Out of Class assignment 3 instructions.doc

Due no later than March 22nd
May email to me, or turn in a hard copy in-class
Use the PowerPoint slides for Module 5.2- 5.5 to answer the following questions in complete
sentences. This assignment is worth 100pts.
Module 5.2- Water Soluble Vitamins (starting from slide 33)
(1) List 2 functions of Vitamin C. 4 pts
(2) True or False? Vitamin C is an antioxidant. 1 pt
(3) a. What is the main disease/ health condition that can result from Vitamin C deficiency?
b. Name two symptoms. 3 pts
(4) List 2 food sources of Vitamin C. 2 pts
(5) Pantothenic acid is a major component in _________? 2 pts
(6) List the 3 highest food sources of Pantothenic acid. 3 pts
(7) True or False? Biotin can be made by the bacteria in your intestine. 2 pt
(8) Is choline found primarily in plant or animal sources? 3 pts
Module 5.3- Water & the Electrolytes
(1) True or False? Minerals are organic. 1 pt
(2) a. What are the two categories of Minerals? 2 pts
b. List the 7 major minerals. 7 pts
(3) List 3 functions of water in the body. 3 pts
(4) What is the DRI for water for males and females? 2 pts
(5) Name two adverse effects of dehydration. 2 pts
(6) Name the 3 electrolytes and their primary function in the body. 5 pts
(7) With regards to water balance, does water follow the movement of electrolytes, or do
electrolytes follow the flow of water? 1 pts
(8) How many mg/day is the UL for sodium? 1 pts
(9) What is a major symptom of sodium deficiency? 2 pts
(10) Name two food sources of potassium. 2 pts
(11) Name two symptoms of potassium deficiency. 2 pts
Module 5.4- Major Minerals in Bone & Protein
(1) Name the three most important minerals in bone. 3 pts
(2) What is the major symptom of Calcium deficiency? 1 pt
(3) Which provides more Calcium, meat or dairy? 1 pt
(4) Besides bone and tooth structure, name 1 more function of Phosphorous. 1 pt
(5) Name 2 food sources of Phosphorous. 2 pts
(6) True or False? Magnesium is a cofactor for >300 different enzymes. 1 pt
(7) How much Magnesium is lost during grain processing? 1 pt
(8) What is the difference between Type I and Type II Osteoporosis? 5 pts
(9) Bone mass is gained until what age? 2 pts
(10) Besides low Calcium intake, list 2 other risk factors for osteoporosis? 2 pts
(11) What is the primary function of Sulfur? 1 pt
Due no later than March 22nd
May email to me, or turn in a hard copy in-class
Module 5.5- Trace Minerals
(1) List the 10 trace minerals. 10 pts
(2) Iron functions as a primary component of both _____ and _____? 2 pts
(3) Define anemia and list 1 symptom? 2 pts
(4) What is the function of Iodine and list 2 food sources? 3 pts
(5) What does Fluoride help prevent? 1 pt
(6) What vitamin does selenium work with? 1 pt
(7) What is the primary function of Manganese? 1 pt
(8) What is the primary function of Chromium, and why is this important? 4 pts
(9) What is the adequate RDI for Chromium? 1 pt
(10) Copper is a cofactor for _____ enzymes. 1 pt
(11) Why is Cobalt important? 2 pt
(12) Name two food sources of Copper. 2 pts