CTE 189 TECHNICAL SPECIALTY VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT To receive 1 - 32 credit for CTE 190 Technical Specialty for coursework, verification of employment or occupational testing. COURSE DESCRIPTION: (Name of Technical Specialty) Granted to students who have: 1. successfully completed approved coursework from a vocational technical institute or school 2. documentation of a chronological history of occupational work experience completed in the Technical Specialty approved by granting institution or 3. successfully passing an occupational competency test, such as: National Occupational Competency Testing Institute (NOCTI) exam for the specific Technical Specialty. PREREQUISITE: Declaration of degree seeking status in CTE. COURSE GOAL: To provide a mechanism for degree seeking career and technical students to receive college credit for course work, technical knowledge and expertise obtained through prior learning. OBJECTIVES: Students will: 1. Document through an employment verification process both length of employment and work experience. 2. Provide documentation to the Coordinator of CTE for review 3. Provide Portfolio of activities performed during work experience (At discretion of CTE Coordinator) 4. Receive college credit up to a maximum of 32 credit hours for this documented and verified work experience in specific content area. VERIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT FORM The Verification Form is to be used to document successful occupational work experience in the field. Multiple Employment Locations: If an individual has worked at multiple locations/companies, for each location of employment a separate verification form will be completed to document work experience. As it is necessary to have an official record of employment, the individual is required to furnish the following information: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(To be completed by the applicant) (Please Print or Type) Name of Applicant __________________________________________________________________ Present Address & Zip _______________________________________________________________ Occupation area for credentialing ______________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(To be completed by the EMPLOYER) (Please Print or Type) The above person was employed as a (Job Classification) ____________________________________ Nature of Employment _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Comments on person's performance _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ (If additional information is available, please use reverse side of this sheet) Documented hours individual has worked for company: ________ Dates of employment, Beginning Date: _____/______/_____ Ending Date : _____/______/_____ Name of Firm_______________________________________________________________________ Address and Zip Code ________________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Title________________ Date ___/___/___ RETURN TO: Dr. Tim Andera CTE Coordinator SDSU Box 507, Wenona Hall Brookings, SD 57007-0095 D:/Work File/Workfile/CTE Program/CTEForms/CTE 189 Technical Specialty