THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS OF THE PERMIAN BASIN Funding & Finance Informational May 17, 2016 Presenter Mark McGurk, VPBA THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS OF THE PERMIAN BASIN Legislative Process Texas State Legislature In session every two years Odd numbered years from Mid-January to Late May Must pass the State Budget (General Appropriations Act) (GAA) for the next biennium Legislative Cycle (GAA) LAR’s (Legislative Appropriations Request) submitted by all State Agencies and Institutions of Higher Education Base Bill(s) prepared by the LBB (Legislative Budget Board) is filed House and Senate create and pass separate GAA Conference Committee creates the final GAA Conference Committee version of GAA is passed by the House and Senate at the end of May Legislative Cycle (GAA) FY 2018 - 2019 April 2016 May 2016 June 2016 June – July 2016 August 2016 Aug – Sep 2016 October 2016 Base reconciliation instructions issued Budget (LAR) instructions issued by LBB and GOBPP (Governor’s Office of Budget Planning and Policy) Base reconciliation is due LBB provides GR (General Revenue) target to institutions Agency budget request (LAR) submitted to LBB and GOBPP Public hearings conducted by LBB and GOBPP LAR updates submitted (tuition & fees-local) Legislative Cycle (GAA) FY 2018 - 2019 January 2017 January 2017 Jan – Feb 2017 Feb – Apr 2017 Apr – May 2017 May 2017 House and Senate each file a Base Bill House and Senate committees and subcommittees named House and Senate LAR Hearings House and Senate create and approve separate versions of the GAA Conference Committee creates final version of the GAA House and Senate approval Conference Committee version of GAA Formula Funding Formula funding is based on the following factors: Headcount – Increase in headcount over prior biennium 2. Semester Credit Hour (SCH) – increase in SCH production over prior biennium 3. Level of Instruction – UG Lower division, UG upper division, graduate level, doctoral level (provides weighting) 4. Never fully funded – funding is based on the size of the available pool of funds as set by the State Comptroller estimates 1. Formula Funding Continued Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board - Formula Funding - Conf. Comm. 2016-2017 Cost Study Relative Weights Matrix Cost Study - FY 2012, FY 2013, and FY 2014 Relative Weights Discipline 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Liberal Arts Science Fine Arts Teacher Ed Agriculture Engineering Home Economics Law Social Services Library Science Veterinary Medicine Vocational Training Physical Training Health Services Pharmacy Business Admin Optometry Teacher Ed Practice Technology Nursing Developmental Ed Base Rate $ 55.39 Undergraduate Undergraduate UpperLower-Level Level 1.00 1.76 1.78 3.02 1.47 2.52 1.63 2.08 2.07 2.75 2.38 3.52 1.10 1.75 0.00 0.00 1.68 2.05 1.49 1.57 0.00 0.00 1.45 2.64 1.51 1.26 1.07 1.65 1.86 5.02 1.19 1.88 0.00 0.00 2.28 2.13 2.26 2.41 1.72 2.11 1.00 0.00 Master's Doctoral 4.00 7.53 6.03 2.56 7.80 7.10 3.01 0.00 2.93 3.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.79 28.29 3.39 37.52 0.00 3.89 3.34 0.00 Funding Rate 10%Teaching Experience Supplement for Tenure and Tenure Track 10.77 20.61 7.95 7.42 11.77 17.98 8.67 0.00 18.18 12.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.86 35.14 23.92 55.92 0.00 5.20 8.99 0.00 Professional Practice 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.13 0.00 0.00 22.03 0.00 0.00 2.64 4.32 0.00 7.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Why is this important to UTPB? Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board - Formula Funding - Conf. Comm. 2016-2017 Allocation Summary Formula General Academics Operations Support T eaching Experience Operations Support Subtotal Educational and General Space Support Small Institution Supplement Space Support Subtotal General Academics Total Technical and State Colleges Educational and General Space Support Small Institution Supplement Technical and State Colleges Total Formula Funding Formula Funding Appropriations w/ Appropriations Conf. Comm. BAT 2014-2015 2014-2015 2016-2017 Formula Funding - Summary Difference 2016 Percent Change General General Revenue Revenue Formula Funding Formula Funding General General Dedicated Dedicated - 2016 - 2017 Revenue - 2016 Revenue - 2017 2016 2017 Formula Funding - Summary Board Board Authorized Authorized T uition (BAT ) - T uition (BAT ) 2016 2017 3,552,760,574 97,380,516 3,843,383,108 98,733,175 290,622,534 1,352,659 8.2% 1.4% 1,921,691,554 49,366,587 1,921,691,554 49,366,587 1,423,847,158 35,675,005 1,425,743,936 35,727,170 497,844,396 13,691,582 495,947,618 13,639,418 112,381,488 0 112,381,488 0 2,034,073,042 49,366,587 2,034,073,042 49,366,587 3,871,528,376 3,650,141,090 3,942,116,283 291,975,193 8.0% 1,971,058,142 1,971,058,142 1,459,522,163 1,461,471,106 511,535,978 509,587,036 112,381,488 112,381,488 2,083,439,630 2,083,439,630 676,108,223 20,724,900 696,833,123 4,568,361,499 676,108,223 20,724,900 696,833,123 4,346,974,213 715,306,834 18,879,900 734,186,734 4,676,303,017 39,198,611 (1,845,000) 37,353,611 329,328,804 5.8% -8.9% 5.4% 7.6% 357,653,417 9,439,950 367,093,367 2,338,151,508 357,653,417 9,439,950 367,093,367 2,338,151,508 256,193,516 9,439,950 265,633,466 1,725,155,629 256,580,076 9,439,950 266,020,026 1,727,491,132 101,459,901 0 101,459,901 612,995,879 101,073,340 0 101,073,340 610,660,376 0 0 0 112,381,488 0 0 0 112,381,488 357,653,417 9,439,950 367,093,367 2,450,532,996 357,653,417 9,439,950 367,093,367 2,450,532,996 19,620,386 5,173,650 19,620,386 5,173,650 19,344,389 5,216,250 (275,997) 42,600 -1.4% 0.8% 9,672,195 2,608,125 9,672,195 2,608,125 7,535,753 2,608,125 7,478,062 2,608,125 2,136,441 0 2,194,132 0 0 0 0 0 9,672,195 2,608,125 9,672,195 2,608,125 24,794,036 24,794,036 24,560,639 (233,397) -0.9% 12,280,320 12,280,320 10,143,878 10,086,187 2,136,441 2,194,132 Formula Funding - Total by Institution 23,889,730 23,440,356 30,078,347 4,568,361,499 4,346,974,213 4,676,303,017 0 0 12,280,320 12,280,320 252,300 112,381,488 15,291,473 2,450,532,996 15,291,473 2,450,532,996 252,300 112,381,488 12,589,575 2,083,439,630 12,589,575 2,083,439,630 252,300 112,381,488 12,097,225 2,034,073,042 12,097,225 2,034,073,042 6,637,991 329,328,804 28.3% 7.6% 15,039,173 2,338,151,508 15,039,173 2,338,151,508 10,571,856 1,725,155,629 Operations Support and Teaching Experience Supplement 009930 UT -Permian Basin 18,982,139 18,532,765 24,674,549 6,141,784 TOTAL 3,871,528,376 3,650,141,090 3,942,116,283 291,975,193 33.1% 8.0% 12,337,275 1,971,058,142 12,337,275 1,971,058,142 8,609,365 1,459,522,163 Operations Support and Teaching Experience Supplement 8,611,958 3,727,910 3,725,316 252,300 1,461,471,106 511,535,978 509,587,036 112,381,488 009930 UT -Permian Basin TOTAL Appropriations w/ BAT - 2017 3,774,147,860 97,380,516 Formula Funding - Total by Institution 10,574,964 4,467,317 4,464,209 252,300 1,727,491,132 612,995,882 610,660,379 112,381,488 009930 UT -Permian Basin TOTAL Appropriations w/ BAT - 2016 Operations Support 18,208,439 17,759,065 3,774,147,860 3,552,760,574 23,689,851 3,843,383,108 5,930,786 290,622,534 33.4% 8.2% 11,844,925 1,921,691,554 11,844,925 1,921,691,554 8,216,795 1,423,847,158 009930 UT -Permian Basin TOTAL Teaching Experience Supplement 773,700 773,700 984,698 97,380,516 97,380,516 98,733,175 210,998 1,352,659 27.3% 1.4% 492,349 49,366,587 492,349 49,366,587 392,569 35,675,005 009930 UT -Permian Basin TOTAL Educational and General Space Support 3,407,591 3,407,591 4,071,798 676,108,223 676,108,223 715,306,834 664,207 39,198,611 19.5% 5.8% 2,035,899 357,653,417 2,035,899 357,653,417 1,296,492 256,193,516 009930 UT -Permian Basin TOTAL Small Institution Supplement 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,332,000 20,724,900 20,724,900 18,879,900 -11.2% -8.9% 666,000 9,439,950 666,000 9,439,950 666,000 9,439,950 (168,000) (1,845,000) 8,219,320 1,425,743,936 Operations Support 3,628,130 3,625,606 497,844,396 495,947,618 252,300 112,381,488 Teaching Experience Supplement 392,639 99,780 99,710 35,727,170 13,691,582 13,639,418 Educational and General Space Support 1,297,006 739,407 738,893 256,580,076 101,459,901 101,073,340 Small Institution Supplement 666,000 9,439,950 - - - 492,349 49,366,587 492,349 49,366,587 - - 2,035,899 357,653,417 2,035,899 357,653,417 - - 666,000 9,439,950 666,000 9,439,950 Total General Revenue