FINAL EXAMINATION Instructions: All answers should be: Comprehensive o Complete: Address all aspects of each question Clear o Formatting - Use bold and underline to highlight points o Structure - Use tables, short paragraphs, and bullets to highlight points o Specific - Give specific examples demonstrating pedagogical content knowledge Concise o Focus - Stay focused on the question. o Don't ramble - Don't include extraneous material. (2) ADMINISTRATION / MANAGEMENT (2.a) List and explain the factors an instructor should consider when planning a science lesson. (A) Major Concepts: what unit, topics, and concepts will be addressed. (B) Performance Objective and Content Standards What will students be able to do when the lesson is complete? What levels of reasoning (cognitive goals) will be developed or used? What are the state or district content standards that will be learned? What are the behavioral objectives for the students? (C) Materials and Equipment What equipment and supplies are necessary? When and from where will the equipment and supplies be acquired? (D) Outline of Lesson (provide a general time frame for each step) (1) Anticipatory Set: Warm-up or Dispatch Activity (activity for students to work on while you are taking role) (2) Introduction and purpose Purpose or objective of lesson Relationship to previous lesson and standards: How does today's lesson relate to past lessons? (3) Lecture/discussion (Input, direct instruction and teacher modeling) lecture notes: description diagrams and images overhead transparencies handouts 1.6.1 Final Examination Questions reference pages in text reference time in video or frame numbers in laser discs demonstrations quest speakers field trips (4) Activities – group practice laboratory experiments group projects (5) Independent practice worksheets activities (6) Closure summary assessment of learning (7) homework readings questions and problems sets projects 1.6.2 Final Examination Questions (2.b) Write a safety contract for a laboratory science class in chemistry, biology, physics, or earth science. Student Science Safety Contract School: ____________________________ Teacher: ___________________ Date: ____________ Student’s name: ______________________________________________________________________ The student has received specific instruction regarding the use, function, and location of the following: Aprons, gloves ❑ Chemical-spill kit ❑ Eye-protective devices (goggles, face shield, safety shield) ❑ Eyewash fountain, drench spray, and drench shower ❑ Fire extinguisher ❑ Fire blanket ❑ First-aid kit ❑ Heat sources (burners, hot plate, microwave) and techniques in their use ❑ Material safety data sheets (MSDSs) ❑ Waste-disposal containers for glass, chemicals, matches, paper, wood ❑ The student will abide by the “Safety Regulations for Science Students” to prevent accidents and injury to herself or himself and others and will: • Follow all additional instructions given by the teacher. • Conduct herself or himself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory. List below any special allergies or sensitivities (e.g., to plants, animals, pollen, foods, chemicals, bee stings) that may affect the student’s safety in the laboratory or on field trips: __________________________________________________________________________________ Check this box if the student wears contact lenses: ❑ Student’ s Statement I have in my possession and have read the “Safety Regulations for Science Students” (pages 143–44) and agree to abide by them at all times while in the laboratory. I have received specific safety instruction as indicated above. _______________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of student Date Parent’ s or Guardian’ s Statement I have read the “Safety Regulations for Science Students” (pages 143–44) and give my consent for the student who has signed the preceding statement to engage in laboratory activities using a variety of science equipment and materials, including those described. I pledge my cooperation in urging that she or he observe the safety regulations prescribed. _______________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of parent or guardian Date Return the completed and signed form to _______________________________ by _______________ . 1.6.3 Final Examination Questions (3) DEVELOPING REASONING SKILLS (3.a) Describe the differences between active and passive learning with respect to the processes involved and the eventual outcomes. => Active learning events are student-centered activities that require participation rather than mere observation. Researchers have determined that active-learning events, such as classroom games are much more effective in promoting student learning than “passive learning” events such as teacher-centered lectures. In addition, research illustrates that most students prefer active learning events. Student-centered, engaged teacher-centered Constructive noise deadly silent, destructive noise Interactivity one-way delivery of knowledge Student feedback In contrast, active learning is base on constructivism (Johnson, 2005), from which knowledge is seen as a subjective entity constructed by individual as he/she interacts with the objective environment. From this perspective, learning is an inner activity that uses both objective and subjective knowledge to constantly build and revise our cognitive structures. The purpose of schools is to help students construct knowledge and develop the skills they need to live in their worlds successfully. Teaching is a matter of creating conditions whereby students are able to transact with knowledge. Thus, learners need to play an active role to make connection between new information and their prior knowledge in their learning process. In short, active learning is the process of integration new knowledge into cognitive structure. Describe 5 specific methods or techniques for creating an "active" learning environment. 