
PARAGRAPH STUDY #3: Paragraph Coherence
Our first paragraph study was on topic sentences and development. Our second study
was on paragraph unity. Today our third paragraph study is on paragraph coherence.
DIRECTIONS: Analyze the following paragraph for coherence. Writers achieve
coherence through
(1) transition words (furthermore, for example, second) that help bridge the gap between
(2) pronoun-antecedent reference (pronoun in one sentence referring to an antecedent
in another sentence), and
(3) repetition of key words from preceding sentences. (Note key words in the topic
Underline transition words or phrases. Circle pronouns in one sentence that refer to
antecedents in another sentence. Draw an arrow from the pronoun to the antecedent. Box
any key words you see repeated throughout the paragraph. Your topic sentence should
establish key words.
Although feminists argue that traditional gender roles are oppressive for women,
some women dispute this claim. Feminists believe that for approximately the last 100
years, women have been fighting for the same rights men have and were able to make
substantial changes to the traditionally accepted feminine gender role. However, these
feminists say there is still work to be done to combat their oppression; for them the
feminist movement is unfinished. For example, they cite that women earn a smaller
percentage of aggregate income than men, occupy lower-ranking job positions than men
and still do most of the housekeeping work. On the other hand, some women do not view
patriarchy as oppressive, in spite of these feminists’ claims. These non-feminists argue
that women actually earn 98 cents on the dollar when factors such as age, education, and
experience are taken into account. These opponents counter the evidence of wide-spread
oppression. Such opponents believe that the work of the feminist movement is over and
that its work has been done.