Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers Quiz.doc

Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers Quiz
1. The general rule is to place modifiers A. as near as possible to the words they modify.
B. immediately before the words they modify.
C. as close as possible to the start of the sentence.
2. How does one fix dangling modifiers?
A. Change the ambiguous phrase into a main clause.
B. Make clear the real subject of the sentence.
3."Fred found the fish in the bucket he had caught earlier in the day."
A. This sentence is correct.
B. This sentence has a misplaced modifier.
4. "The man learned when it was vital to trust in others."
A. This sentence is correct.
B. This sentence has a misplaced modifier.
5. "I only know ten of the players on the Yankees."
A. This sentence is correct.
B. This sentence has a misplaced modifier.
6. Find the error: Believing themselves abovea the law, the publicb hates those powerful
politicians whoc bend the rules for their ownd gain. No Errore
A. B. C. D. E.
7. Find the error:With only fivea minutes remaining in the test, Jill realized suddenlyb that she
had not barelyc begun the lastd mulitple choice section. No Errore
A. B. C. D. E.
8. How could one correct: "Having barely time enough to learn two games, we only played
bridge and cribbage. "
A. Having barely time enough to learn two games, we only played
B. Not having barely enough time to learn two games, we only played
C. Having scarcely time enough to learn two games, we only played
D. Having barely enough time to learn two games, we played only
E. Because there was barely time enough to learn two games, we only played
9. How could one correct: "Rachel was sad that she had lost her camera and purse hiking in the
A. Rachel was sad that she had lost her camera and purse hiking in the park.
B. Saddened by the loss of her purse and camera, Rachel hiked through the park.
C. Rachel was sad while hiking through the park that she had lost her camera and purse.
D. Rachel was sad because while hiking in the park she had lost her camera and purse.
E. Hiking in the park, Rachel lost her purse and camera.
10. "Caribbean people also show resentment in the poem about bread, which I am not able to
find. "
A. This sentence is correct.
B. This sentence has misplaced modifier.
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