1. Have students develop graphic organizers during and after instruction 2. The Interactive Presentation is one that incorporates explanation of concepts (rather than recitation of 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. definitions) with visual aids, demos and student activities. The Original Socratic Method is where the teacher asks the student questions and the student verbalizes possible answers and solutions and, eventually (hopefully) the student converges on a solution -- without the instructor providing the answers. inductive reasoning activity Problem-based teaching Having students explain concepts with using analogies. Study group are extremely successful for engendering student verbalization, and thus active learning. Jigsaw learning is kind of study group, but each group is assigned different task and teach other groups. (3.b) Generate one test question at each of the six major cognitive levels (according to Bloom) for one of following topics: (a) momentum; (b) chemical periodicity; (c) plate tectonics; (d) osmosis; (e) cardiac functioning; . (3.d) What is deductive reasoning? Design and describe a lesson in your discipline that develops deductive reasoning skills. => 1.6.4 Final Examination Questions Deductive reasoning is the logic of drawing specific conclusions from general principles or premise. A premise is a previous statement or proposition from which another is inferred or follows as a conclusion. The conclusions from deductive reasoning are certain provided the premises are true. Comparison of relative sizes of atomic radii: Premise 1: Atomic radii within a series are getting smaller as the atomic number increases. Premise 2: Atomic radii within a family are getting bigger as the atomic number increases. Inference: Using this information, the biggest atom can be located in the last series of the first family in the periodic table. (3.f) Describe five or more instructor-mediated factors that may stifle higher level reasoning. Which one do you think you might be most prone to adopt if you are not careful? Explain how you can guard against this. 1. Heavily rely on the lecture-base classes => I need to prepare lesson plans in advance in which incorporate students activities such as group works and experimentations. 2. Tests that ask students to recall factual knowledge. 3. Short wait time while asking students questions. 4. Call on the specific students when asking students questions. 5. Having students conduct activities that requires the fill-in-the-blank. 1.6.5 Final Examination Questions (4) PRESENTING CONCEPTS (4.a) Discuss the value of each of the following in science instruction: wait time gives students an opportunity to come up with their own ideas or solutions, which helps them be active learners and develop reasoning skills. Researchers have found that teachers generally do not allow more than two seconds of silence after asking questions of their classes. Many students do no think about teacher questions, waiting simply for one of the "regulars" to provide an answer. "Wait-time" encourages great student involvement and more thoughtful and developed responses. (a) (b) leading questions are a type of questions that are worded so as to elicit particular information or a particular answer. They help teachers assess students’ understanding and students figure out answers to the questions. As science educators, one of the ways we can encourage an output-oriented approach to learning is by modeling such an approach in the classroom. The Socratic method of instruction is one such approach that is effective in encouraging student output and participation. The instructor asks leading questions of the class to guide them in review and discovery. Students in such classes eventually learn to ask questions of themselves in a similar manner, and thus become self-monitoring, output-oriented learners. (c) Integrated questions are types of questions that ask student to use creative thinking to express and apply their knowledge or understanding to new situations. (d) advance organizers are used to provide support for new information. Woolfolk argued they can "direct your attention to what is important in the coming material; they highlight relationships among ideas that will be presented; and remind you of relevant information you already have". Advance organizers that serve to make appropriate prerequisite knowledge available to the learner by providing new information are called expository organizers. Advance organizers that serve to build external connections with existing knowledge that is relevant to the new information by reminding the learner about prior knowledge are called comparative organizers. *(4.c) Cognitive scientists and professional educators agree that analogies are a very potent vehicle in the learning process. When attempting to communicate abstract scientific principles or phenomena, well chosen analogies can bridge serious gaps in student understanding. Develop and explain in detail an analogy for one of the following: (b) the features and components in common electric circuitry (include in your discussion: current, resistance, potential difference, capacitance, open circuits, closed circuits, conductor, non-conductors) DC Circuit / Plumbing system analogy: Electricity is an important topic in physics and vital feature of everyday life, yet is difficult to understand because it can not be seen or handled. To conceptualize this important concept, it is helpful to draw an analogy between DC electric circuits and plumbing systems. In such an analogy, electricity is the primary target, and the plumbing system is the primary analogue, but there are numerous other targets and analogues that will be discussed as the analogy is developed. Like all analogies, the relationship between the target and analogue are limited to the features discussed, and one should not draw conclusions about the nature of electricity by extending the analogy. 1.6.6 Final Examination Questions Target concept: In a direct current (DC) circuit, the voltage (V, volts) of a battery is a measure of the available energy per unit charge which drives the electric current (I, amperes) around a closed circuit. Increasing the resistance (R, ohms) proportionately decreases the current. Analogue concept: In a plumbing system, the pressure difference (P,kPa) generated by a pump is a measure of the energy per unit volume which drives the flow of water (F, cm3/s) through a building. Increasing restriction in the pipe increases resistance (R) proportionately decreases the flow. Relevant features / Mapping: Battery ↔Pump: A battery converts chemical energy to electrical energy to drive an electric current through a conductor just as an electric pump converts electrical energy to kinetic energy to move water through a conduit. The strength of a battery is measured in volts while the strength of a pump is measured in pascals. A battery takes in charge at low voltage, performs work on it, and releases it high voltage. This is analogous to a pump that takes in water at low pressure, performs work on it, and releases it at high pressure Voltage (Potential Difference) ↔Pressure: Voltage (potential difference) is a measure of the energy per unit charge available to drive charges through a closed circuit. This is analogous to fluid pressure which is a measure of the energy per unit volume available to drive water through the closed plumbing circuit. If all other factors are held constant, an increase in voltage causes an increase in current just as an increase in pressure causes an increase in the flow of water. Voltage is measured in volts (joule / coulomb) while pressure is measured in pascals (joule / cubic meter), both of which express the energy available per unit to be