ENGLISH 1302.doc

English IV—Dual Credit
Spring 2011
R. Gore
Students are responsible for the following graded materials, etc.:
Essays (6), short story (1), poems (2), play (1), presentations (3), quizzes, tests,
final exam
Week 1: Jan 4-7
Tues-Thurs: Finding Forester. Movie (in library)
Friday: Essay (#1) on How to Write as evidenced in above movie (500 words;
always final and rough copies turned in; outline necessary)
***** ALL assignments are to have been read before day due. Students are to be
prepared for pop quiz or lottery selection for ANY question at end of each reading****
Week 2: Jan 10-14 Chapters 1-4
Mon: Discuss pp. 3-15 in MAKING LITERATURE MATTER.
Tues: pp. 16-32
Wed: pp. 33-52
Thurs: pp. 53-57
Fri: Students’ personal creative writing due: short-short or short story.
Week 3: Jan 18-21 Chapter 5 How to Write about Stories
Mon: holiday
Tues: Discuss pp. 59-71
Wed: pp. 75-80
Thurs: pp. 82-89
Fri: short story presentations in library; read pp. 91-123
Week 4: Jan 24-28 Chapter 10 Families
Mon: Discuss pp. 288+ Tan
Tues: pp. 318+ Baldwin
Wed: pp. 653-674
Thurs: Turn in a comparative essay (#2) on above stories (250+ words, O, R,
Fri: “A Rose for Emily” movie
Week 5: Jan 31-Feb 4 Chapter 11 Love
Mon: pp. 125-148 “How to Write about Poems”
Tues: pp. 573-78, 583
Wed: pp. 625-30
Thurs: pp. 818, 1168-70
Fri: Student turns in first personal, creative poem (ORF)
Week 6: Feb 7-11 (Poetry cont’d)
Mon: pp. 1062-72
Tues: pp. 1413-17
Wed: pp. 1567-68
Thurs: pp. 1589-98
Fri: Student presents first personal, creative poem
Week 7: Feb 14-18 (poetry cont’d)
Mon: pp. 631+ “…Prufrock”
Tues: cont’d above
Wed: cont’d above
Thurs: pp. 407-18
Fri: Student turns in second personal, creative poem (ORF)
Week 8: Feb 22-25 Freedom and Confinement
Mon: student holiday
Tues: pp. 837-56
Wed: continue above
Thurs: pp. 972-73
Fri: p. 1069 & essay (#3) due
Week 9: Feb 28-Mar 4 Chapter 13
Mon: pp. 1137-47
Doing Justice
Tues: pp. 1168-70
Wed: pp. 1199-1217
Thurs: continue above
Fri: creative time
Week 10: Mar 7-11 Journeys
Mon: 1349-1366
Tues: continue above
Wed: 1413-17
Thurs: 1427-30
Fri: creative time; essay (4) due
Week 11: Mar 14-18 SPRING BREAK
Week 12: Mar 21-25 How to Write Plays
Mon: pp. 150-167
Tues: continue above
Wed: pp. 343-92 The Glass Menagerie
Thurs: continue above
Fri: continue above
Week 13 Mar 28-Apr 1
Mon-Fri: Students (no more than 4) work together on roughing out an
original play. Analytical essay (#5) due on Monday.
Week 14: Apr: 4-8
Mon-Fri: pp. 1274-1318 Antigone
Week 15: Apr; 11-15
Mon-Fri Students work together to finalize original plays.
Week 16: Apr 18-21
Mon-Thurs: pp. 704-796 Othello
Week 17: Apr 25-29 TAKS WEEK
Week 18: May 2- 6 Analytical essay (6) on either ANTIGONE or OTHELLO due
Week 19: May 9-13
Week 20: May 16-20
Week 21: May 23-27
Week 22: May 30-Jun 3
Mon: Holiday (Memorial Day)
Graduation Week
MLA (Modern Language Association rules apply to all essays)
 Form
 Works cited
 Works Cited page
 Headings
 Outlines
No assignments accepted late. All must be typed or printed. All copies are to be
turned in, with the final copies on top. That means all notes, rough copies
are to be included.
Each essay is to have at least one primary source (2 citations minimum) and
two (2) secondary sources cited (2 citations minimum) according to MLA
direction and rules.
If above number of sources and citations are not included in the
essay, as well as proper form and outline, same will receive no grade higher
than a fifty (50), a failing grade. (At HCC, any grade under seventy (70) is
a failing grade.)
All essays are major grades, all presentations are minor grades, and all other work
is determined according to its merits [such as quizzes, creative works, etc.]
major grades 50%, minor grades 35%, & other 15%); this is for 9 wks.
grades. The semester final is worth 20% and each 9-wks grade 40% of the
semester grade.
All papers should have Times New Roman—12 as the primary form.