The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Procurement Card (Pro-Card) and Travel Card Policies and Procedures Page 1 of 5 Pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Who may have a Pro-Card? 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Who may use a Pro-Card? 28 Reconciliation and approval of Pro-Card or Travel Card statements 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Generally there may be one Pro-Card per budget area (group of accounts)/budget head. There may be exceptions and/or additional cards for 24/7 units. Either the budget head or another designated individual will be the actual card holder. Giving a card to another designated individual requires budget head (supervisory) approval, unit Vice Presidential approval and VPBA approval. Travel Cards may be assigned to designated travel arrangement personnel who are designated as such by the Vice President for Business Affairs. JBS Public Leadership Institute and Admissions personnel who travel routinely and frequently in the performance of their job duties may be assigned a Travel Card for use in their program related travel. In addition athletic coaches may be assigned a Travel Card for use when their team travels or for the coach’s recruiting trips. The travel card is not for JBS, Admissions, or coach solo travel to conferences, etc., so the standard travel arrangement procedures through the office of the VPBA apply. Units that must respond regularly to 24/7 campus requirements may have Pro-Cards assigned additionally to supervisory personnel other than the budget head. Such additional card assignments require budget head (supervisory) approval, unit Vice Presidential approval, and VPBA approval. Only the individual whose name appears on the Pro-Card or Travel Card may use the card (make charges) whether in person or over the phone or on the internet. Use by other than the person whose name is on the card is grounds for immediate removal of the card and could result in disciplinary action and/or termination. The following controls are required for every Pro-Card or Travel Card: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cardholder must reconcile their statement within 7-10 days of receipt of the statement and send it promptly upon approval (step 2) to the Accounting Office. The department head should review the reconciled statement/bill every month within a reasonable time after receipt, including supporting documentation and required separate approval forms (e.g., Official Occasion Expense Form). The card holder and the budget head must sign the statement indicating that the purchases are appropriate, allowed by policy, and are approved. The Accounting Office should review charges for appropriateness prior to payment. Purchasing should review statements to insure conformity to Purchasing and Card policies and procedures. Purchases that could be interpreted as “personal items” must be carefully documented as to how they relate to the mission of the University. For example, theater props or theater set construction 06/30/2016 8:24 PM D:\401278472.doc The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Procurement Card (Pro-Card) and Travel Card Policies and Procedures Page 2 of 5 Pages 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 materials should be documented by including the name of the theater production and the scene, character, costume, or set written on the receipt and included with the statement reconciliation. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Inappropriate use of Pro-Card or Travel Card 67 PURCHASES WHICH APPLY TO PROCUREMENT CARDS ONLY: 68 Please be aware that reviews of the card statement must be thorough and accurate. Each ProCard reviewer and user is personally responsible for inappropriate expenditures. Cardholders are responsible for producing original receipts to support purchases on their ProCards. A pattern of missing receipts will result in cancellation of the Pro-Card. Inappropriate use of a Pro-Card or Travel Card must be promptly reported to the unit’s Vice President, the Directors of Purchasing and Accounting, and to the Compliance Officer. An example of inappropriate use is the frequent explanation of “I pulled out the wrong card.” The first time a card holder makes an error, they must complete the inappropriate use form, explain how they will prevent the error in the future, and promptly repay the amount of the error via a deposit to the Accounting Office to credit the account used. The second time an error occurs in a three month period, the card will immediately be cancelled. The individual will not be eligible for a replacement card for six months and until completion of further training on card use. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Purchases made on-line or through other non-traditional vendors No use of on-line or other non-traditional vendors is permitted with University Pro-Cards without prior approval of the Purchasing Office. The budget head (or the budget head’s supervisor) and the Purchasing Director must provide a signed advance approval of the card’s use for on-line or other non-traditional vendors. The approval may be one-time or for a specified time period. Generally no purchases will be made through E-Bay and only as approved above. Contact the Purchasing Office with any questions or needs that you may have. What may Pro-Cards be used for? Pro-Cards should be used for needed and/or emergency purchases. While convenient, Pro-Cards are NOT a means to avoid Purchasing Office approvals and controls or State of Texas purchasing requirements. Specific exceptions to these general policies and procedures may be requested by a Supervisor and will be reviewed for approval by the unit’s Vice President or the Vice President for Business Affairs and the Director of Purchasing. In an emergency