CONV 3 SylCal Fall 2011.doc

Intensive English Program
Northeast College
ESOL 0349 – Advanced Intermediate Conversation for Foreign Speakers
CRN 55336 Fall 2011
Northline Campus – Room 219 / 11:50-2:00PM Mon/Wed
3 Lec / 2 Lab / 80 hrs per semester / 16 weeks
Office Location:
Office Hours:
Mel Shaw
Room 310
2:00-2:30 MW
Required Textbook: Speaking Solutions by Candace Mathews, Englewood Cliffs,
Prentice Hall, 1999.
Course Description: A continuation of ESOL 0345. This course is designed to further
develop conversational skills by incorporating more complicated vocabulary and
grammatical structures. Students are also required to present oral reports at various
times during the semester.
Attendance Policy: The HCCS policy is that if a student is absent for 12.5% of the
time (10 class hours during a 16-week semester), he or she may be dropped from the
course. The student is responsible for all work missed while absent. It would be wise to
have the telephone number of one or more students in the class who can be contacted
about material covered during the absence.
Tardiness: If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will be absent from class for one
hour. You must also return from break and lunch on time.
Make-up Policy: Make-up tests will be given only for illness and other documented
emergencies. The time for the make-up test must be arranged with your instructor. It is
your responsibility to make this arrangement. Please call the office if you have a
documented emergency.
Scholastic Dishonesty: Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty
are prohibited by college system policy and the rules of the class. Plagiarism involves
using the ides or works of another person (either in whole or in part) without crediting
the source. Cheating involves fraud and deception for the purpose of violating
legitimate testing rules. A student guilty of a first offense will receive a grad of F on the
assignment involved. For the second offense, the student will receive a grade of F for
the course.
Disability Support: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning,
psychiatric, developmental, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable
accommodations must contact the Disability Support Services (DSS) Counselor at the
beginning of each semester. Faculty members are authorized to provide only the
accommodations requested by the DSS Office. Ms. Kim Ingram is the Northeast
College’s DSS counselor. Her telephone number is 713-718-8420.
Withdrawal Policy: Teachers cannot “withdraw” students on their final semester roll
sheets. You must fill out a withdrawal form in order to drop a class. You must talk with
Rosie in the IEP office or with your teacher before withdrawing (dropping) the class and
this must be done before November 22, 2011, 4:30 p.m. to receive a “W” on your
transcript. After that deadline, you will receive the grade you are making in the class
which will more than likely be an “F”.
NOTICE: Effective Fall 2006, HCC charges a higher tuition rate to students registering
for the third or subsequent time for certain courses. Students who enroll for most credit
and CEU classes for a third or more time will be charged an additional $50 per
semester credit hour and $3.00 per contact hour, except for courses exempted by The
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is
necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to
answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The
anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs
for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston
Community College Student System online near the end of the term.
Grading Scale:
IP=in progress (progressing but not passing)
Grading Criteria:
Note-taking quizzes
Final Exam
Course Calendar
ESOL 0349 Advanced Intermediate Conversation
Week 1
Course Introduction; 1st day testing
Personal Interview and Classmate Introduction
Continue with personal interview/introduction activities.
“Happiness” Quiz #1
Week 2
Chap. 1 “Interacting in Class”
Week 3
“A Time to Learn” Quiz #2
Chap. 1 “Interacting in Class”
Week 4
Presentation #1
Chap 2 “Maintaining a Conversation”
Week 5
“Sleep” Quiz #3
Chap 2 “Maintaining a Conversation”
Week 6
“Negotiating for Success” Quiz #4
Chap 3 “Speaking to a Group”
Week 7
10/10 Chap 3 “Speaking to a Group”
10/12 Presentation #2
Week 8
10/17 “Modern Art” Quiz #5
10/19 Chap. 4 “ Making a Group Decision”
Week 9
10/24 “Robots” Quiz #6
10/26 Chap 4 “Making a Group Decision”
Week 10
10/31 Chap 5 “Developing a Presentation”
11/2 Presentation #3
Week 11
Week 12
11/14 “Genetically Modified Food” Quiz #8
11/16 Chap 6 “Taking a Stand”
Week 13
11/21 “Shackleton” Quiz #9
11/23 Chap 6 “Taking a Stand”
Week 14
11/28 Presentation #4
“Video Games” Quiz #7
Chap 5 “Developing a Presentation”
11/30 Chap 7 “Solving a Problem”
“Ethics” Quiz #10
Chap 7 “Solving a Problem”
Week 15
Week 16
12/12 Final Exam