Study Questions -- US Congress -- Curse of Power.doc

US Congress – Curse of Power
Study Questions
The Partisan Split
Which party has a majority in the U.S. House? Which party has a majority in the U.S.
Do the Democrats today have enough votes to break a Republican filibuster, should be a
party-line vote (all Democrats for cloture; all Republicans in favor of continuing the
Given that the filibuster has been used so often in the US Senate in recent years, how
many (effective) votes are required to pass any legislation through the US Senate?
Why was Senator Lieberman (D-CT) defeated in the Democratic primaries by another
Democrat in 2006? (Liebermann then ran as an independent in the general election and
won his reelection bid to the US Senate. Liebermann retired after his term expired in
House and Senate Leaders
What is the most powerful position in the US House—and—who occupies that
position—and—what do you think about his picture (Ha! Just kidding)?
What is the most powerful position in the US Senate—and who occupies that position?
The Curse of Power
In the struggle for power (over the policies of our country) between the Republicans and
Democrats, what is the “weapon” of choice in “jockeying” for an advantage – 1) murder,
2) intimidation and threats, 3) controversy and scandal, 4) honest and open argument on
the issues?
Why did Newt Gingrich’s (Speaker of the House, 1995-1998) own political party turn on
him, forcing him to resign as Speaker?
What was the policy dispute between Gingrich and President Clinton about (a fight
Clinton won)?
Had the Democrats not won a majority in the U.S. House in 2006, would Speaker Hastert
have been forced out? If so, why?
Before Republicans took a majority in the U.S. House on 2010, what argument were they
making against Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) to try to discredit her leadership?
What charge resulted in Trent Lott stepping down from the top position in the US Senate
(2002)? Why did Harry Reid survive as the Majority Leader after being accused of a
similar charge as Lott?
What controversy forced the resignation of Tom DeLay (R-TX)?
What charge against George Allen (former Republican Senator from Virginia)
contributed to his Senate reelection loss in 2006—and—ultimately eliminated his chances
for running for president in 2008? (Interestingly, Allen tried to make a comeback in 2012,
running for his previously-held Senate seat in Virginia. He was defeated again.)
The “curse of power” also applies to governors who aspire to run for president. How is
Rick Perry (R-TX) being affected by the “curse of power?”
What did Steve Scalise do in 2002 that the media revealed to the public in 2015, after
Scalise was elected to the position of Majority Whip in the U.S. House?