Mr. Stephens Oceanography Week 1 Lessons (9/18-9/22) Unit 1-Introduction/Thinking like Scientists Due: Day in Year Day in Week Nothing 1 Day One Learning Target (Objective) Nothing 3 Day Three Materials 4 Day Four: Syllabus/Personality Profile 5 Day Five To build a community and To build a community think like a scientist and think like a scientist To build a community and think like a scientist To build a community and think like a scientist To build a community and think like a scientist California Standard 1.d.a. Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence. 1.d.a. Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence. 1.d.a. Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence. 1.d.a. Formulate explanations by using logic and evidence. Assessment Class Discussion of Discrepant Event ∙Are you in the right place? Why are you here? ∙TOTD-You can count the seeds in an apple, but you cannot count the apples in those seeds. ∙Day One powerpoint Class Discussion of Discrepant Event Class Discussion of Discrepant Event ∙Review day two demo. ∙TOTD-Advice is free: The right Interactive Science Composition Book ∙Any housekeeping ∙Review day three demo ∙TOTD-If a man who cannot count 1.a.a. Select appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data. Week one quiz ∙Turn in your homework ∙Day Two Powerpoint ∙Can Crusher ∙Syllabus ∙Science Safety Handout ∙Match Boats ∙Partner Interviews ∙The Big Cornstarch Explosion ∙Surprise Fire Homework ∙Check the class website ∙Name one essential question from Oceanograhy Unit 1 ∙Gather Class Materials by Thursday ∙Begin Life Map (due Monday via email) and Complete the Personality Profile online by Friday. ∙Syllabus Due Friday ∙Continue to work Life Map (due Monday) and complete the Personality Profile by Friday. ∙Syllabus Due Friday ∙Syllabus/Personality Profile Due on Day 5 Materials Large opaque container, food coloring, Aluminum cans, hot plate, tongs, water, match sticks, containers, dish soap. Blowtorch, lighter, cornstarch, paper, potassium permanganate, aluminum tart pan Balloons, lighter, index cards, 2-liter bottle, water, and scissors. Warm-up (APK) Agenda (EPK) Day 1 HW 2 Day Two ∙Any housekeeping ∙Review day one demo ∙TOTD-If there is no wind, row. answer will cost plenty. finds a four-leaf clover, is he ∙Review Day four demos ∙TOTD-When the student is ready, the master appears. ∙Collect Syllabai-Questions? lucky? KeyAPK-Accessing Prior Knowledge EPK-Extending Prior Knowledge Hyperlinks to documents only work on the school server Hyperlinks to internet work anywhere Differentiation -Laptops enable students to work at their own pace ∙Interactive Science Composition book ∙Personality Profile ∙Quiz ∙Time to work on Life Map ∙Finish Life Map and turn in via email before class on Monday. Computers?