Professional Disposition Growth Plan Reflection Template Candidate’s Name ___________________________________ 1. Have you made progress toward the goal(s) you outlined in your plan? What evidence do you have that is based on the assessment measures to support your progress over the course of the semester? Explain. 2. Did you follow the steps you outlined in your plan? Explain. 3. If you did follow the steps of your plan, answer the following: a. Did you find that the steps helped you to improve in the identified area (have you made progress toward your goal(s) as a result of following the steps outlined in your plan? b) If you followed the steps of your plan but have not seen much growth toward your goal(s), how might you revise the steps you need to take in order to accomplish your goal(s)? 4. If you did not follow the steps of your plan, answer the following: a) What have been the barriers that impeded your following the steps toward your goal(s) that you outlined in your plan? b) What can you do to remove the barriers or how might you revise the steps you need to take in order to accomplish your goal(s)? 5. How has the Dispositions Development Process (including Professional Development Team Participation, Professional Disposition Growth Plan, Dispositions Self-Evaluation Tool, and Dispositions Development Formal Assessment Tool) impacted your growth as a current intern and future teacher? Be specific. Revised January 9, 2015 ECSE 4318 Professional Disposition Growth Plan - Reflection Rubric Reflection Final Progress Summary Unsatisfactory Candidate offers little description of progress toward the goal(s) outlined in the plan OR Description of progress is not aligned with assessment measures outlined in the plan. Average Candidate generally describes progress or lack of progress toward goals as evidenced by assessment measures outlined in the plan. Above-average Candidate clearly describes progress or lack of progress toward the goal(s) as evidenced by assessment measures outlined in the plan. Progress summary offers specific examples as part of the description. Outstanding Candidate clearly describes progress or lack of progress toward the goal(s) as evidenced by assessment measures outlined in the plan. Progress summary offers specific examples with many details provided as part of description. Implementation of Plan’s Steps Candidate offers little description of how well the steps included in the plan were followed since the last progress check. Candidate generally describes how well the steps included in the plan were followed since the last progress check. Effectiveness of Plan’s Steps Candidate offers little description of the effectiveness of the steps as written in the plan OR Candidate offers little attention to the need for revision when appropriate. Candidate generally describes the effectiveness of the steps as written in the plan toward targeted disposition development. Candidate offers how steps should be revised when appropriate Candidate clearly describes how well the steps included in the plan were followed since the last progress check by offering specific examples as part of description. Candidate describes the effectiveness of the steps as written in the plan are in assisting him or her to work toward developing the targeted disposition. Candidate offers how steps should be revised when appropriate. Overall Reflection of Dispositions Development Process Candidate offers little explanation of how dispositions development process has impacted his or her understanding and valuing of disposition development. Candidate explains in general how the dispositions development process has impacted his or her understanding and valuing of disposition development. Candidate clearly describes how well the steps included in the plan were followed since the last progress check by offering specific examples with many details as part of description. Candidate clearly describes with many details and examples how effective the steps as written in the plan are in assisting him or her to work toward developing the targeted disposition. Candidate offers how steps should be revised when appropriate. Candidate explains in detail and with great clarity how the dispositions development process has impacted his or her understanding and valuing of disposition development. Descriptions make specific reference to several components of the Dispositions Development Process with many examples and details provided, including Professional Development Team Participation, Professional Disposition Growth Plan, Dispositions Self-Evaluation Tool, and Dispositions Development Formal Assessment Tool) Revised January 9, 2015 Candidate explains in detail and with great clarity how the dispositions development process has impacted his or her understanding and valuing of disposition development. Descriptions make specific reference to at least two components of the Dispositions Development Process, including Professional Development Team Participation, Professional Disposition Growth Plan, Dispositions Self-Evaluation Tool, and Dispositions Development Formal Assessment Tool)