EDAD Portfolio Rubric

South Dakota State University
Department of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
Written Examination (Portfolio) Rubric
Date: ____
Educational Administration
Acceptable: Most artifacts meet the conditions stated below and all Goals are supported by
artifacts that meet the conditions stated below.
Unacceptable: There are goals for which the portfolio does not provide sufficient evidence that
the goal has been met.
Please indicate whether the condition is met (M) or not met (N) for each criterion and Goal.
Met/Not Met
1. Artifacts are appropriate to
Goal 1 ___
Goal 2 ___
Goal 3 ___
Goal 4 ___
Goal 5 ___
Goal 6 ___
Goal 7 ___
Specify any artifacts that are not appropriate
and explain.
2. Artifacts demonstrate
student’s competence
Goal 1 ___
Goal 2 ___
Goal 3 ___
Goal 4 ___
Goal 5 ___
Goal 6 ___
Goal 7 ___
Specify any artifacts that fail to demonstrate
3. Artifacts consist only of
work in which student had a
role in production
Goal 1 ___
Goal 2 ___
Goal 3 ___
Goal 4 ___
Goal 5 ___
Goal 6 ___
Goal 7 ___
Specify any artifacts for which this is not
4. Rationales successfully
make the case that, based on
the artifacts provided, the
student has met the Goal.
Goal 1 ___
Goal 2 ___
Goal 3 ___
Goal 4 ___
Goal 5 ___
Goal 6 ___
Goal 7 ___
Specify any artifacts for which the rationale
is inadequate.
The portfolio will be judged as Unacceptable
and the student will not be able to continue to
the oral exam if 1, 2, and/or 3 above are not
generally met OR if there is a Not Met for any
Goal in 4.
Based on the criteria listed and your analysis,
rate the portfolio as Acceptable or
__ Acceptable
__ Unacceptable
Standard 1.0: Candidates who
complete the program are
educational leaders who have
the knowledge and ability to
promote the success of all
students by facilitating the
development, articulation,
implementation, and
stewardship of a school or
district vision of learning
supported by the school
1.1 The candidate develops a credible plan for improving learning in an educational setting
that explicitly considers the success of all students and is based on relevant knowledge and
theories, including the impact of diversity, social and cultural systems, and organizational
1.2 The candidate is able to fully and appropriately articulate a vision to students, staff,
parents, and community, using data-driven research and strategic planning.
1.3 The candidate develops a process for implementation which includes motivation of
staff, students, and families as well as mechanics of carrying out the process.
1.4 The candidate provides a credible plan for continued development of the vision,
including data-driven processes for monitoring, evaluating, and revising the vision and its
1.5 The candidate develop a plan to promote the involvement of diverse community
members in implementing and sustaining the vision.
Standard 2: Candidates who
complete the program are
educational leaders who have
the knowledge and ability to
promote the success of all
students by promoting a
positive school culture,
providing an effective
instructional program, applying
best practice to student
learning, and designing
comprehensive professional
growth plans for staff.
2.1 There is evidence that the candidate will be able to promote a positive school culture to
improve school programs by using multiple methods of assessment of school culture and
implementing context appropriate strategies that capitalize on the diversity (e.g.,
population, language, disability, gender, race, socio-economic) of the school community
2.2 The candidate demonstrates an understanding of how to affect effective instruction
based on appropriate principles of instructional and curricular improvement,. including the
appropriate use of instructional techonology, to meet the needs of diverse learners.
2.3 The candidate demonstrates the ability to appropriately use and promote diverse means
of improving student learning.
Standard 3: Candidates who
complete the program are
educational leaders who have
the knowledge and ability to
promote the success of all
students by managing the
organization, operations, and
resources in a way that
promotes a safe, efficient,
effective learning environment.
3.1 The candidate demonstrates the ability to efficiently and equitably improve the learning
environment for all students by effectively organizing and managing fiscal, human, and
material resources. Plans of action are aligned with the curriculum and the organizational
vision, employ appropriate instructional practice, and take into consideration student safety.
3.2 The candidate demonstrates the ability to involve staff in conducting operations and
setting priorities using appropriate and effective needs assessment, research-based data, and
group process skills to build consensus, communicate, and resolve conflicts in order to align
resources with the organizational vision.
