Requirements for Essay 1 and 2. You will be given 3 to 5 essays as possible subjects for this assignment. Choose one essay to analyze. Read it at least 3 times. The essay must be typed, of course. It should be 2 to 3 pages long, 400 to 600 words, double spaced. It should follow the MLA format. Since you have only one source, you won’t need to cite that source. You will mention it on the introduction. Do not create a separate cover page. Do not refer to outside sources. Do not argue with the writer. Do not merely summarize the essay. Analyze the way the writer is trying to get their point across to a specific audience. You must provide at least 3 quotations from the text. Your introduction to the essay can be straightforward. Simply address the components discussed in class and explained in the Analysis Guide. Do not dissect more than one line of argument. Yes, you may address additional issues; however, to earn an “A,” you must address the facets outlined in the Analysis Guide. Use your genius in the body of the essay. Devise an original title for the essay. Please know that your essay might be read to the class. You will first write a rough draft which is worth 10 pts. Bring that to the workshop. You will get feedback from your peers. For additional guidance, read the sheet that your peers will refer to as they review your essay. For the rough draft, type at least the introductory paragraph and one body paragraph. Obviously, if you want to get a better grade on the final version, you should attempt to write a full length essay. We are going slow during the beginning of the course, but keep this in mind: you will be writing a full-length analysis essay in two hours for your FINAL EXAM. It would be wise to also visit the Writing Lab, especially if you have been instructed to do so.