Mr. Stephens Physics Week 1 Lessons (9/12-9/14) Nature of Science Due: Day in Year Day in Week Nothing 1 1 ∙Get back into the swing of science! Nothing 2 2 Field Trip Nothing 3 3 ∙Learn a new reading strategy 1. Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. Field Trip 1. Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. Assessment Group Presentations Field Trip SQ3R Notes Warm-up Agenda (APK-1st, EPK-2nd, Application 3rd, Reflection4th) Welcome Back Speech Field Trip Give out Field Trip assignment-connection to physics Define science Homework ∙Make an email by Monday Field Trip and email me something new. ∙Science learning activities survey. ∙Rubber stopper, test tubes, Field Trip baking soda, vinegar, toilet paper, goggles. Learning Target (Objective) California Standard No School Materials KeyAPK-Accessing Prior Knowledge EPK-Extending Prior Knowledge No School ∙Pass out materials for rubber stopper rockets-each student gives intro to receive materials. ∙Perform Rubber Stopper Rockets Lab ∙Students form groups of three to provide “scientific explanation” using transparency ∙Groups share explanations with class. ∙Polar Bear Dice Game ∙Share personal definition of science ∙Review “scientific explanations” from first day of school. ∙Pass out reading introduce SQ3R. ∙Perform SQ3R Think Aloud with article on p2 of conceptual physics ∙Groups devise new explanations based on reading and SQ3R on readings. ∙Share out. ∙Index card summary of new explanation ∙Make an email by Monday and email me something new. ∙Copies of Conceptual Physics page #2, 11-12, 2930, 35-36, 46-47,59-60, 6465, 74-75, 92-93. Hyperlinks to documents only work on the school server Hyperlinks to internet work anywhere Differentiation -Laptops enable students to work at their own pace