Overlap
Handbook Majors,
Use verbs that indicate critical thinking. Examples are in the SLO Handbook:
 Ensure that PSLOs are assessable
 Ensure each PSLO has at least one course mapped to it
 Ensure all required and elective courses in the program map to at least one PSLO (*DO
NOT MAP RECOMMENDED COURSES, only required courses or course electives*)
 Map PSLOs as appropriate to college ILOs. (At minimum, you should have at least one
 Don’t include SLOs that relate to “meeting” exit requirements or “prepared for exam” or
“ready to transfer,” as these are not LEARNING outcomes.
 Review Outcome Report to ensure all your mappings are completed.
 Please contact the SLO Coordinator at for further assistance.
Reviewer comments:
From which departments might you need content overlap signoffs on your Cover Sheet? Being
safe by checking with department chairs ahead of time is better than having to deal with
unhappy chairs or questions from the Committee during presentation. Then provide notes on
those conversations within the CONSULTATIONS tab within CurricUNET.
Reviewer comments:
If a program has prerequisties, corequisites, or advisories, be sure to
 Complete ALL the requested information in the REQUISITES tab in CurricUNET.
 Contact the chairs of the departments in which the requisite classes are listed, get their
confirmation that these are acceptable requisites, and provide notes on those conversations
within the CONSULTATIONS tab within CurricUNET.
Reviewer comments:
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