
Intel 486 32-bit Address Modes, and Gnu Assembler Syntax
Here mem = memory operand = m32 in S&S, p. 72. (32-bit mode case)
Note that the [ ] means access memory at the enclosed address, like
the * operator for pointer-deferencing in C.
Address Mode
Intel syntax
-----------------------Register ("reg") mov eax, ebx
Gnu syntax
---------------movl %ebx, %eax
Immediate ("idata")
movb $0x3a, %bl
mov bl, 3ah
Memory Addressing Modes: "mem" in instruction manual
mov [1234h], eax movl %eax, 0x1234
mem = [disp32]
mov x, eax
movl %eax, x
Register Indirect mov [ebx], eax
mem = [r32]
movl %ebx, (%ebx)
Register Indirect
mov [ebx+4], al
with Displacement or mov 4[ebx], al
mem = [r32 + disp32]
or mov [ebx]+4, al
movb %al, 4(%ebx)
Scaled Index
mov arr[4*edx], eax
movl %eax, arr(,%edx,4)
mem = [n*r32p + disp32] or mov [4*edx+arr], eax
The memory addressing modes above are all important special cases of
the general formula at the bottom of page 72.
mem = m32 = [r32 + n*r32p + disp32]
-- r32 is any one of eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp, esp
-- r32p is any r32 reg except esp, and is the "index reg"
-- n = 1, 2, 4, or 8, or is omitted, the "scale"
-- disp32 = signed 32-bit constant, the "displacement"
-- the effective address is r32 + n*r32p + disp32, not m32
(correction to misstatement in text, bottom of p. 72)
Thus two registers can be used at once in memory addressing, called
"base plus index" addressing. The scaled register (the one multiplied
by n) is called the index register and the other the base register.
The general expression for mem in Gnu as is:
mem = disp32(r32, r32p, n)
Gnu syntax, general "mem" case
where n defaults to 1 if the third arg is omitted, and no scaling
is done if the second arg is omitted. Thus the Gnu ( ) notation
also means pointer-dereferencing, with the pointer value
r32 + n*r32p + disp32, or "disp32 off from r32 + n*r32p".
Some examples using two registers:
mov array[ebx+esi], eax
movl %eax, array(%ebx,%esi)
mov [ebx + 4*esi], eax
movl %eax, (%ebx, %esi, 4)
mov [ebx+4*esi + vect], eax movl %eax, vect(%ebx, %esi, 4)
To confuse matters, the Intel syntax allows several variants:
disp[r32 + n*r32p], [r32 + n*r32p]+disp, disp[r32][n*r32p],
and even disp1[r32+n*r32p+disp2] (the disp's just add up)
Examples by instruction (examples from instruction manual)
addb 0x4211a, %al # add contents of byte in mem at addr 4211a, to al
addw $34, %ax
# immed 34, decimal
addl 8(%ebp), %esi
andb $0x0f, %al
andl %eax, %ebx
andb 0x7f, 6(%ebx)
call sort
lea fn)table, %ebx
movl $3, %eax
call (%ebx, %eax, 4)
# advanced use, not to worry about
cmpb x, %al
# 8-bit compare, mem byte at x vs al
cmpw (%ebp,%eax,2), %cx # 16-bit compare, array[i] vs cx, with array addr
in ebp, i in eax
cmpl $7, %esi
# 32-bit compare, contents of esi vs 7
inw $0x72, %ax
crt_port = 0x1f4
movw $crt_port, %dx
inb %dx, %al
# 2 bytes in from ports 0x72, 0x73, to ax
# (made-up port#)
# put port# in dx
# 1 byte in from port 0x1f4, to al
incl %esi
int $42
# make a system-dependent OS call
Note multiple mneumonics for the same action: je is the same as jz,
both test flag ZF.
Flags: These instuctions *test* the flags in EFLAGS, but they don't
*change* any of them.
decb %al
jz reached_zero
lea vector(,%ebx,4), %esi # load address of dword array element (addr of
array is val of symbol "vector", index in ebx)
lea (%eax,%ebx), %edi
# add contents of eax and ecx, store in edi
(%eax), %al
$0x182, %esi
%dx, %bx
$0x7f, %ah
movw $0xe78, %dx # put port in %dx
outb %al, %dx
# output byte to port 0xe78, from al
pushl $7
# push 7 (as a dword) onto stack
pushl array(,%esi,4)
# push dword array element (index in esi)
ret $4
# but we have the *caller* adjust the stack,
to fit with C, so we just use "ret"