Dedicated General Revenue Dedicated - Texas Public Education Grants General Revenue Dedicated - Staff Group Insurance Premiums General Revenue Dedicated - Organized Activities State Appropriations provide almost half of UTPB Budgeted Revenue 50.00% 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% 47.8% 23.9% 9.9% 4.4% 3.4% 5.3% 0.3% 2.1% 2.9% What do we spend it on? Budgeted Expenses 21.1% Instruction 30.5% Academic Support Research 7.6% Public Service Institutional Support 4.8% 8.4% Student Services Operations and Maintenance of Plant 10.1% 5.0% Scholarships and Fellowships 8.6% Auxiliary Enterprises 2.4% 1.6% Depreciation and Amortization Fund 0001 and Fund 0250 = State Appropriated Budget Designated and other local funds = Budgeted as well General Revenue (GR) – Fund 0001 – State funding provided by sales tax revenues, business taxes, energy taxes Local Tuition Revenue – Fund 0250 – State Statutory Tuition that is sent into the State Treasury ($50/SCH) Designated Tuition – Locally retained tuition revenue that is budgeted and serves as our reserves (savings account) Auxiliary Revenues – Housing, Athletics, Student Service Fees Restricted Revenues - Grants and Gifts State Appropriation Statutory Tuition Collected Remitted to State Treasurer UTPB State Appropriation General Revenue UTPB Budget Process Base Budget State Appropriated funds are used primarily to fund salaries Designated Funds are used to fund departmental budgets for supplies, maintenance and operations, copiers, etc. Designated Funds are also used to fund utilities, physical plant expenses (repairs and maintenance) and institutional scholarships Restricted Gift Funds are primarily used to fund scholarships and endowed Chairs Restricted Sponsored Projects fund external contracts and grant activities UTPB Budget Process New Revenues Biennial Process for new State Appropriations – Increases (decreases) in formula funding, new special items or sunset of special items, new Tuition Revenue Bond (TRB) funding Tuition and Mandatory Fee Increases – can be yearly or every other year based on Board of Regents request Incidental Fee requests –Yearly, approved by UTS Academic Affairs Vice Chancellor UTPB Budget Process Budget and Planning Committee Meets to discuss funding environment - new revenues, reductions in funding, requests for funding. Evaluates new revenues or reductions and makes recommendation to the President and Executive Staff Executive staff reviews Budget and Planning recommendations, then makes recommendations to the President. President decides allocations and funding Our Current Situation So, if we have this process, then why are we under Financial watch? Simply, we are spending more than we generate in revenue Our reserve (Designated) has been reduced significantly Total Unrestricted Change in Net Position $20,000,000.00 $10,000,000 $15,000,000.00 $5,000,000 $10,000,000.00 Total Unrestricted $5,000,000.00 $$(5,000,000) FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 $- $(10,000,000) $(15,000,000) FY10FY11FY12FY13FY14FY15 Change in Net position How did this occur? Rapid growth in enrollment Spending outside the budget PeopleSoft Implementation Mid-year, rapid turnover in the Accounting Office, Turnover in the VPBA. Lack of knowledge hampered implementation. Lack of institutional input into fit-gap and short implementation schedule. Little to no input into user group. Lack of knowledge by the technical implementation team (UTShare) What is being done? In the current year, we have implemented a strategic hiring freeze. This means that all position requests must be reviewed justified and approved at the executive level. Allocated Goals for reductions to executive leadership – each area was allocated an amount to “save” in the current year and next year - $800,000 total goal 8% Maintenance and Operations reduction (Designated only) only if cost centers have sufficient funds, not to impact students. What is being done? Budget and Planning Committee are currently reviewing and discussing possible recommendations for next year. Planning for next year’s budget is currently being done to put things into the budget Adjunct Faculty Summer Budget Institutional Scholarships Questions?