Safety Min 9.23.13.doc

September 23, 2013
Committee members present: Haugen, Clark, Luddon, Thomason, Heath, Rosen
Guests: Fahey, Kiefer
The meeting was called to order at 3:01 p.m.
1. Minutes: Minutes were not ready for review and approval.
2. Discussion and Action
 Emergency Response Plan – Doug created a document blending our current draft and
the State’s document. Do we want to change “CAT” to “IMT” to be consistent with the
State’s terminology? Doug will mail out a copy to everyone.
3. Recurring Reports – none
4. Old Business
 Chemical Hygiene Officer – Some schools have a faculty or administrator serve as
CHO. However, the person needs to have background in handling chemicals. Jenny
felt it could be outside of a faculty’s job description. It seems to be quite an involved
job for a part-time person. The individual needs to have authority to back up requests
for compliance. It was noted that the person would only be responsible for chemicals
in the Science Building, not for the rest of campus. Jenny and Phil will check with
other colleges.
 Jenny will send out monthly safety e-mails related to topics relative to COS.
 I-100 and I-200 on-line training needs to be assigned to all employees via Safe
Colleges. General population will take I-100, and building stewards, CAT members
and administrators will take I-200.
 Evacuation maps – table.
5. New Business
 Global Harmonizing System (GHS) – Used to be MSDS, changing to make it an
identification system for hazardous items worldwide. All employees will need to go
through an introductory on-line course prior to December 1, 2013. Phil will work with
Nancy Miller to line this up. This is available through Keenan Safe Colleges.
 Student worker training – Students can be assigned appropriate training through Safe
Colleges if they do not receive the training from their department supervisor.
Appropriate training would be IIPP, Haz Com, and occupational specifics such as
lifting, carts, chemical hygiene, etc.
 Safety Shorts videos from Keenan – These are two to three minute snippets. They
should be sent to all employees, at least one a month. Phil will send the links to Jenny
and she will make sure they are sent out on behalf of the Safety Committee each
Safety Committee
September 23, 2013
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Building Steward Meetings – We will be meeting with all stewards next week in Yreka
and Weed. We will be asking everyone to locate the emergency backpacks and will
discuss responsibilities. Scotty suggested doing a monthly evening walk around
campus to identify safety issues with lighting
Safety Credit Fund Requests
o Wiring short in welding repaired
o Gloves and shovels – need more information why this is being requested
o Stocking first aid kits – moving forward
o Having emergency contacts in evenings on campus – Discussed that we use
Alert-U for campus closures. We stress to students and instructors that if they
do not feel comfortable driving in bad weather, they can make decisions for
themselves whether they are coming to campus or not. One instructor wanted
to know how we contact students if campus is open at night but the instructor
decides to cancel a class due to weather. Night instructors should know what
number to call to get information on evening classes. We should make a card
or send an e-mail with night contact information. This should be sent out ASAP.
It should be an informational topic at future instructor orientations.
Risk Improvement Action Plan – Phil Clark distributed the plan with target areas
7. Meeting dates
 October 7, 3-4 p.m., DLC-4, Y-5
 October 21, 3-4 p.m., DLC-4, Y-5
 November 4, 3-4 p.m., DLC-4, Y-5
 November 18, 3-4 p.m., DLC-4, Y-5
 December 2, 3-4 p.m. TBD
 December 16, 3-4 p.m. TBD
The meeting was adjourned at 4 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Luddon