2.4 The candidate is able to bring about positive change in school personnel through
appropriate and systematic professional development based on knowledge of best practice,
educational data, adult learning, and organizational vision and goals.
3.2 The candidate demonstrates an understanding of how to apply legal principles to
promote educational equity and provide safe, effective, and efficient facilities.
3.3 Candidates use problem-solving skills and knowledge of strategic, long-range, and
operational planning (including applications of technology) in the effective, legal, and
equitable use of fiscal, human and material resource allocation and alignment that focuses
on teaching and learning.
Standard 4: Candidates who
complete the program are
educational leaders who have
the knowledge and ability to
promote the success of all
students by collaborating with
families and other community
members, responding to diverse
community interests and needs,
and mobilizing community
4.1 The candidate demonstrates an ability to bring together the resources of family members
and the community as well as public information and research based knowledge of issues
and trends to positively affect student learning.
4.1 Candidates apply an understanding of community relations models, marketing strategies
and processes, data-based decision-making, and communications theory to create
frameworks for school, family, business, community, government, and higher education
4.1 Candidates develop a comprehensive program of community relations and outreach and
demonstrate the ability to work with the media and other community organizations and
4.2 The candidate demonstrates active involvement within the community, including
interactions with individuals and groups with conflicting perspectives.
Standard 5: Candidates who
complete the program are
educational leaders who have
the knowledge and ability to
promote the success of all
students by acting with
integrity, fairly, and in an
ethical manner.
Standard 6: Candidates who
complete the program are
educational leaders who have
the knowledge and ability to
promote the success of all
students by understanding,
responding to, and influencing
the larger political, social,
economic, legal, and cultural
4.2 The candidate provides leadership to programs serving students with special and
exceptional needs.
4.2 The candidate demonstrates the ability to assess and capitalize on the diversity (cultural,
ethnic, racial, economic, and special interest groups) of the school community to improve
school programs and meet the diverse needs of all students.
4.3 The candidate demonstrates an understanding of and ability to appropriately and
effectively find and use community and public resources, including youth services, to
support student achievement, solve school problems, serve the community, and achieve
school goals.
5.1 The candidate demonstrates a respect for the rights of others with regard to
confidentiality and dignity and engages in honest interactions.
5.2 The candidate demonstrates the ability to combine impartiality, sensitivity to student
diversity, and ethical considerations in interactions with others.
5.3 The candidate makes and explains decisions based upon ethical and legal principles.
6.1 The candidate acts as an informed consumer of educational theory and concepts
appropriate to a school context and can demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate research
methods to a school context. The candidate is able to explain how the legal and political
systems (at all levels) as well as institutional factors and economic factors impact schools,
communities, and the opportunities available to children and families.
6.1 The candidate demonstrates the ability to analyze and describe the cultural diversity and
community norms and values in a school community. The candidate is able to explain and
apply change and conflict resolution theory in the context of schools and communities with
specific characteristics.
6.2 The candidate demonstrates the ability to communicate with members of a school
community concerning trends, issues, and potential changes in the environment in which
the school operates, including maintenance of an ongoing dialogue with representatives of
diverse community groups.
6.3 The candidate demonstrates the ability to engage students, parents, and other members
of the community in advocating for adoption of improved policies and laws. The candidate
provides evidence of having actively applied their understanding of the broader political,
social, economic, legal, and cultural context to develop activities and policies that benefit
students and their families.
6.3 Candidates advocate for policies and programs that promote equitable learning
opportunities and success for all students, regardless of socioeconomic background,
ethnicity, gender, disability, or other individual characteristics.
Additional Standard (7):
Candidates are reflective
professionals who display
commitment to growth as a
7.1 Candidate will continue to learn when opportunities for doing so are present.
7.2 Candidate is able to communicate personal beliefs and core values regarding education.
7.3 Candidate has both long and short term career goals.
7.4 Candidate is aware of appropriate professional organizations and has plans for joining.
7.5 Candidate is aware of opportunities to contribute collaboratively as a professional and has
plans for doing so.
7.6 Candidate describes actions in terms of the positive impact those actions will have on