CIS 642 Advanced Systems Analysis and Design Spring Quarter 2015 Time: TBA

CIS 642
Advanced Systems Analysis and Design
Spring Quarter 2015
Time: TBA
Instructor: Dr. James Courtney
Business Building 325C
(318) 257-3804
Office Hours: Tuesday 11:00 – 11:30, 1:00 – 4:00
Wednesday 11:00 – 11:30, 1:00 – 4:00
Thursday 1:00 – 4:00
And by Appointment
This class has virtual hours via e-mail, Moodle and phone.
Instructor Website: Moodle
Required: Systems Analysis and Design, Fourth Edition, 2009, Wiley Publishers,
by Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley Wixom, and Roberta Roth
Course Prerequisites: Doctoral Standing
Course Overview and Objectives
The analysis of business processes and the design of computer systems to meet business
requirements are at the heart of CIS. This course is designed to cover the traditional
systems development life cycle (SDLC) and the Unified Modeling Language (UML),
although alternative methodologies are also discussed. It will focus on the earlier phases
of the SDLC, from information systems planning through the specification of structured
system requirements in functional form (i.e., logical system design) and concentrate on
the methods, techniques, and tools used to determine information requirements and to
document there requirements in a thorough and unambiguous form.
The second major function of this course is research. This course is designed to provide
dWeekoral students in MIS an introduction to some key managerial and organizational
issues and challenges in Information System Analysis and Design. For each of these key
topical areas, the seminal pieces (if any) and most recent research articles were selected.
The seminal readings were selected as an introductory overview and the most recent
research articles were select for stimulating discussion of future research possibilities.
At the conclusion of this course, successful students should be able to:
1. Define the systems analyst's role and responsibilities in a typical organization.
2. Explain the phases of the systems development life-cycle (SDLC) and the
major deliverables in each.
3. Explain the elements of the UML.
4. Analyze and solve a business problem using the SDLC and UML.
On the research side, at the completion of the course, course participants are expected to
have a broad knowledge about the past and current research issues in Information System
Analysis and Design, be able to identify relevant research questions and conduct in-depth
exploration in the various topical areas in SAAD, and be able to propose a research
project including problem statements, literature, and research methods.
Course Organization
The course consists of two components lectures/discussions about systems analysis
design and seminar discussion concerning research articles.
Course Evaluation and Grading Scale
Evaluation Area
Research Paper
The final course grade will be determined as follows:
Less than 60% Brain dead
Students with Disabilities
Any student in this class who has a documented visual or physical impairment, hearing
disability, or any other disability covered by the university’s services for students with
disabilities should contact me during the first week of class to discuss and arrange any
instructional accommodations that may be necessary. Students who would like to serve as
volunteer tutors, readers, or note takers for students needing special assistance are
encouraged to contact me during the first week of class.
Academic Integrity
I have adopted a very simple but strict policy within the overall university guidelines to
maintain academic integrity. In all cases of academic dishonesty (for example, cheating
of any kind in quizzes and exams or plagiarism in project reports), the involved student(s)
will get the grade of Fail (F) for the whole course. Exceptions will be made only in rare
cases, in which the student makes a convincing case of the situation beyond the control of
the student.
At the first class meeting, we will equitably assign responsibility for gathering and
copying of the articles for each week’s meeting. The assigned person for that session
is responsible for gathering the masters and having the articles copied and ready to
distribute by the beginning of each class session prior to those assigned readings
being due. It has been my experience that becoming immersed in the gathering of
literature has resulted in numerous serendipitous events which have led to successful
research projects for me. Maybe the article just before or after the one you need
catches your eye and results in a research idea. Maybe something in the table of
contents for that issue is relevant to some research you are pursuing. Maybe you just
become better at using the library, who knows? In any event, this is the method we
will use this semester. Try it with an open mind and you may find value in it.