pushed. Current ↔Volume flow rate: Current is the rate of flow of electric charge through a conductor just as volume flow is the rate of flow (current) of fluid through a conduit (pipe). Current is measured in coulombs/s (amps) while volume flow is measure in m3/s Conductor ↔Conduit: The flow of charge in an electrical conductor is analogous to the flow of water in a conduit (pipe). As the names imply, both conduct, or move, things from one region to another. Increasing the diameter of a conducting wire increases the flow of electricity just as increasing the diameter of a pipe increases the flow of water. Electricity will flow through a wire made of conductive material (e.g. copper or aluminum) but will not flow through a wire made of nonconductive matgerial (e.g. plastic or nylon), just like water will flow through a open pipe, but not through a clogged pipe. Closed circuit ↔Closed loop: Breaking a circuit with a switch in an electrical circuit is analogous to breaking the flow of water in a loop by closing a gate valve. A closed switch in an electrical circuit is analogous to an open valve in the plumbing analogy. An open circuit has voltage but no current because it has infinite resistance, just as a closed faucet has pressure behind it but no flow due to infinite resistance. Resistance ↔Restriction: Electrical resistance is the opposition to the flow of electricity. Appliances (e.g. toasters, refrigerators, etc.) offer resistance and are referred to as loads on the line. Resistance to electric current by an appliance is analogous to the resistance of flow caused by an appliance (e.g. water wheel). Resistance to electric current caused by a thin wire is analogous to resistance caused by a small pipe. Voltage Drop ↔Pressure Drop: The electrical resistance of an appliance or resistor is so great compared to the copper wire that delivers the current that the voltage drop for a circuit is seen primarily across the appliance. This is analogous to the pressure drop across a water-powered appliance or pipe restriction. Ammeter ↔Flowmeter: An ammeter is placed in series in a circuit to measure the current just like a flowmeter is placed in series in a pipe to measure the flow. Electrical ground Reservoir: A ground wire supplies charge to a circuit while holding the voltage of the adjacent wires steady at the voltage of the earth. This is analogous to a reservoir that supplies water to a plumbing system while holding the pressure of the adjacent pipes at the pressure of the reservoir. A ground provides a voltage reference for a system 1.6.7 Final Examination Questions but is not part of the circuit, just as a reservoir provides a pressure reference for a plumbing loop, but is not part of that loop. Speed of electricity↔speed of water: Electricity travels at the speed of light, but electrons do not. Water in our circuit appears instantly the moment we open a spigot, but the water molecules are not traveling very fast. Since the pipe is filled with water, and water is relatively incompressible, when water is pushed by the pump, molecules near the pump push into their neighbors, and these molecule push into the next ones so that water leaves the spigot nearly instantly, but the water that does is not the water that just left the pump. Likewise, electrons leaving a batter y displace their neighbors, and so on so that electrons a current is monitored almost instantly at the ammeter. Limitations of Analogy: Although this is an excellent and time-tested analogy, it has many limitations. For example, if a pipe is cut, water will flow out, but if a wire is cut, electrons will not flow out. In addition, the current in a pipe results from the flow of the contents of that pipe. By contrast, the atoms of copper stay put in a copper wire, even though electricity flows through it. 1.6.8 Final Examination Questions 1.6.9 Final Examination Questions (4.d) Describe common mistakes made by science instructors when using overheads, videos, and computer presentations. Explain how these media may used most effectively to stimulate student involvement and reasoning. OHP: Some teachers don’t create transparency by themselves and use the transparency accompanied with the textbook. Usually, those OHP materials have too much information to be paid attention by students. Transparency with simple content and limited number of colors are more effective to be learned. You may need to prepare template for students and fill in it with your students. You can add a clear film to the original material and add information by writing and coloring on it, and then remove the clear film and ask questions to students about the transparency. You can present a transparency in any position and ask students how it should be positioned and why, which helps students understand the structure of topic presented in the transparency. To keep and organize the OHP teaching material, you need to make a folder according to your lesson plans. These days, you can save your material to your computer and print it on transparencies whenever you want. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. clarity, good quality of sheet, color coding clear sheet on top – reusable, rapid assessment simple, non-cluttered graphic => allowing focus Template(handout) for students => have students fill in and add colors with teacher explaining => active learning 6. black and white => reproducible 7. dynamic => solve real time =>write down the process of solving problems with students 8. don’t copy notes 9. Think aloud to model teacher’s thinking process 10. use a pen with fine tip => to make writing neat and readable. 11. pattern => organizing information that shows meaningful pattern Video: Some teachers just show a video clip to students. In the case, students don’t realize the objectives of watching it and fall asleep. Thus, we need to make bookmarks and skip some part to save time. Sometimes, you can mute the sound and show only visual part to make it easy for students to focus on the scenes. When students watch a whole video, you need to tell them the objectives and prepare a handout that asks some questions relevant to the video. If you use DVDs, prepare the bookmarks to make it easier to search for specific clips, slow motions and single frame viewing. Computer presentations (Power point): 1. Use only key terms and phrases: Use a limited amount of text. Single words and brief phrases are easier to read and remember than sentences or paragraphs. Make all text readable: The text should be of a size that all can read and should be in a color that contrasts with the background. 2. Use the presenter tools: the detailed teacher’s note should be put on the presenter tools. 3. Reveal text progressively: Animate text so it appears only when you are ready to discuss it. This allows students to track with your thoughts. Revealing all of the text at once may prevent you from asking relevant questions because the answers are already on the screen. 