DIMACS/CCICADA Interdisciplinary Series, Fall 2012
Dates: Held most Mondays, with occasional talks scheduled at other times
Time: 11 AM to 12 noon, with brown-bag lunch
Location: DIMACS, CoRE Bldg. Room 431, Rutgers Busch Campus, Piscataway, NJ
Hosts : James Abello, and Fred Roberts
Series Description A forum for presentation and discussion of mathematical, computational, and
statistical questions of interest to the DIMACS/CCICADA community and arising from research
challenges in a variety of disciplines. We expect the series to be of interest to computer scientists,
applied mathematicians, operations researchers, and statisticians, as well as researchers and
practitioners in engineering, bioinformatics, epidemiology, political science, sociology, and the
behavioral sciences.
Themes include but are not limited to:
mathematical sciences models for applications of global or national importance such as
homeland security, climate change, healthcare, and critical infrastructure.
machine learning and its applications
social network analysis
privacy and security
computer, communication and sensor networks
algorithmic analysis and visualization of large-scale, unstructured, heterogeneous and/or
streaming data
applications of discrete mathematics/theoretical computer science to the social and
behavioral sciences
risk modeling and assessment
information processing in biology
mathematical and computational epidemiology
Talks will be given by members of the DIMACS/CCICADA community and by outside speakers.
Recommendations for speakers (and offers to speak) should be directed to James Abello
( or Fred Roberts (