Speech Ex. 1.doc

Speech Outline
What the Federal Food & Drug Administration Does
Not Want You to Know
By: Rebecca Curtis
Submitted To - Dr. Jaballa M. Hasan
Specific Goal: I would like to inform the audience of the potential health hazards of
aspartame, a synthetic sweetener known as NutraSweet and Equal.
What is aspartame?
a. NutraSweet
b. Equal
c. Products that contain aspartame
How does it differ from saccharine?
a. Sacrine does not dissolve and deposit into the human body because we do
not digest it.
b. Aspartame dissolves into solution and can travel throughout the human
body depositing itself within any tissue.
Unknowingly, everyday we digest poison through the foods we consume. These
foods are deemed safe for the public by the FDA, so we trustingly consume them.
The connection we don’t make is the correlation between the increase in serious and
even fatal illnesses and our diets. We don’t question what is killing us and take the
word of the physician that has no physical explanation of why we are ill – just that we
are. We must take responsibility to investigate reports that are distributed and
understand the correlation between capitalism and the safety of the people.
Aspartame is the common denominator for over 92 different health symptoms
at the root of modern disease.
Aspartame may trigger, mimic or cause the following diseases:
a. Chronic Fatigue
b. Lyme Disease
c. Alzheimers
d. Epilepsy
e. Fibromyalgia
f. Lupus
g. Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
h. Lymphoma *cancer
i. Attention Deficit Disorder
How does it work
a. Changes the ratio of amino acids in the blood, blocking or lowering the
levels of serotonin, tyrosine, dopamine, norepinephrine and adrenaline. It
is typical that aspartame symptoms cannot be detected in lab tests and on
x-rays. Textbook disorders and diseases may actually be a toxic load as a
result of aspartame poisening.
According to the Department of Health & Human Services symptoms
attributed to consumption of aspartame and submitted to the FDA in 1995
a. 1847 complaints of headache, 735 complaints of dizziness and poor
equalibrium, 656 mood alternings, 362 change in vision, continue list on
slide (provide handout)
b. Reactions to aspartame by product name:
i. Diet soft drinks – 45.9%
ii. Table sweetener – 26.1%
iii. Puddings, gelatins – 9.6%
iv. Cereal – 1.8%
v. List all on slide, include in handout
Side effects
a. According to Lindon Smith, M.D. there is an enormous population
suffering from side effects associated with aspartame, but have no idea
why drugs, supplements and herbs don’t relieve their symptoms.
b. Adverse reactions
i. Blindless
ii. Severe intolerance of noise
iii. Headaches, migraines
iv. Severe depression
v. Aggression, anxiety
vi. Insomnia
vii. Pain when swallowing
viii. Loss of control of diabetes
ix. Peptic ulcers
c. The most critical symptoms of all
i. Death
ii. Irreversible brain damage
iii. Birth defects, including mental retardation
iv. Aspartame addiction and increased craving for sweets
v. Severe depression
vi. Aggressive behavior
vii. Suicidal tendacies
Aspartame Detoxification Program
a. Reverse disease symptoms by removing the underlying cause
i. Remove all sugar-free products with aspartame for your diet
ii. Learn to read your body. Begin recording any health changes.
iii. Get a hair analysis
iv. Detoxify
v. Restore depleted nutrients
vi. Exercise and get plenty of rest
vii. Eat 75% raw foods at every meal
viii. Drink more than the recommended daily allowance of water
ix. Get control of your life
Summarize points of health risks
Tell everyone you know
a. Just because it is approved by the FDA does not make it safe
b. Inform friends who drink diet sodas – most toxic of all
Talk to the daycares and schools – offer to speak at parent-teacher meetings
a. Discourage the sugar-free trend recommended for children
Contact your local, state and federal government representatives
a. Be an active voice that is hear
Register a complaint with the FDA, the FAA, the NutraSweet company about
aspartame poisoning
a. Alert government officials that we will not continue to be at risk for the
sake for the sake of big business.
Publish articles in newsletters at your church, civic groups, or place of
Set an example by changing your diet.
Bressler Report – 1977. Retrieved October 14, 2007 from
Hull, Janet Starr. Aspartame Detox Program. July 16, 2006. Retrieved October 14,
2007 from http://www.sweetpoison.com/articles/0706/aspartame_symptoms_submit.html
Hull, Janet Star. Aspartame Symptoms Submitted to the FDA. April 20, 1995.
Retrieved October 14, 2007 from FDA Side Effects Link posted on