1.6.10 Final Examination Questions 4. Use clear graphics: Use graphics that illustrate your points and are large enough and clear enough that all can see the details you describe. 5. Resize graphics to conserve memory: Resize graphics so they are appropriate for the size of your display. Digital cameras and scanners produce files many times larger than is necessary for projection. Large files require extra memory and may slow your computer. 6. Provide notes: Provide users with notes that show the contents of your slides. Encourage students to add their own notes to the framework you have provided. 7. Employ multimedia: Electronic presentations should make use of text, graphics, movies, sounds, animations and web-links. Such resources should be relevant to your topic. 8. Interact with your audience: The main cause of "death by PowerPoint" is that presenters do not interact with their audiences, proceeding dutifully from one slide to the next. Invite student comments and write down key notes on the screen, whiteboard, or overhead as you go. Master the navigation controls so you can access any slide, webpage or document as appropriate. Do not be constrained by the linear sequence in which your slides are arranged. 9. Use the appropriate technology! Your electronic presentation is not the teacher, but you are. Use it as a tool to illustrate your points. Skip slides that are unnecessary, and use other media as appropriate. The overhead, whiteboard, chalkboard, and digital visual presenter are generally better than electronic presentations when teaching equations, and problem solving. Such media all for a more flexible presentation and allow students to see your thought processes as they develop, rather than those you used when you made a slide show hours before. (4.e) Describe how each of the following technologies may be used to improve science instruction. (a) Video microscope; You and your students can observe something together with video microscope, and then you can take a picture and save it to the computer for later uses. You can edit to add information on the picture and use the picture in your test questions. You can share your video with other students explaining the features. (b) Laserdisc; It’s very similar to DVD. (c) Probe ware: Probeware refers to educational applications of probes, interfaces and software used for real-time data acquisition, display, and analysis with a computer or calculator. Probeware is also known as Microcomputer Based Labs or MBL. By connecting probes to a computer running suitable software, students can observe data displayed in a variety of formats as it is being collected. When used in an inquirybased learning context, this capacity can significantly increase and speed learning. (4.g) Specify a subject you intend to teach, and prepare a persuasive essay to your students illustrating the importance of this field to them and society. Include at least seven specific examples of why your field is important for them and/or society. (STS) 1. Development of medicine. => It helps a human lead a healthy life. 2. Development of batteries. => It helps a development of portable electronics, environment friendly automobiles and more durable medical instruments such as pace maker. 1.6.11 Final Examination Questions 3. Inventions of new fabric. => It helps human live comfortably. 4. Development of shape memory alloys. => It helps reduce the problems of car distorted in accidents. 5. Development of technology to reuse the plastics. => It helps reduce the waste management problem and save the petroleum. 6. Development of doping highly integrated circuits on the semiconductor board enables human to invent portable communication tools such as cellular phone, laptop computer and PDP. (4.h) What are discrepant or counter-intuitive demonstrations? Select a particular discrepant event and explain: A discrepant demonstration is a demonstration or activity that produces unexpected results, causing the observer to ask questions. Students tend to pay more attention to details if something does not behave the way they expect it to. Educators employ discrepant events in an effort to capture student interest and curiosity, and provide the parameters in which students will naturally develop a “need to know.” An attention getting, thought-provoking approach to initiate inquiry is through the use of discrepant events. A discrepant event puzzles the observer, causing him or her to develop the need to know. These situations leave the observer at a loss to explain what has taken place. Discrepant events influence equilibration and the self-regulatory process, according to the Piagetian theory of intellectual development. Situations that are contrary to what a person expects cause him or her to wonder what is taking place, resulting in cognitive disequilibrium. With proper guidance, the individual will attempt to figure out the discrepancy and search for a suitable explanation for the situation. When a person arrives at a plausible explanation for a discrepant event, he or she will establish cognitive equilibrium at a new level. The individual is now better equipped mentally to approach new situations that cause curiosity and puzzlement (Piaget, 1971). An inquiry session initiated with a discrepant event can begin with a demonstration, preceded by directions to focus students’ attention on what they are about to observe. The discrepant event approach receives support from cognitive psychologists, because of its potential impact on learning. Discrepant events are one form of anomalous data that help students focus on their prior conceptions, a step that is thought to be necessary if students are to alter their conceptions so that they become closer to the accepted scientific view. During the exploration phase of the learning cycle, students may confront anomalous data, or such data may be included in instruction based on real-world situations. Just because students view or experience something that is discrepant does not guarantee that they will learn from the situation. Students may ignore or reject it. In order to maximize its effectiveness, the anomalous data must be credible and unambiguous. A recommended strategy for effective instruction includes the following steps: 1) consider a physical scenario of unknown outcome; 2) predict the outcome; 3) construct one or more theoretical explanations; 4) observe the outcome; 5) modify the theoretical explanation; 6) evaluate competing explanations; and 7) repeat the previous steps with another discrepant event illustrating the same theory or concept. 