Each of the class participants will be assigned as the discussion leader for their
assigned paper at each class meeting. The discussion leader will be expected to drive
the discussion toward the key issues and relevant discussion associated with the
assigned reading. I will serve as a moderator and facilitator for the discussions and,
whenever relevant, will provide additional guidance and insight.
Despite the use of a discussion leader approach, all class participants are expected to
be fully prepared to discuss all assigned article for that course session. The class
participation grade will be assigned based on the relative contribution of each class
participant to the class as a whole and will represent 20% of the total course grade.
Please do not underestimate the importance of coming to class fully prepared. The
class participation will consider the following:
the familiarity with the assigned readings,
the ability to integrate material from a diverse set of readings,
the ability to develop new ideas based on the readings,
the ability to provide real-world examples to support or refute the readings,
the ability to ask and/or answer relevant questions, and
My personal assessment on the overall degree of preparedness of each
Course Schedule
Week 1
Introduction (Ch 1 & Ch 2)
Classic Systems Theory
Ackoff, R. (1971): "Towards a system of systems concepts," Management
Science, 17(11), pp. 661-671.
Churchman, C. West, The Design of Inquiring Systems: Basic Concepts of
Systems and Organization (Basic Books, Inc., New York, NY, 1971),
Chapter 1: “Design and Inquiry.”
Parrish, J.L. and Courtney, J.F. The Weickian Inquiring System: An
epistemological foundation for a New Inquiring System. Unpublished
working paper, University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Week 2
Requirements Determination (Ch 3)
System Development Methodologies
Checkland, P. “Soft Systems Methodology,” in Rational Analysis for a
Problematic World: Problem Structuring Methods for Complexity, Uncertainty
and Conflict, Jonathan Rosenhead, ed., Wiley Europe, 1989.
Mumford, E., “A Socio-Technical Approach to Systems Design,” Requirements
Engineering, 5:2, 2000, 125-133,,
accessed June 6, 2002.
Hirschheim, R. and Klein, H.K., "Realizing Emancipatory Principles in
Information Systems Development: The Case for ETHICS," MIS Quarterly
(March), 1994, pp. 83-109.
Week 3
Use Case Analysis & Process Modeling (Ch 4 & Ch 5)
System Development Methodologies
Hirschheim, R. and Klein, H.K., “Four Paradigms of Information Systems
Development,” Communications of the ACM, 32(10), 1989, 1199-1216.
Iivari, J., Hirschheim, R., & Klein, H. 2000. A Dynamic Framework for
Classifying Information Systems Development Methodologies and Approaches.
Journal of Management Information Systems, 17(3), p.179-218.
Johnson, R. 2000. The Ups and Downs of Object-Oriented Systems Development.
Communications of the ACM, 43(10), p.68-73.
Meso, P. and Jain, R. 2006. Agile software development: adaptive
systems principles and best practices. Information Systems Management,
Summer 2006. Vol. 23, Iss. 3; p. 19.
Huisman, M. and Iivari, J. 2006. Deployment of systems development
methodologies: Perceptual congruence between IS managers and systems
developers, Information & Management. Vol. 43, Iss. 1; p. 29
Hardgrave, B.C., Davis, F.D., and Riemenschneider, C.K., "Investigating
Determinants of Software Developers’ Intentions to Follow
Methodologies," Journal of Management Information Systems, 20 (1),
Summer 2003, 123-151.
Week 4
Data Modeling (Ch 6)
System Development Process
Robey, D. & Newman, M. 1996. Sequential Patterns in ISD: An
Application of a Social Process Model. ACM Transactions on Information
Systems, 14(1), p.30-63.
Newman, M. & Sabherwal, R. 1996. Determinants of Commitment to
Information Systems Development: A Longitudinal Investigation. MIS
Quarterly, 20(1), p.23-54.
