
Issues and Ethics (30% of Grade)
When you submit your essay project, include the following items in a pocketed paper
folder (and not a file folder). Please do not staple your final research paper.
Left side (in this order):
1. Research proposal (takes the place of your planning page)
2. One rough draft outline (either topic or sentence outline)
3. One marked up rough draft of your essay
4. Copies of all sources (two or more) you used to write your essay (with highlighted
passages that you incorporated into your essay as facts/statistics, direct quotes,
and paraphrases)
Right side (unstapled, in this order):
1. Title page (sample title page on Learning Web)
2. Annotated topic outline (Your annotations in parentheses on the right side of your
outline should reveal the argumentative strategies you used to structure your
argument. The required annotations are reasons, at least one concession, and at
least one refutation. Optional strategies are common ground, definition, and
background/history.) Review the sample outlines on the Learning Web.
3. Documented essay (minimum of 1,000 words)
4. Modern Language Association (MLA) works cited page