1.6.12 Final Examination Questions Steps one through five may be carried out in various ways. Research on the effective use of discrepant events suggests that teachers should neither confirm nor deny students' tentative explanations of the event but provide guidance and cues so that they can make explanations on their own. The social interaction from small-group and whole-group discussions, and from letting children interact with the materials, appears to facilitate conceptual understanding. The properties of the alkaline metals (a) why it is counter-intuitive; 1. Many students believe that all metals are not dissolvable in water because most cooking tools are made of undissolvable metals such as iron, aluminum and copper. 2. Many students have prior knowledge that all metal are strong and have high melting points. (b) why it behaves the way that it does; 1. Alkaline metals have the largest size of atoms in their series (periods), and thus the weakest metallic bond compared to the transition metals. 2. The weakest metallic bonds lead to low melting points and softness. 3. It has the lowest first ionization energy, so it is easy to be oxidized by even hydrogen in water molecules. (c) how you would use it in your curriculum. 1. When the concept of metal is taught, this will be used to challenge students’ prior knowledge that is mentioned earlier. (4.i) During the course of the semester, you were exposed to a variety of experiments and demonstrations. The instructor will select two or more of these demonstrations and you will be asked to: (a) Describe how the demonstration is performed; (b) Explain the principles involved; (c) Describe two other phenomena which can be explained with an understanding of these principles. **** This question will occur more than once! **** (5) CURRICULAR ISSUES (5.a) Summarize the major initiatives and "reform" movements: Select one reform specific reform initiative and discuss its potential benefits and problems, 1.6.13 Final Examination Questions (a) National Science Education Standards, National not federal => guideline Process oriented Less emphasis on memorization, more on reasoning The National Science Education Standards are designed to guide our nation toward a scientifically literate society. The Standards describe a vision of the scientifically literate person and present criteria for science education that will allow that vision to become reality. Why is science literacy important? First, an understanding of science offers personal fulfillment and excitement--benefits that should be shared by everyone. Second, Americans are confronted increasingly with questions in their lives that require scientific information and scientific ways of thinking for informed decision making. And the collective judgment of our people will determine how we manage shared resources--such as air, water, and national forests. Science understanding and ability also will enhance the capability of all students to hold meaningful and productive jobs in the future. The business community needs entry-level workers with the ability to learn, reason, think creatively, make decisions, and solve problems. In addition, concerns regarding economic competitiveness stress the central importance of science and mathematics education that will allow us to keep pace with our global competitors. Why National Science Education Standards? The term "standard" has multiple meanings. Science education standards are criteria to judge quality: the quality of what students know and are able to do; the quality of the science programs that provide the opportunity for students to learn science; the quality of science teaching; the quality of the system that supports science teachers and programs; and the quality of assessment practices and policies. Science education standards provide criteria to judge progress toward a national vision of learning and teaching science in a system that promotes excellence, providing a banner(기치) around which reformers can rally. A hallmark of American education is local control, where boards of education and teachers make decisions about what students will learn. National standards present criteria by which judgments can be made by state and local school personnel and communities, helping them to decide which curriculum, staff development activity, or assessment program is appropriate. National standards encourage policies that will bring 1.6.14 Final Examination Questions coordination, consistency, and coherence to the improvement of science education: They allow everyone to move in the same direction, with the assurance that the risks they take in the name of improving science education will be supported by policies and practices throughout the system. Some outstanding things happen in science classrooms today, even without national standards. But they happen because extraordinary teachers do what needs to be done despite conventional practice. Many generous teachers spend their own money on science supplies, knowing that students learn best by investigation. These teachers ignore the vocabulary-dense textbooks and encourage student inquiry. They also make their science courses relevant to students' lives, instead of simply being preparation for another school science course. Implementation of the National Science Education Standards will highlight and promote the best practices of those extraordinary teachers and give them the recognition and support they deserve. School principals who find money in their budgets for field trips, parents whose bake-sale proceeds purchase science equipment, and publishers who are pioneering authentic assessments despite the market for multiple-choice tests will also be recognized and encouraged. The Standards help to chart the course into the future. By building on the best of current practice, they aim to take us beyond the constraints of present structures of schooling toward a shared vision of excellence. Goals for School Science The goals for school science that underlie the National Science Education Standards are to educate students who are able to experience the richness and excitement of knowing about and understanding the natural world; use appropriate scientific processes and principles in making personal decisions; engage intelligently in public discourse and debate about matters of scientific and technological concern; and increase their economic productivity through the use of the knowledge, understanding, and skills of the scientifically literate person in their careers. These goals define a scientifically literate society. The standards for content define what the scientifically literate person should know, understand, and be able to do after 13 years of school science. The separate standards for assessment, teaching, program, and system describe the 1.6.15 Final Examination Questions conditions necessary to achieve the goal of scientific literacy for all students that is described in the content standards. Schools that implement the Standards will have students learning