
Jeannine Horn
Most of us are familiar with the words “fatal attraction,”
But what about a fatal distraction?
Something as innocent as sending or reading a text
While behind the wheel of a car?
That is the case of Aaron Deveaux,
An 18-year in Massacusetts old who thought he was in control.
Aaron Deveaux, where did you go?
To prison for texting while driving, I know
You thought you could do both at once
But the jury’s verdict said, “You’re guilty
Of vehicular homicide, killing a 55-year old father of three.”
The judge sentenced you to a two-year term,
Furthermore, your driver’s license will be revoked
For fifteen years.
You really are a chronic texter—
Sending 193 texts on February 20, 2012,
One you sent at 2:34 p.m.,
And one you received at 2:35,
A minute later, 2:36, the accident occurred.
Even though the car swerved
In an attempt to avoid a collision,
Your poor judgment was a bad decision,
You crashed head on into Donald Bowley’s truck,
Knowing there was no chance for the victim to duck,
And that the victim was out of luck.
You thought the man might be hurt,
But, alas, that was not the case.
Receiving severe head trauma, Bowley was killed instantly,
So now he’ll never see his family.
Aaron, what were you thinking,
At that moment?
That you could read a text and pay attention
To the road?
Undoubtledly, two families are destroyed,
Their lives forever altered,
Just because you had to play
At being an adult and have your own way,
Now the justice system is making you pay.
But no incarceration can ever replace an extinguished life,
What can you possibly say to the victim’s kids and wife?
“I’m sorry”—it sounds so lame,
With little remorse and shame.
You’re a danger on the road,
So you should not drive.
Once your sentence has been served,
I pray you don’t have the nerve
To operate a vehicle without a license
And continue to text behind the wheel.
If you do, it’s a license to kill,
People just want to enjoy themselves,
And not have to risk losing their lives to a stranger
Who is so self-absorbed that he puts people’s lives in danger.
You were charged with being criminally negligent
Of operating a motor vehicle
While reading or sending an electronic message,
And a marked lanes violation as well.
Time will tell whether you have learned
Anything at all,
Right now, you’re not a savy, cool texter,
But a man who is looking rather small
Because he committed a senseless act
That should never have happened at all.
It is indeed a sad commentary on life,
That there are drivers who want to tempt fate,
By committing reckless, selfish acts like this, knowing it is too late
To stop.
After repeated incidents like this happen,
It usually takes legislation to compel motorists
To use common sense
But many seem to be so dense.
That they never seem to think they could be at fault,
But as this incident shows,
Their actions will eventually come to a halt.