Assessment 6: Management Plan

Comprehensive Classroom Management Plan
(as presented to candidates)
The Comprehensive Classroom Management Plan is a practical paper, the components of which you will
use as a professional teacher. This paper will be written with grades K-3 in mind. This will be an
expository document of 10-12 pages (do not go over 12 pages) that will enable you to demonstrate the
following: 1.) apply the ideas from the course, and 2.) reflect on how you will manage a classroom.
The paper should be a reflective and thoughtful exposition on how your classroom will be organized and
managed. Cite any sources in a bibliography/reference page at the end. The next section provides an
outline that identifies the topics that must be considered in designing the classroom management plan.
Each statement under each section must be addressed in your management plan. Begin a section right
after completion of a previous section. Center, underline and bold the title of each section. Be sure to
place page numbers in your paper. The paper must be emailed to the instructor by 6:00 PM on
December 2, 2010.
Section 1. Background. State the characteristics of the school, the background of the students, the
curriculum the school uses, and other factors that will affect your plan. You will need to make certain
assumptions because you are planning for a fictitious school at this point in your career.
Section 2. Physical Organization of the Classroom. Design and diagram (draw a picture) an effective
arrangement for multiple configurations. For example, large group, small group(s), independent work,
and centers are some configurations that are possible (for the 4 major content areas). Explain and
defend the physical arrangements. You can use Classroom Architect for your drawing. You must copy the drawing into your paper.
Section 3. Rules and Rationale. Develop a list of rules that will serve as standards of conduct in your
room. Present a rationale for each of the rules you choose. Explain how you will teach the rules to the
students. Be specific in how the rules will be taught. Set it up in this manner: Rule #1, Rule #1 rationale,
teaching rule #1, and so forth for each rule you use.
Section 4. Classroom Procedures and Routines. Develop a basic list of 7-10 procedures and routines to
be taught during the beginning of a new school year (there are many more but we will start with the
basic ones). Outline a schedule for each day of the first week, days 1-5, that shows how and when the
procedures and routines will be taught. Set it up in this manner: Day 1, procedure(s) to be taught, how
and when taught, and so forth for each procedure you use.
Section 5. Consequences of Students’ Behaviors. Develop a hierarchy of consequences. List them and
show how you will use them for minor isolated problems and behavior patterns. In addition, show how
you will handle serious instances of misbehavior. Defend the consequences you select.
Section 6. Teaching for Learning. Describe how you will develop an academic climate that ensures
student success and a business-like environment. Share ideas and techniques that you believe are
critical to your classroom Management success. Develop a brief homework policy that would be sent
home to share with parents.