science by actively engaging in inquiries that are interesting and important to them. Students thereby will establish a knowledge base for understanding science. In these schools, teachers will be empowered to make decisions about what students learn, how they learn it, and how resources are allocated(배치되는, 할당되는). Teachers and students together will be members of a community focused on learning science while being nurtured by a supportive education system. Students could not achieve the standards in most of today's schools. Implementation of the Standards will require a sustained, long-term commitment to change. (b) Project 2061, Project 2061 of the American Association for the Advancement of Science is a long-term initiative to reform K-12 science education. The project is creating coordinated reform tools and services in the form of books, CDROMS, and online resources. Established in 1985, Project 2061 provides support to enable all Americans to become literate in science, mathematics, and technology. A 1989 publication, Science for All Americans, provided recommendations for what all students should know, and be able to do, in science, mathematics, and technology by the time they graduate from high school. "In 1985, as Halley's Comet last neared the earth, Project 2061's creators considered the scientific and technological changes that a child just entering school would witness before the return of the Comet in 2061-hence the name. Since then, Project 2061's two landmark reports-Science for All Americans and Benchmarks for Science Literacy-have greatly influenced the national reform movement by articulating principles to guide their efforts and setting specific goals for student learning. In particular, Project 2061's work has been essential to the development of the national science content standards released in 1996 by the National Research Council. Project 2061's focus for more than a decade has been on reforming the science, Science, and technology curriculum, and our recommendations reflect that unique perspective. The project's goal of science literacy for all Americans goes far beyond high scores on tests, more hands-on activities for students, or more attractive textbooks, particularly if none of these reflect curriculum and classroom teaching that are designed to promote science literacy." (c) SS&C Integrated Science. : Scope Sequence and Coordination project, integrated science, spiral curriculum, every science, every student, every year 1.6.16 Final Examination Questions (d) California Science Content Standards Content standards were designed to encourage the highest achievement of every student, by defining the knowledge, concepts, and skills that students should acquire at each grade level. *(5.c) Students rarely see the relationship between their science classes and the rest of what they are learning in the secondary schools. Fortunately, there are many opportunities to bridge these gaps and integrate instruction without deviating from one's curriculum. Select one of the following pairs, and clearly explain five concepts in the second field using principles from the first field. (b) chemistry------>national & international politics 1. Greenhouse gas control 2. Alternative energy - Hybrid car 3. CFC control to prevent stratospheric ozone from destruction. 4. Recycling – cans, plastics, paper and glass 5. Heavy metal control – ban on using cadmium yellow for playthings. *(5.d) In recent years there has been much discussion about the S/T/S (Science/Technology/Society) theme in science education. What is the S/T/S approach? Give 10 examples of how recent discoveries or findings in your subject area have resulted in, or are likely to result in, major innovations. the process of science is carried out within the context of a selected theme. The advantages of this approach are the presentation of science knowledge, skills and understanding in a personal/social context. STS is a worthwhile and powerful way to educate students on more levels than merely discrete bits of content. STS approach provides a wide perspective regarding science to students. It emphasizes the significance of science to the development of technology and society. It also stresses the relevance of science to our life and society. It helps students see the importance of science to science-related careers. 1. Liquid crystal has introduced us to flat monitors, TVs and mobile TVs. 2. Fiberglass helps the development of communication with high speed such as internet and international conversation by telephone. 3. Glybec is used to combat leukemia. 4. Synthetic fabrics help people enjoy convenient life. (5.e) List the levels of structural organization in biology (e.g. cellular, tissue, etc.) and give one or more examples of structures from each level. Why is it valuable to introduce these early in a course and review them periodically? ANALOGY LEVEL Subatomic EXAMPLES Proton, electron, neutron 1.6.17 Final Examination Questions SCIENCE Physics, chemistry Atoms Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, chemistry phosphorus, iron…. Molecules Amino acids, glycerol, fatty acids, chemistry monosaccharides * Macromolecules Protein, lipid, carbohydrates Biochemistry Membranes Single, double Biochemistry Organelles Mitochondria, Golgi, lysosome Cytology Cells Red blood cell Cytology Tissue epidermis Histology Organs Liver, lung System Circulatory system, reproductive system, Anatomy Digestive System · Respiratory and Circulatory System · skeletal System · Nervous System, lymphatic system, excretory system Organism human population city Community/biome plants, animals, and soil organisms Ecosystem Rainforest, tundra, Biosphere The earth This organization provides students with perspectives about domains of science. 1.6.18 Final Examination Questions *(5.f) The following topics are the chapter titles from a popular physical science text. Divide them in logical units, and arrange them in a pedagogically sound sequence. Explain and defend the rationale that you have employed for your organization. electricity solar system organic chemistry atmosphere and hydrosphere ions geology(지질학) magnetism solutions the universe the nucleus the atom periodic law energy force gravitation the stars motion earth history crystals waves the changing crust Unit 1 – force, motion, gravitation, Energy => mechanical energy Unit 2 – electricity, magnetism, waves Unit 3 – The nucleus, The atom, periodic law, ions Unit 4- Crystals, solutions, The organic chemistry Unit 5- Geology, atmosphere and hydrosphere, earth history, the changing crust Unit 6- solar system, the stars 1.6.19 Final Examination Questions *(5.g) The following topics are the chapter titles from a popular biology text. Divide them in logical units, and arrange them in a pedagogically sound sequence. Explain and defend the rationale that you have employed for your organization. chemical control, biochemistry, basic chemistry human body structure, nutrition & digestion, circulation, excretion, respiration, nervous systems Heredity, genetics, evolution Cells, cell reproduction, animal reproduction, plant reproduction, classification, the protests(원생생물 fungi, viruses), vertebrates, invertebrates biomes, the environment, animal behavior, transport in plants, plant growth *(5.i) Outline the approach you would use to introduce a unit on the periodic properties of the elements. Make sure that your approach is logical so that students really grasp the reasons for chemical periodicity. Explain the logic of your approach. 