PARTICIPATORY GOVERNANCE COUNCIL COMMITTEE DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE I. II. III. COMMITTEE NAME: Planning Committee TYPE OF COMMITTEE: Standing MEMBERSHIP(NUMBER OF MEMBERS, TERMS AND TERM LIMITS): a. b. c. d. 3 3 3 3 Students (Appointed by Associated Students Executive Board) Faculty (Appointed by Academic Senate) Classified Staff (Appointed by SEIU) Administration (Appointed by Chancellor, after consultation with Administrative Council) IV. COMMITTEE CHAIR(S): (Appointed by the Chancellor, serve a one-year term. A Committee may elect a co-chair if desired.) Dean of Institutional Effectiveness V. GOAL: a. Improving the institutional effectiveness at the unit-level and in the College overall, and ensure the integration of all plans. VI. PURPOSE AND RESPONSIBILITIES: a. Oversee and coordinate institutional assessment, SLO, evaluation, and planning activities designed to document and improve institutional effectiveness assuring that they are broadbased and offer opportunities for input by appropriate constituencies (ACCJC Standard I.B.4) b. Supports ongoing integration of unit planning activities, institutional planning processes, and College budget for the purposes of documenting and continually improving institutional effectiveness (ACCJC Standard I.B.4) c. Recommends systematic mechanisms to determine College benchmarks and assess the institution's progress toward meeting its goals (ACCJC Standard I.B.2) d. Conducts annual review of benchmarks and effectiveness measures in order to: a. assess the institution's progress toward its goals; b. facilitate dialogue about continuous improvements efforts and related progress; and c. make recommendations regarding either the creation of new or the revision of existing College goals (ACCJC Standard I.B.1, I.B.2, I.B.3, I.B.5) e. Determines standard data reports needed to support effective planning and evaluation activities for all College units including instructional, enrollment management, student services, and administrative (ACCJC Standard I.B.3) f. Regularly and systematically reviews the forms, process, tools and reporting format for all components of the annual planning process (ACCJC Standard I.B.6) g. Assesses the College's "evaluation mechanisms through systematic review of their effectiveness in improving instructional programs, student support services, and library and other learning support services" (ACCJC Standard I.B.7) h. Plans for systematic documentation of institutional planning efforts to prepare for accreditation i. Reports to the Participatory Governance Council and informs the College and constituencies about institutional effectiveness efforts j. Ensure that Student Development (including Student Government/Activities) is addressed through the annual plan and budget committee. VII. VIII. ACCJC – ACCREDITATION STANDARDS TO WHICH COMMITTEE CONTRIBUTES: Most pointedly IB but nearly all standards have direct implications for planning (1A) or include planning as a component (IIA, IIB, IIC, IIIA, IIIB, IIIC, IIID). MEETING DAY AND TIME: 1st Thursday each month, 3-5pm IX. MEETING FREQUENCY: Monthly