Alternative Sources of Energy Lab

Alternative Forms of Energy Lab
Table 1 – Solar Energy
1. Read the information at the table.
2. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.
a. Solar cells only produce a small amount of energy ___
b. Solar cells are not commonly used because they cause a great
deal of pollution____
c. Solar cells have been used to heat houses, power cars, and
d. Solar water heaters are mostly used in the northern parts of the
united states_____
3. Take a look at the solar house. Would this work well in Los Angeles?
4. A solar calculator receives all the power it needs through its solar cells
located above its screen. What happens when you cover the solar cells
with your hand?
Table 2 - Biomass and Gasohol
1. Read the information at the table.
2. Imagine that you own a car that runs on alcohol made from corn that
you grow. You drive your car about 15,000 miles per year. You get
about 240 gallons of alcohol from each acre of corn that you process.
If your car gets 25 miles per gallon, how many acres of corn would
have to grow each year to fuel your car? Show your work in the box
Table 3 – Nuclear Energy
1. Read the information at the table.
2. Shoot the Nucleus. Make a model of a nuclear fission reaction. Place a
handful of marble in a tight cluster in the pan – so that they are all
touching one another. Shoot another marble at the cluster from within
the pan.
3. What does the marble shot at the center represent?
4. What effect did the marble have on the cluster?
5. How is this similar to a nuclear fission reaction?
Table 4 – Wind Energy
1. Read the information at your table.
2. Wind Power. Turn on the fan and observe the wind turbine.
3. What happens when the wind passes over the blades of the turbine?
4. What is the advantage of wind turbines mounted on towers?
Table 5 – Hydroelectric Energy
1. Read the information at your table.
2. Pour the water over the water wheel. Notice that the ball of clay
moves upward. Pour the water back into the original container.
3. What factors influence how quickly you can lift the ball of clay?
4. How does this model show the energy of moving water transformed
into work being performed?
Table 6 – Tidal Energy
1. Read the information at your table.
2. How are tidal plants similar to hydroelectric plants?
3. How are they different?
Table 7 – Geothermal Energy
1. Read the information at your table.
2. Draw a picture of a geothermal power plant in the box below. Be sure
to label the Power plant, where steam rises, Magma, Where cold water
is pumped down, the pump, and the cooling tower.