1. The atomic structure is taught to help students understand the regularity of electronic configurations of atoms. 2. The Coulomb’s law is reviewed to help students understand the interactions between the nucleus and electrons and among electrons. 3. Then the attraction of the nucleus to the valence electrons is explained by the atomic structure and the Coulomb’s law. 4. The atomic size is illustrated by the attraction between the nucleus and the outer electrons. 1.6.20 Final Examination Questions (6) TEACHING PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS * (6.a) Students will have less difficulty with science "word problems" if they can translate everyday words into mathematical symbols and operations. Fill in the following chart with words or expressions that generally translate into the specified operations. Addition 1 sum 2 together 3 total of 4 combined 5 increased by 6 more than 7 plus Subtraction 1 decreased by 2 deduct 3 delete 4 take away 5 take from 6 remove 7 lose Multiplication 1 fold 2 times 3 product of 4 percent of 5 by a factor of 6 repeat 7 double Division 1 over 2 reciprocal 3 quotient of 4 ratio of 5 half of 6 percent 7 split Power or Root 1 cubed 2 exponent 3 power of 4 square root 5 sci. notation 6 squared 7 order of magnitude *(6.b) Explain the principle of dimensional analysis. Apply this technique to explain how a student could calculate the following. Carry out the calculations: (actual problems may be different). (a) Calculate the mass of silver metal deposited if a 10.00 amp current is passed through a silver nitrate solution for 15 hours. (1 mole of electrons = 96,500 coulombs; MW of silver = 108 grams per mole). (a) Calculate the total number of red blood cells pumped through the heart in a lifetime assuming an average stroke volume of 50 ml, an average life-span of 65 years, an average red blood cell density of 5,000,000 cells per cubic centimeter, and an average pulse of 60. (6.c) Identify 10 of the most commonly measured quantities within your discipline. For each quantity, give the most commonly used units and express this in fundamental units. The following is an example: 1.6.21 Final Examination Questions Measurable Quantity Common Unit Symbol Fundamental Units time seconds (s) s potential difference volt (V) V s kg.m2 C . s2 energy Joule E kg·m2/s2 concentration M C 103mol/m3 volume L V 10-3m3 pressure atm P Kg·m/s2 Electric charge C Q A·s Distance m d m mass kg m kg temperature K T K *(6.d) Introduce a technique for balancing chemical equations. Carefully explain the logic behind this technique. You will be asked to demonstrate this technique using a problem like one of the following: O2 (1) NH3 + (2) C7H6O2 + (3) FeS2 + (4) Ca3(PO4)2 + (5) Al(NO3)3 + (6) KClO3 (7) NH3 + (8) C18H38 + (9) C6H12O6 (10) N2 + N2 + H2O CO2 + O2 H2O Fe2O3 + O2 SiO2 + SO2 C CaSiO3+ H2SO4 KCl + Al2(SO4)3 + O2 Cl2 N2H4 + O2 H2O + C2H5OH + NH3 H2 1.6.22 Final Examination Questions NH4Cl CO2 CO2 CO + HNO3 P4 *(6.f) Some students are quite competent at solving equations, and yet have no intuitive idea about what those equations mean. Give a conceptual explanation of one of one of the relationships expressed as an equation below. Describe the influence and significance of each factor in the relationship. (a) Logistic growth curve for populations: I= r(K-N) N k K= carrying capacity; N= population size; r=intrinsic rate of increase; r=b-d; b=average birth rate; d=average death rate; I=the rate of change in the number of individuals in a population. (b) Universal law of gravitation: FG m 1m 2 r2 F= force; G=universal gravitation constant, m1=mass of one object; m2=mass of second object; r=distance between their centers of mass. Two objects that have masses exert attraction force between them. The gravitational attraction between two objects is proportional to the product of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers of mass. The proportional constant G is extremely small, so to feel the force at least one object has a tremendous mass like that of the moon, the earth or the sun. The distance has square exponent, so the influence is relatively large to masses. For example, the moon is far lighter than the sun, but it is located much closer to the earth. The tide is more affected by the moon than the sun. (6.h) Anatomy and physiology are often taught as two separate units, and as a result, students often fail to see the relationship between form and function. Clearly discuss this important relationship with five examples from one of the following areas: (c) digestion, 1. Teeth are structures found in the jaws of many vertebrates that are used to tear, scrape, and chew 2. food. The shape of an animal's teeth is related to its diet. For example, plant matter is hard to digest, so herbivores have many molars for mastication. Carnivores, on the other hand, need canines to kill and tear meat. Stomach is a bean-shaped hollow muscular organ of the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach produces and secrets gastric acid from glands located at the epithelium that forms rugal folds. Gastric acid breaks down large molecules (such as from food) to smaller ones so that they can eventually be absorbed from the small intestine. These rugae can unfold depending on the amount of food contained. They provide the stomach with a more surface area for food, and thus enhance digestion. In humans, the stomach has a volume of about 50 mL when empty. After a meal, it generally expands to hold about 1 litre of food, but it can actually expand to hold as much as 4 litres. 