Career Project 2013.doc

Career Project (Essay and Presentation)
Part 1: Research Essay Requirements
Define your career choice.
Explain the qualifications for most jobs in this field; include any information about a
professional exam and tell if it is required.
Explain the types of classes focused on for your career choice.
Give the typical starting salary.
Tell how many hours you will be expected to work per week in the field.
List and explain two positive and two negative aspects of this career (in your opinion).
Tell where most jobs in this field are located geographically.
Give the names of major companies/organizations that hire people in this career field.
Give the names of at least three professional organizations you can join as a member of
your chosen career.
Explain how your personality, dominant multiple intelligences, learning style, and your
preferred learning theorists’ perspective relate to your career choice.
Locate two recent journal articles pertaining to your career choice. Provide information
from your articles within your essay using the appropriate MLA format (Attach both
Reference page in MLA Format
Extra Credit for 10 points each (you may submit both):
1. Write a letter to a potential internship employer requesting a meeting to discuss
internship possibilities within the company. (Numerous templates can be found online)
2. Interview someone who has the specific career choice you have chosen and attach ten
questions you used during the interview and the person’s responses.
Part 2- Career Presentation
Define the career
Discuss the tasks/duties
Give salary range
Explain specific education requirements
Give two positive and negative aspects of the career
Visual aid (design, spelling/grammar, & clarity)
Knowledge base & preparation of the presenter
______10 pts.
______20 pts.
______10 pts.
______10 pts.
______10 pts.
______20 pts.
You must give an oral presentation to receive credit for the career presentation.