Guidelines for Case Study reports 2015 psyc 2316.doc

Psyc 2316 Guidelines for Case Study Report (2015) 75 points
Read all of these guidelines carefully BEFORE you begin to write the report.
This paper must be typed and proofread carefully. Use "Introduction" or “Part A: Diagnosis” etc.
headings. Carefully follow the format below. Use a 11 font and 1 inch margins. Please leave 3” blank on
top of first page only for me to put your section grades. You will be graded on both content and following
the guidelines.
Introduction: Briefly describe the patient (age, race, place of birth and/or current residence), education,
relevant history and current circumstances. Do not describe symptoms here. ½-3/4 page (10 points)
Part A: Diagnosis 20 points max (1-2 pages long). Use your case and the DSM-5 criteria.
Use the correct heading, for example: Part A: Diagnosis: Panic Disorder
Use DSM-5 format and correct terms for diagnosis and symptoms: For each criteria/ symptom quote exactly
from DSM-5 criteria in hand-out), then type (DSM-5), followed by the client’s actual symptoms for that criterion.
You do not need to include symptoms not manifested by the subject. For example:
Diagnosis: Panic Disorder
A. Recurrent unexpected panic attacks, defined as ……..reach a peak within 10 minutes. (DSM-5). All of Tom’s
panic attacks developed abruptly and reached a peak quickly. His symptoms included:
1. Palpitations, pounding heart (DSM-IV-IV).Tom experienced ……
2. Etc...At least 4 symptoms
B. At least one of the attacks followed by one month…..of one or more of the following:
For all diagnoses you must include any duration and/ or severity criteria...
Part B: Choose one psychological and one biological model/perspective/vulnerability from the text that
attempts to explain the causes of your subject's disorder) (25 points max)
Use the text to find 2 models or perspectives. ( 1 ½ -2 1/2 pages long.. Do not plagiarize the text!!. Use
quotes when needed and : Comer, page ?. Use one outside source only after asking Ms. Spaulding and you
must give the full source reference/source so that I can check for plagarism. Either use a references section or
put it after the quote. Model/perspective must be labeled correctly, such as cognitive, psychoanalytic,
behavioral, biological, etc. For example: Part B: Cognitive Factors in Panic Disorder.
Part C: Therapy (15 points) ( 1-1 ½ pages) Name the type of therapy given to the client such as Cognitivebehavioral, Modeling, Medication. Then briefly describe the therapy. Was it appropriate? Why might
another treatment from the text be better?
DSM-5: 5 points
As they apply to your case subject, not the general terms below.
Categorical information: the Clinical disorders such as Major Depression, recurrent
Additional information such as: Severity Rating of 1-10, with 10 being very severe and unable to function
normally, and 1 being able to function very well. You can make up your severity scale.
Medical problem: General medical conditions that are relevant such as diabetes, loss of leg in battle, head
injury, cancer, etc. Or write “none’
Psychosocial problems: Psychological and environmental problems/stressors such as job loss, divorce,
relationship problems, participation in war in Iraq, etc.
Any other relevant information:
Remember to proofread carefully. The Writing Center can help you, but show them your Guidelines.