
History 1302 Study Guide for Exam 2b
A. Key Term Identification (2pts. each/ 40pts). Twenty definitions from the following
list of terms will be on the exam. You will identify all twenty.
Sierra Club
League of Nations
George Creel
Moral Diplomacy
Queen Liliuokilani
Franz Ferdinand
Roosevelt Corollary
Bolshevik Revolution
Food Administration
16th Amendment
Ashcan School
Henry Ford
Keating-Owen Act
Influenza Pandemic of 1918
W.E.B. du Bois
Smoked Yankees
War Guilt Clause
Upton Sinclair
B. Short Answer (15 pts. each/ 30 pts). Of the following THREE will be on the exam
and you will choose TWO to answer. You will be required to write two to three
paragraphs FOR EACH TOPIC fully explaining the terms of your choice. Not only
should you include the key events for each one, but you should explain their
significance also.
Total War
World War One
C. Essay (30 pts.). The following essay will be on your exam. Please remember to
write an ESSAY which includes an introduction, your points of discussion and a
What motivated Americans to pursue an Imperialist policy during the 19th century?
What were the results?