situation and if the unit’s vice-president deems that an exception must be made, he/she may make the exception, document the circumstances of the emergency in writing, and 06/30/2016 8:24 PM D:\401278472.doc The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Procurement Card (Pro-Card) and Travel Card Policies and Procedures Page 3 of 5 Pages 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 may use his/her Pro-Card for that purchase. The exception documentation must be submitted to the Vice President for Business Affairs and the Director of Purchasing as soon as possible for after the fact approval. If either has concerns about the purchase or the documentation, they will provide feedback in a timely manner. Infrequent and non-routine use of a Pro-Card (not a Travel Card) for local recruitment expenses and/or University employee sponsor travel with students must be approved in advance in writing by the Budget Head and unit Vice President. An Official Occasion Expense Form is required and serves as the approval document. What may Pro-Cards NOT be used for? Alcoholic Beverages Cash Advances Cylinder Gases Food Hazardous Chemicals Personal Items Printing Radioactive materials Weapons Ammunition Consulting Services Entertainment Gasoline Leases/Rentals Plants Purchases outside USA Telephone Services Animals Controlled Substances Flowers Gift Cards Liquid Nitrogen Postage Purchases involving trade-ins Travel Books, both textbook and personal, not including Drama scripts for Theater productions or library book purchases by Library staff. Pro-Cards may not be used to purchase Controlled Assets to include; Cameras Computers, components and parts Printers Scanners Video Recorders/Players Cell Phones Fax Machines Projectors Stereo Systems A requisition must be used to purchase these Controlled Assets so they are properly recorded in the inventory system. Please consult the Purchasing Office for specific questions related to “What may Pro-Cards not be used for.” Exceptions or other alternative procedures/work-arounds may be possible. Exceptions must be approved by the President in writing in advance. However, the items below will be granted no exceptions. Pro-Cards may never be used to purchase gift cards. When or if permitted, gift cards must be purchased using a departmental requisition, countersigned by the Dean, Vice President or other second level supervisor. Complete records of the use of purchased gift cards, if permitted, must be kept on a form to be provided by the Purchasing Office. 06/30/2016 8:24 PM D:\401278472.doc The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Procurement Card (Pro-Card) and Travel Card Policies and Procedures Page 4 of 5 Pages 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 Sales tax may not be charged on a Pro-Card. If sales tax is charged by a vendor, the Pro-Card holder is responsible for either getting an account credit or for reimbursing the Accounting Office the amount of the sales tax to be credited to the University account that the purchase is/will be charged to. The deposit receipt or the vendor credit receipt for the sales tax amount must be included in the Pro-Card reconciliation. 168 169 170 171 172 173 PURCHASES WHICH APPLY TO TRAVEL CARDS ONLY: 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 Exceptions to these Policies and Procedures Pro-Cards may only be used to purchase food when approved in advance in writing by the Budget Head and unit Vice President. The University’s food contractor has first right of refusal for food supplied for University functions. If the food contractor cannot handle the food for a University function, the department, with the budget head and unit Vice President’s approval, may purchase food from a vendor outside the University. The University’s food contractor must waive his right to provide food on a signed form available from the Purchasing Office. Waivers may be either for each event or for a given period of time. Generally a food purchase needs to be done on a purchase requisition, before the event and accompanied by the properly approved Official Occasion Expense Form and, if applicable, the University’s food contractor’s waiver. For Student Services, should an unforeseen event occur (such as many late enrollments), food may be purchased with the permission of the VPSS or AVPSSSE. The required documentation must still be provided. Pro-Cards may only be used to purchase books when approved by the Budget Head and unit Vice President. The University has a Bookstore on campus whose contract stipulates that the Bookstore must be given the first opportunity to supply any and all books used on this campus. A department should fill out a requisition with the ISBN number, book name, edition number, author, description and total needed and give to the Bookstore for their review. If the Bookstore can supply the books, the department should place the order with the Bookstore. If the bookstore cannot supply the books, they will so indicate in writing; the requisition will be sent back to the department who should get the budget head and unit Vice President’s approval. The requisition will then be sent to Purchasing for processing with the Bookstore’s written statement of their inability to supply the books. Procurement cards designated for travel should be used only when in travel status (20 miles from home base). These cards may be used to purchase food and fuel. Since these cards are restricted, they cannot be used to purchase office supplies, etc. Exceptions to these Policies and Procedures may only be approved jointly by the Purchasing Director and the Vice President for Business Affairs. Exceptions must be in writing. Emergency exceptions must be approved in advance with written approval to follow. First Approval: W. David Watts, President, June 10, 2009 06/30/2016 8:24 PM D:\401278472.doc