IT442 – Fall 2010 Bruce Mahfood Project 4 Part 3 (Due 10/25) – Command Line Interface Objectives: Getting comfortable with use of the command line (CLI): o Getting information about a server system. o Configuring a server system. o Automation of routine tasks using CLI batch files. Book references: The reading for this project is found in Chapter 6, pp. 107-134. Lab activities: Make sure you have gone over the book’s coverage of Simple Batch Files on pp. 131134. The link gives you a good reference to a large number of available batch commands (NOTE: remember that you can see a full list of commands that can be run at the Command Prompt by typing HELP, and a description of individual commands by typing HELP <command>). You can reference this link or type help for commands as you continue working below. Take a look at the following link to learn a little more about creating batch files: o Go through the list of batch commands given at the first link site (by no means an exhaustive list as you can see from the second link given) and make sure you understand what each command will do for you. o Go to the section labeled Running Different Programs. There is an example batch file given. Open a file on your desktop named mychoice.bat, and either copy/paste or type this text into it as given. Before running the batch file, make the following changes: For the choice command, the script given has one error. It gives some text that is to be shown as the prompt: “Pick a number (1, 2, or 3)%1”, but this text must be preceded with the /M option and a space, and must be in double quotes. The %1 is unnecessary in this example and can be left out. Save the file and open a Command Prompt. Change directory to the Desktop folder, and then type “choice<enter>”. This will run the program which will prompt you for your choice of 1, 2, or 3. It will take any one of 1 those choices, without an <enter>, display the corresponding text, and exit. Making different choices will display different text. o Under the heading How To Make A Time Log, there are three ways that are given for adding a time stamp to a log file from a batch file. Try the first and third (the second does not work on NT systems). You will see that the first has a prompt given afterward, but since the third method runs the output through a find for the line that has the string “current”, the time stamp from the third method is correct for putting inside a log. o The section called Technical Support contains links with more information. Take a look at the following links. You can take a look at these one your own if you would like. Take a look at the following links (these follow one after the other) for more on batch files: o Try the example lines as you see them. It is one thing to read a command line, but many times it is more meaningful when you run the command yourself. Written Assignment – Part 3: The written narrative for this assignment, as stated in part 1, will contain the work done for all three parts of this project. The following questions are for your homework assignment, also due on 10/20. The narrative is to be a separate document to the written assignment for answering questions: 1) What is the difference between an internal and an external command? These are two types of commands that can be typed in at the command line in a CMD.EXE (Command Prompt) window. Why is an internal command always available to you from whichever directory you happen to be in while in the Command Prompt, and conversely, why is an external command not always available depending on which directory you are in? 2) How does the Command Prompt use the Path variable to run commands from the command prompt? What can you say about the content of the Path variable if the command that is given is not found? How can the contents of the Path variable be ordered for greatest efficiency in running commands? 3) What do square brackets mean for describing command syntax? What does the ‘|’ character mean for describing command syntax? These both have a very particular meaning. In your own words, describe exactly what the following make-believe syntax means. I am not asking for what the –p and –o options mean, but what the overall syntax means (in other words something like “There is a command called mycommand that takes two options, -p and –o, which …”: 2 mycommand [ –p [ –o [ OPTION1 | OPTION2 ] ] 4) The batch file that you created above called choice.bat runs through once, with no looping. I want you to rework the batch file so that it does the following: a. If either 1 or 2 is pressed, it will tell me that they were pressed, just as it does right now, and then it will go back and prompt again for another input. b. If 3 is pressed, it will tell me that three was pressed, and it will exit the program. c. Be very sure to test your batch file for all three cases before adding it to your homework. Put a rem command at the top as a comment, which will state your name, the project number, and the question number. Then attach a copy of this file as question 4 of your homework, and send a copy of the batch file to me at so that it can be tested. 5) Write two simple batch files that do the following: a. File 1 is to be called direct.bat: i. Turn off echoing at the start ii. Write a FOR loop that looks for all directories directly under C:\ (look at the FOR loop description on - the command you will issue needs to be slightly different than this) with a given pattern in their name. The pattern will be passed in from the command line, and you should match any directory which has that pattern found somewhere in the name. It could be the whole name itself, or it could be just one letter in the name. iii. The for loop runs through each directory name found and echoes the name to standard out (the display, when this batch file is run by itself). iv. When run on its own, you must be able to give a full name or a letter to match directories found directly under C:\, and having run this command, the correct list of directories from C:\ will be displayed, each on a separate line. v. This batch file only needs two lines of code to do what I have asked. b. File 2 is to be called loopdirect.bat i. Turn off echoing at the start ii. Write a loop using GOTO statements. The content of the loop is as follows: 1. The batch file prompts the user using the CHOICE command to enter a ‘q’ to quit the batch run, or a ‘c’ to continue. The prompt must look as follows: “[<q>uit | <c>ontinue]” so that the user knows that q means quit, and c means continue. 2. If the user enters a ‘c’ to continue, the batch file prompts the user using the SET command, for a file pattern that is to be used in a call to direct.bat. a. NOTE: it is easiest to only test for q to quit, and otherwise, even if another character is given do the call. I would rather that if another character other than q or c is given, an error message is shown, and the prompt for continuing is given again. I am not going to require this, but it is a 3 good exercise for you to add some error checking into your batch code. 3. Once the file pattern has been received into a batch variable, the batch file calls direct.bat using the CALL statement and passing the variable as its command line argument. This call prints its output to the display. 4. Follow this call with another identical call whose output must be redirected to append to the end of a file called direct.log. 5. Before each append of directory data to the file direct.log, the batch file must first get a reasonable timestamp string into a variable, as shown in the lab material above, and append first a blank line and then the timestamp to the end of the direct.log file. The directory name data will be appended to the file after that. iii. Be very sure to test your batch file for all three cases before adding it to your homework. Put a rem command at the top as a comment, which will state your name, the project number, and the question number. Then attach a copy of this file as question 5 of your homework, and send a copy of the batch file to me at so that it can be tested. 4