Sambamurthy, V. & Kirsch, L. 2000. An Integrative Framework of the
Information Systems Development Process. Decision Sciences, 31(2),
Hardgrave, B. and Armstrong, D., 2005, Software process improvement;
it's a journey, not a destination, Communications of the ACM. New York:
Week 2005. Vol. 48, Iss. 11; p. 93
Week 5
Architecture Design (Ch 7, Ch 8)
Wang, E., Klein, G., and Jiang, J. 2006. ERP Misfit: Country of Origin
and Organizational Factors Journal of Management Information Systems.
Summer 2006. Vol. 23, Iss. 1; p. 263
Ranganathan , C. and Brown, C., 2006. ERP Investments and the Market
Value of Firms: Toward an Understanding of Influential ERP Project
Variables, Information Systems Research, June 2006. Vol. 17, Iss. 2; p.
Jones, M., Cline, M., and Ryan, S., Exploring knowledge sharing in ERP
implementation: an organizational culture framework, Decision Support
Systems, Jan 2006. Vol. 41, Iss. 2; p. 411
Jones, M. and Young, R., 2006. ERP Usage in Practice: An Empirical
Investigation, Information Resources Management Journal., Vol. 19, Iss.
1; p. 23.
Week 6
User Interface Design (Ch 9)
User-IS Relationship
Newman, M. & Robey, D. 1992. A Social Process Model of User-Analyst
Relationships. MIS Quarterly, 16(2), p.249-266.
Beath, C.M. & Orlikowski, W.J. 1994. The Contradictory Structure of
Systems Development Methodologies: Deconstructing the IS-User
Relationship in Information Engineering. Information Systems Research,
5(4), p.350-377.
Wang, E., Chen, H., Jiang, J., and Klein, G. 2005. Interaction quality
between IS professionals and users: impacting conflict and project
performance Journal of Information Science. Vol. 31, Iss. 4; p. 273
Hirschheim, R. and Newman, M. 1991. Symbolism and Information
Systems Development: Myth, Metaphor, and Magic. Information Systems
Research, 2(1), p.29-62.
Week 7
Program Design (Ch 10)
User Participation & Involvement
Hunton, J.E. & Price, K.H. 1997. Effects of the User Participation Process
and Task Meaningfulness on Key Information System Outcomes.
Management Science, 43(6), p.797-812.
Aladwani, A.M., Rai, A., & Ramaprasad, A. 2000. Formal Participation
and Performance of the System Development Group: The Role of Group
Heterogeneity and Group-Based Rewards. Database for Advances in
Information Systems, 341(4), p.25-40.
Hwang, M.I. & Thorn, R.G. 2000. The Effect of User Engagement on
System Success: A Meta-Analytical Integration of Research Findings.
Information & Management, 35(4), p.229-236.
Hartwick, J. & Barki, H. Communication as a Dimension of User
Participation. IEEE Transactions of Professional Communication, 44(1),
Week 9
Data Storage Design (CH 11)
User Requirement Analysis: Elicitation
Davis, G.B. 1982. Strategies for Information Requirements Determination.
IBM Systems Journal, 14(4), p.147-156.
Byrd, T.W., Cossick, K.L., and Zmud, R.W. 1992. A Synthesis of
Research on Requirements Analysis and Knowledge Acquisition
Techniques. MIS Quarterly, 16(1), p.117-137.
Browne, G. & Rogich, M. 2001. An Empirical Investigation of User
Requirements Elicitation: Comparing the Effectiveness of Prompting
Techniques. Journal of Management Information Systems, 17(4), p.223249.
Coughlan, J., Lycett, M. Macredie, R. 2003. Communication issues in
requirements elicitation: A content analysis of stakeholder experiences,
Information and Software Technology. Amsterdam: Vol. 45, Iss. 8; p. 525
Week 9
Implementation & Transition (Ch 12 & Ch 13)
IS Implementation: User Training
Simon S.J., Grover, V., Teng, J.T.C. & Whitcomb, K. 1996. The
Relationship of Information Systems Training Methods and Cognitive
Ability to End-User Satisfaction, Comprehension, and Skill Transfer: A
Longitudinal Field Study. Information Systems Research, 7(4), p.466-490.
