Working Group 2 - Ion acceleration and interactions 2005 January 20 Flare High-energy emission delayed and has an extended tail. Particles reach Earth ~3 min after high-energy photons 5 points sm 41-300 MeV 5 points sm 6.2-10.8 MeV Count s -1 Count s -1 100 10 06:44 06:45 06:46 06:47 06:48 UT, hh:mm 06:49 06:50 06:51 Extended 511 keV flux comes from high-energy solar photons interacting in the spacecraft. Are these from solar pion radiation? High-energy appears to contain particles >07:15 and possibly neutrons >06:55. Counts >20 MeV shows early peak coincident with sharp peak at 511 keV (likely to be high-energy solar photons causing instrumental line). Later peaks suggest neutron/particle detection and strong particle emission (lat > 30o). Abrupt drop in rate at Earth occultation consistent with high-energy solar photons. movie QuickTime™ and a YUV420 codec decompressor are needed to see this picture. Spectrum after hard component subtracted Calculated gamma-ray spectra vs flare-accelerated particle powerlaw index. Nuclear continuum masks narrow lines for hard spectra. January 2005 flare Integral Gamma-rays Solar Energetic Particles 2005 January 20 Flare 2005 January 20 Flare 2005 January 20 Flare n Debrunner et al, 1997 Vilmer et al, 2003 pions 1-Minute GLE Count Rates Solar Proton Spectra for Different GLE Phases TRACE 1600A at 06:52:30 UT 2005 Jan. 20 250 – 500 keV 30, 50, 70, 90% contours 2215-2231 keV centroid 1- error circle Imaged / Spectral 2.223 MeV count ratios are consistent with 1. Ions interact in a compact region associated with footpoints. Not a from a broad region as expected from CME-related shocks. Ions are flare-accelerated Not all Jan. 20 511 keV flare counts are imaged--> consistent with solar 511 keV photons and instrumental photons from interactions of high-energy (>10 MeV) photons. May be possible to image >10 MeV photons in 2005 January 20 flare. INTEGRAL Satellite on Oct 28th 2003 RHESSI 2003 October 28 Time Histories Fit to 511 keV line flux indicates a hard spectrum, including contribution from pion decay 3g continuum just after impulsive peak also suggests positrons from pion decay RHESSI observed emission >20 MeV. SONG (CORONAS-F) observed >60 MeV gamma rays in peak consistent with neutron pion decay. Striking change in 511 keV line width after 11:16; nothing exceptional occurring in fluxes Multi-loop structure during GLE proton injection N Essential mean field structures selected by fiber bursts S Main flaring arcade Transient In EIT Between 11:12 11-24 UT 2003 Oct. 28 Neutron Spectrum on Oct 28th 2003 (Tsumeb NM) • Power index = – 3.6 ± 0.3 • Flux @ 100MeV = (3.1 ± 1.0)×1027 [/MeV/sr] Total energy flux of solar neutrons (>100MeV) : 3.1×1025 [erg/sr] INTEGRAL Satellite on Nov 4th 2003 Peaked at 19:45UT ⇒ Solar neutrons were produced at 19:45UT Neutron Spectrum on Nov 4th 2003 (Haleakala NM) • Power index = – 3.9 ± 0.5 • Flux at 100MeV = (1.5 ± 0.6)×1028 [/MeV/sr] (χ2/dof = 0.92/3 = 0.31) Total energy flux of solar neutrons (59 – 913MeV) : 3.4×1026 [erg/sr] Radioactive lines appearing after solar flares Time dependence of the 511 keV line 30 minute delay 3 hr delay Striking correlation of gamma-ray line and bremsstrahlung fluences in flares detected >300 keV After selection cuts Direct proportionality RHESSI SMM Introduction The 23 July event Model Time delay analysis Time profile analysis Conclusions Delay of 12 s between hard X-ray flux at 150 keV and gamma ray lines Share et al, 2003 Correlation coefficients between X-ray flux at 150 keV and gamma ray flux during the impulsive part of the flare Origin of the delay: acceleration or transport effects? Time delay between hard X-ray and gamma ray lines observed by RHESSI during the 23 July event Introduction The 23 July event Model Time delay analysis Time profile analysis Conclusions Gamma-ray lines flux 2nd step =-3.75 (Lin et al, 2003) We change the ratio q0/qi for each injection, i.e. the number of electrons and ions accelerated in each injection is not necessarily the same g-ray flux correctly reproduced for a constant spectral index but the injection amplitude are different Best fit: - n=1.1010 cm-3 - 2/L=10-6 km-1 Time delay between hard X-ray and gamma ray lines observed by RHESSI during the 23 July event