NEW UNDERGRADUATE CERTIFICATE PROPOSAL Proposal Description Proposed Certificate Name and College Offering It: Proposing unit(s) [department(s) or school(s)]: Describe the initiative and rational for which approval is being sought: Summary of proposed program (100 words or fewer): Section I: Need and Demand Describe why there is a need for the proposed certificate, the likely employment outcomes of program graduates, and provide evidence for program demand. Section II: Educational Requirements Describe the curriculum including coursework, student learning outcomes, and any internship or capstone experiences. Section III: Advising and Mentoring Describe how students are advised and mentored through the program. Section IV: Admissions Criteria Describe the application material required (e.g., transcripts, test scores, letters of reference). What are the admission criteria? Section V: Proposed Program Support by Current Faculty and Staff 1. Describe support in the form of current faculty actually teaching and/or commitment in principle 2. List typical teaching faculty profiles including highest degree and research interests and accomplishments (for example, C.V. or resume) Section VI: Proposed Program Support by Current Facilities Describe the facilities and space that would be used to support the proposed program, included university computer and library resources. 1 Section VII: Proposed new resource requirements Describe additional faculty, staff, facility space, technology, or other resources/funding required for the implementation of the new program. This could also include additional administrative /student support services or library resources that are needed. Section VIII: Potential Conflicts with Existing Programs at the University of Cincinnati Describe any anticipated conflicts for enrollments with existing programs at UC. If the new program duplicates or closely resembles a program already offered in the State of Ohio, justify its duplication. Section IX: Competitor Programs at the regional, state or national level Describe programs that are likely to be competitors with the proposed program. Section X: Describe plans to market the program Section XI: Distance Learning Components If the proposed program has a distance learning component, describe the infrastructure and procedures that will be used to ensure quality of instruction. Section XII: Financial Planning Table (below) Please use the table below to provide financial projections for the proposed certificate. Please note, the college business officer and the person completing the document will need to sign the finished document to confirm that they have reviewed it. Section XII: Endorsements (below) (REQUIRED) Please note: If the certificate requires courses from outside the proposing college(s), a statement from the Dean of the offering college indicating agreement with including these courses in the curriculum is needed also. This statement is needed even if the courses are electives. Dean statement is not required if the purpose of listing the course is simply to indicate that a student taking the class as part of his/her regular curriculum can also use it for a certificate but that the class is not open to those outside the major For all new certificate proposals, endorsements from the offering college(s) are needed below 2 Fiscal Impact Statement for New Certificates Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 0 0 0 0 Total Projected Enrollment I. Projected Enrollment Head-count full time Head-count part time Full Time Equivalent (FTE) enrollment II. Projected Program Income Tuition (paid by student or sponsor) Expected state subsidy Externally funded stipends, as applicable Other income (if applicable, describe in narrative section below) Total Projected Program Income III. Program Expenses New Personnel Instruction (technical, professional and general education ) Full ____ Part Time ____ Non-instruction (indicate role(s) in narrative section below) Full ____ Part time ____ New facilities/building/space renovation (if applicable, describe in narrative section below) Scholarship/stipend support (if applicable, describe in narrative section below) Additional library resources (if applicable, describe in narrative section below) 3 Additional technology or equipment needs (if applicable, describe in narrative section below) Other expenses (if applicable, describe in narrative section below) Total Projected Expense Total Projected Surplus/Loss Budget Narrative: (Use narrative to provide additional information as needed based on responses above.) College Business Officer Signature:_________________________________________________________ Program Proposal Completed By:___________________________________________________________ 4 Proposal Endorsements Certificate Program Director*- “I certify that this program proposal is endorsed by the proposed program faculty and that they have agreed, in principle, to participate actively in the program.” Printed name- ___________________ Signature- _________________ Unit Head*- “The department will provide the departmental resources and support described in this document toward the development of the proposed program.” Printed name- ___________________ Signature- _________________ College Dean*- “The college fully supports the development of the program described in this proposal and will provide college resources as described in this document.” Printed name- ___________________ Signature- _________________ *Attach additional endorsement pages with appropriate names and signatures when more than one program, unit and/or college is sponsoring the proposed new program **Attach additional endorsement pages when courses from other college outside of the proposing colleges, will be listed in the curriculum, either as a required course or an elective. See above description – Section XII. 5