Lim, K.H., Ward, L.M., & Benbasat, I. 1997. An Empirical Study of
Computer System Learning: Comparison of Co-Discovery and SelfDiscovery. Information Systems Research, 8(3), p.254-272.
Gregor, S. & Benbasat, I. 1999. Explanations from Intelligent Systems:
Theoretical Foundations and Implications for Practice. MIS Quarterly,
23(4), p.497-530.
Sein, M.K., Bostrom, R.P., & Olfman, L. 1999. Rethinking End-User
Training Strategy: Applying a Hierarchical Knowledge-Level Model.
Journal of End User Computing, 11(1), p.32-39.
Week 10
Object-Oriented Design (Ch 14)
Ji, Y., and Yun, M., 2006. Enhancing the Minority Discipline in the IT
Industry: A Survey of Usability and User-Centered Design Practice,
International Journal of Human - Computer Interaction. Vol. 20, Iss. 2; p.
Zhang, P., Carey, J., Te’eni, D., and Tremaine, M., Integrating HumanComputer Interaction Development into the Systems Development Life
Cycle: A Methodology, Communications of the Association for
Information Systems. Atlanta: 2005. Vol. 15; p. 1
Grobelny, J. and Karwowski, W., and Drury, C., 2005. Usability of
Graphical Icons in the Design of Human-Computer Interfaces,
International Journal of Human - Computer Interaction. Vol. 18, Iss. 2; p.
Akoumianakis, D. and Stephanidis , C., 2005. Building Consensus in
Human-Computer Interaction Design: Integrated Activity-Oriented Design
Environments, International Journal of Human - Computer Interaction,
Vol. 18, Iss. 1; p. 85
Week 11
Final Exam Last Day of Class
Research papers & presentations due
Other Topics
IS Implementation: User Acceptance
Nelson, R.R. & Cheney, P.H. 1987. Training End Users: An Exploratory Study.
MIS Quarterly, 11(4), p.547-559.
Taylor, S. and Todd, P.A. 1995. Understanding Information Technology Usage: A
Test of Competing Models. Information Systems Research, 6(2), p.144-176.
Marakas, G.M. & Hornik, S. 1996. Passive Resistance Misuse: Overt Support and
Covert Recalcitrance in IS Implementation. European Journal of Information
Systems, 5(3), p.208-219.
Venkatesh & Davis, F. 2000. A Theoretical Extension of the Technology
Acceptance Model: Four Longitudinal Field Studies. Management Science, 46(2),
IS Implementation: Organizational Level Issues
Markus, L. 1983. Power, Politics, and MIS Implementation. The Communications
of ACM,
Sabherwal, R. & Robey, D. 1993. An Empirical Taxonomy of Implementation
Processes based on Sequences of Events in Information System Development.
Organization Science, 4(4), p.548-576.
Tyre, M.J. & Orlikowski, W.J. 1994. Windows of Opportunity: Temporal Patterns
of Technological Adaptation in Organizations. Organization Science, 5(1), p.98118.
Hoffman, N. & Klepper, R. 2000. Assimilating New Technology. Information
Systems Management, 17(3), p.36-42.
IS Project Management
Kirsch, L. 1997. Portfolios of Control Modes and IS Project Management.
Information Systems Research, 8(3), p.215-239.
Seilheimer, S.D. 2000. Information Management during System Development: A
Model for Improvement in Productivity. International Journal of Information
Management, 20(4), 287-295.
Jiang, J.J., Klein, G., & Discenza, R. 2001. Information System Success as
Impacted by Risks and Development Strategies. IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management, 48(1), p.46-55.
Barki, H. & Hartwick, J. 2001. Interpersonal Conflict and Its Management in
Information System Development. MIS Quarterly, 25(2), p.195-228. .