Goals, Mtg Comments, Issues

City College of San Francisco Facilities Master Plan
tBP Project No. 20854.00
 Encourage students to participate.
 Transparency is important and broad participation are crucial in this process.
 Utilize online and in-person communication tools.
 Include Center communities.
 It is very important to encourage student participation in the Facilities Master Plan
(FMP) process.
 The Board will participate in the FMP process.
 It will be important to provide opportunities for students to participate and review
project information from both live workshops and online updates. The project must
be well-publicized.
 Some people do not like to attend meetings. It is important to provide opportunities
to participate in the FMP project online.
 The Trustees will participate in the FMP process.
 Students at the Centers are diverse; many are ESL students. It is important to make
information available to them and provide opportunities to participate in the FMP
 It is important to publicize the schedule of meetings well in advance in order to
maximize participation. There should be opportunities to participate at the Centers,
where our students live.
 It is important to provide online and in-person opportunities for participation in the
FMP process.
 The Capital Projects Planning Committee will be involved in the FMP process.
 There is concern about the FMP project schedule and whether enough progress will
be made in time for the Accreditation Team visit in October 2016
 The CCSF community is very concerned about the challenges of recent years and
future enrollment trends. The College is working hard to increase enrollment. This is
a crucial issue to the College community.
 It is desirable to finalize the Facilities Master Plan before the visit by the
Accreditation Team. (Chancellor Lamb explained that the project timeline of 14
months is already very tight. A more typical FMP project schedule is 18 months. It is
not practical to schedule project meetings during the summer.)
 Will Sustainability be addressed in the Facilities Master Plan?
tBP/Architecture 1000 Burnett Avenue Concord, CA. 94112 ph: 925 246 6419
City College of San Francisco Facilities Master Plan
City College of San Francisco
January 21, 2016
Page 2
 A positive campus image could support efforts to increase enrollment.
 Visual image is underwhelming.
 Architectural heritage is unique.
 Our students have choices about where to get an education. Due to accreditation
issue, many CCSF students have experienced competing campuses. It is important
the CCSF campuses must offer a positive environment.
 The Ocean Campus ‘looks like Modesto’ in an urban environment. The ‘face’ of the
campus on Ocean Avenue is non-existent. The signage is ‘like Modesto’,
 The Ocean Campus has a unique architectural heritage. It is important to design the
new Performing Arts Center with sensitivity to the architectural traditions of the
 Some facilities on the Ocean Campus do not take advantage of the world-class
vistas. It would be nice to convert Cloud Circle into a series of plazas without cars.
 It is important that the College campuses should be aesthetically attractive to
 Wayfinding and access are difficult.
 There is a lack of site lighting.
 Commuters jaywalk on Ocean Avenue.
 It is important to plan for facilities that create a positive user experience. The
physical environment is a crucial factor in a student’s ability to enroll, get to class,
get to parking and transit, etc.
 The signage on the Ocean Campus is bad. Disabled students struggle in some
poorly accessible facilities and pathways. Commuters jaywalk on Ocean Avenue
between the campus and the BART station.
 There is a lack of site lighting on the Ocean Campus. Safety is important.
 Students need to find their way on the campus, especially when they are new
 The pedestrian route between the Ocean Campus and the BART station is
problematic; many people jaywalk on Ocean Avenue.
tBP/Architecture 1000 Burnett Avenue Concord, CA. 94112 ph: 925 246 6419
City College of San Francisco Facilities Master Plan
City College of San Francisco
January 21, 2016
Page 3
 Students have high expectations for access to technology, smart classrooms, good
instructional spaces.
 Students have high expectations for access to technology in their learning
 Students compare opportunities at competing colleges. CCSF is a large institution,
but it is not always up-to-date in technology. Skyline College has excellent
technology, smart classroom, and good instructional spaces.
 The location of some functions is incomprehensible.
 Student Services are scattered.
 Student Services functions are scattered on the Ocean Campus; students waste
time ‘running around the hills.’
 The FMP is an opportunity to re-imagine space for education.
 It would be interesting to re-imagine the College’s facilities ‘from zero.’ For example,
the College has made substantial facilities investments in recent years, but there are
still long lines for some services. Many employees would like to have relocated to
the new Multi Use Building, not because it made sense for their function to be there,
but because of the quality of the space was so good.
 ‘Re-imagination’ might be a good approach for District-wide planning for services
and instruction.
 Our campus maps are confusing. The location of some functions is
incomprehensible. It would be helpful to consider reorganizing spaces and functions
for better flow.
 It is important to plan facilities for the convenience of students, and to encourage
them to stay on campus.
 The College is working hard to increase enrollment.
 As we are planning for the future, this is our hardest moment because enrollment is
decreasing. The College is working hard to turn this trend around.
 Total Cost of Ownership is a controversial planning approach.
tBP/Architecture 1000 Burnett Avenue Concord, CA. 94112 ph: 925 246 6419
City College of San Francisco Facilities Master Plan
City College of San Francisco
January 21, 2016
Page 4
 Every CCSF location has a complicated urban environment.
 Important issues: Reservoir, the Eddy Street Campus, the Performing Arts Center,
Southeast Campus.
 The College is involved in many issues involving its physical resources. For
example, the Reservoir issue involves ownership, land use, transportation, etc. It will
be important to bring all of these issues and information together in the Facilities
Master Plan.
 Important issues to be addressed in the Facilities Master Plan include the Reservoir,
the Eddy Street Campus, the Performing Arts Center and the Southeast Campus.
 The Performing Arts Center project has been delayed. The College is studying a
proposal to construction housing on the Reservoir site.
The Eddy campus is currently being used for storage.
The Southeast campus is owned by the PUC.
Elevator availability is especially important to disabled users. On the Ocean
Campus, the elevators in some buildings are too small, too few, often out of service.
The Science Building has these conditions.
The Ocean campus looks shabby in views from the perimeter.
The Ocean campus landscaping is unattractive and not inviting. Palm trees are not
in keeping with the climate of the campus.
Some facilities on the Ocean Campus are poorly maintained.
There was a previous landscape plan for improvements along Phelan Avenue that
addressed ‘3 buildings and both sides of the street.’
The space needs analysis will provide information to study utilization.
tBP/Architecture 1000 Burnett Avenue Concord, CA. 94112 ph: 925 246 6419