(Data for former assessment)

Assessment 2: Impact on Student Learning
Assessment as presented to candidates: For this discussion board, your focus will be on enhancing the
curriculum with materials and how that impacts student learning. This is also an NCATE assignment, so
your professors will submit this as a sample of your work.
1. Make sure that you have read chapter 3 in Learning Together with Young Children.
2. Choose a typical material that you offer in your classroom and provide it to children as you
typically have. Observe how (3) children use it (document your observation with children’s
comments and actions). This material could be Play-doh, sand, water, blocks, etc. It is your
choice. Include a picture of how you set up the material.
3. Look at the principles for examining the elements and possibilities in materials. As well as the
Principles for arranging materials as invitations for focus and intention. These principles are
found on page 55 and discussed throughout chapter 3.
4. After your observation, examine your notes and the principles in chapter 3 and decide what
other materials you might offer with this first material to present an “invitation for learning.”
5. Set up a new “invitation for learning with both the old and new materials. Again, observe the
same (3) children. Take note of how they use the materials this time (document your
observation with children’s comments and actions). Include a picture of the new “invitation for
6. Discuss the principle(s) that you incorporated and tell for each child how you as an educator
have impacted student learning.
Discussion Board Rubric
1 Introduction Discussion Impact on Student Learning (4 points)
(4) Answers all questions by deadline, engages in conversation with more than two classmates
(3) Answers most or all questions, engages in conversation with at least two classmates
(1) Answers most or all questions, does not respond to classmates
(0) Did not post by deadline
14 General Discussion Boards (140 points)
Initial Assignment
Focused on topic
Initial Assignment
Critical thinking/
Follow-up postings:
0 points
No posting
No posting
No postings
1 point
The response is late or the
response is not fully
developed on the topic
Post shows lack of analysis
and critical thinking when
applying topic discussed
Posting show one or two
days of participation;
Responses to questions
and comments from
classmates and instructor
are missing
2 points
The response is on time, welldeveloped and fully addresses the
Student shows thoughtful
consideration of question/ topic and
is able to analyze, think critically and
apply information discussed
Postings are evenly distributed
throughout the discussion period
reflecting participation from start to
finish; responds to questions and
comments from classmates and
instructor on original posts and posts
to classmates
Follow-up postings:
No postings
Repeats information but
does not add to the
discussion; Postings to
classmates lack full
development or analysis of
previous posts
Encourages and facilitates interaction
among members of the online
community; Demonstrates analysis of
others’ posts; extends meaningful
discussion by building on previous
All postings:
No citations to
Multiple spelling and
grammar errors
References to literature,
readings, and personal
experience to support
comments, are not cited in
APA style; Professional
vocabulary and writing
style is lacking
Uses references to literature,
readings, and personal experience to
support comments, cited in text, APA
style; Professional vocabulary and
writing style are used consistently
throughout the discussion