1.6.23 Final Examination Questions 3. The small intestine is the site where most of the nutrients from ingested food are absorbed. In humans over 5 years old small intestine is approximately 7 m long and can vary from 4-7 m. It is covered in permanent wrinkles which are called plicae circulara from which project microscopic finger-like pieces of tissue called villi. The purpose of these long length, wrinkles and projections is to increase surface area for absorption of nutrients. (6.i) Chose a particular topic within your discipline (for example: cytology, geomorphology, the lymphatic system, Newtonian mechanics) and specify 10 important terms that are common to that topic. List the meanings of all of the root words in each term, and give examples of other words (excluding variations of the original term) which use the same roots. The following is an example of how this question should be answered. Term (1) carbide (2) exothermic (3) electrolysis (4) bivalent (5) biocatalyst (6) condensation (7) hydrophilic (8) oxidation (9) macromolecule (10) chromatograp hy Roots carb-ide ExThermelectro -lysis bi val bio cat con dens hydro phil oxi ion macro chrom Meanings carbon Derived from out heat electricity breaking two power life down together thick water love oxygen process large color other examples carbohydrate bromide external endothermic electrolyte hydrolysis bicarbonate equivalent biology catabolism conduction density hydrogen nucleophilic oxide neutralization macroscopic chromosome graphy writing crystallography (6.k) What is the scientific method? Develop and describe a lesson or series of lessons that requires students to use the scientific method. Define research questions to be answered. => The teacher can introduce discrepant events to students to capture their interest and generate the need to know. Make observations related to this question. => Care must be taken to distinguish observations from inferences. Observation of burning candle. 1.6.24 Final Examination Questions Form a possible explanation (hypothesis) given these observations. => brainstorming Design and perform an experiment to test the validity of the hypothesis. => A phenomenon has many variables, so we need to isolate variables to determine the causes of the phenomenon we see. Change one variable at a time while controlling or keeping constant the rest. The importance of controlling variables to evidence the hypothesis. Evaluate the hypothesis in light of experimental data. => the power of teamwork. Tangram activity. Draw conclusions and Communicate results => inferential reasoning is important in investigating the invisible world. (7) SPECIAL ACTIVITIES; PROJECTS; GAMES (7.a) Discuss the rules and objectives of a game that you would like to use to enhance your science instruction. Science Jeopardy is a classroom game patterned after the popular television game show by the same name. In most games, tests, or classroom drills, students are required to provide answers to questions posed by their teachers. In Science Jeopardy, however, students create questions to answers provided by teachers. The following example illustrates this difference: Traditional method: Question first (Teacher): What biome is found north of the taiga? (Student): “tundra” Jeopardy: Answer first (Teacher): The answer is “tundra” (Student): “What biome is found north of the taiga?” (Student): “What cold-weather biome is dominated by grasses?” (Student): “What biome is found in northern Alaska, Canada, and Russia?” (Student): “What biome is characterized by permafrost, and short growing seasons?” Science Jeopardy (figure 1) requires students to generate questions in response to answers, rather than answers in response questions. This technique discourages the unthinking feedback of rote-memorized “factoids(이해 검증되지 않은 체 사실로 받아들여지는 지식)” and more adequately assesses comprehension of the concepts. Teachers and judges should realize that there is generally more than one correct question to an answer as the example above illustrates. Organization: As with any classroom game, alter the organization and rules to meet the specific needs of your class. The author has found that a team size of 5 works well. Each student should eventually have the opportunity to serve as \team captain. Rotating this position promotes maximum involvement of students in the game. Rules: Beginning: A team is selected to start the game. To lowest ranked team starts first. Selecting Questions: The team captain asks for a particular answer (e.g. “Physics for 300, please”). All teams try to generate a question in response to this answer. Time limits: During the first 20 seconds, only the team that made the selection has the opportunity to respond by reading aloud their question. Team Captain: The team captain selects an individual to answer the question for 1.6.25 Final Examination Questions the team. Scoring: Points are awarded for a well-phrased question that may be answered with the answer given. No points are taken off for incorrect answers, except in “Final Jeopardy”. The harder the question, the higher its point value. Competing Teams: After 20 seconds have passed, other team captains may raise their hands and respond when called upon. If two hands are raised simultaneously, the team that has the lowest score is given priority. Selecting Question: The first team with a correct question is given the privilege of choosing the next answer. A team is not allowed the privilege of selecting more than two answers in a row. After that, the lowest scoring team is given that privilege. Incorrect Answers: There is no penalty for incorrect questions. Terminating Jeopardy and entering Final Jeopardy: Jeopardy can be brought to completion at any time at the discretion of the teacher.: Completion of the first phase leads to Final Jeopardy. The teacher announces the category of Final Jeopardy before point wagers are made. Wager Points: In Final Jeopardy, each team may wager up to half of their current point total. They must write down their wager on paper before the answer is revealed. Final Jeopardy Question. The teacher reads the final jeopardy answer and all teams must write down their questions within the two minutes allotted. Team captains use this time to build consensus and compose the question. Final Jeopardy points: If a question is correct, the team receives as many points as wagered, but if the question is incorrect, they lose this number of points. Winning: The team with the highest score wins. (7.b) Design an attractive, informative hand-out that introduces students to a science fair. Describe: (a) requirements for project design; (b) standards for evaluation; and (c) at least 10 specific science fair project ideas. Note: The ideas should be good, feasible, experimental ideas. (8) STUDENT TEACHING / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (8.a)What are the five professional or academic organizations related to your discipline? Which of these organizations do you believe could assist you the most in your professional development? Explain your reasoning. National Science Teacher Association California Science Teacher Association Korean Science Teacher Association Seoul Teachers Association for Education Policy Korean Chemistry Teacher Association: This organization focuses on chemistry education in Korea. We develop curriculums and experiment methods of chemistry together. Thus, I get new ideas to teach chemistry in more diverse ways. 1.6.26 Final Examination Questions