Spring 2314-2013.doc

Psychology 2314: Human Growth and Development Lifespan
CRN- 40452 - spring 2013
West Loop Campus – Room 003 – 1pm to 3pm –Mon/Wed
Instructor: Antonio Gonzalez
Instructor Contact Information: antoniogonzalez1@hccs.edu
Office location and hours:
Please feel free to contact me concerning any problems that you are experiencing in this course.
You do not need to wait until after receiving a low grade before asking for assistance. Your
performance in my class is important to me. I am available to hear your concerns. Please feel free
to stay after class to discuss your concerns and or visit with me before class.
Course Description: A developmental psychology course designed to provide an
understanding of human behavior and characteristics from conception through death.
This course includes information on physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes
throughout the lifespan. Theory, research, and applications are covered.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 2301 or equivalent)
Required Textbook: Berger, K.S. (2011). Invitation to the lifespan. First edition. New York: Worth
Publishing Company.
Textbook Companion Website: http://bcs.worthpublishers.com/bergerinvitels1e/
a. Preparation of lectures, discussions, and exercises
b. Facilitation of an effective learning environment
c. Preparation of class assignments and exams
d. Evaluation and prompt feedback on exams, assignments and class
A. Attend class, arrive on time. (Students arriving late may be counted as absent).
B. Reading and comprehending the text. Study for examinations.
C. Completing required assignments and exams (written assignments must
Be hardcopy and turned in to the instructor, NO EMAILS).
D. Ask for help when there is a question or problem so said problem may be resolved.
E. Keeping copies of all paperwork, including: the syllabus, handouts and exams
F. Listening in class. Taking notes when appropriate and obtaining notes from
Classmates for days when absent. No talking in class, unless speaking to class.
G. Cell phones WILL be turned OFF, No electronic devices without the effective
approval of the instructor. Points deducted from grade(s) if your phone rings.
H. Attire: Provocative wear/dress that disrupts the learning process will not be allowed
And such will be addressed on an individual basis.*
I. The use of profane/Vulgar language shall not be verbalized in class and will not be
accepted as a means of communication. **
There will be 3 exams & a final given in this course. Each exam is worth 20% of
the final grade. No make up exams allowed (see note below).
The written assignment required is also worth 20% of your grade.
Extra credit may be earned for written topics assigned to students, credit for
such will be added to examination grades (not to include final) and
may not exceed more then ten (10) points.
Reading at the college level means having the ability to analyze and interpret a variety of
printed materials, books, and document. You Must read the assigned chapters as directed.
Writing at the college level means having the ability to produce clear, correct, and coherent
prose adapted to purpose, occasion, and audience. In addition to knowing correct grammar,
spelling, and punctuation, students should also become familiar with the writing process,
including how to discover a topic, how to develop and organize it, and how to phrase it
effectively for their audience. 
Effective speaking is the ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive
language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience.
Listening at the college level means the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of
spoken communication.
Critical thinking embraces methods for applying both qualitative and quantitative skills
analytically and creatively to subject matter in order to evaluate arguments and to construct
alternative strategies. Problem solving is one of the applications of critical thinking used to
address an identified task.
Computer literacy at the college level means having the ability to use computer-based
technology in communicating, solving problems, and acquiring information. Coreeducated students should have an understanding of the limits, problems, and
possibilities associated with the use of technology and should have the tools
necessary to evaluate and learn new technologies as they become available.
Sometimes I will lecture on particularly complex topics, but at other times you may be
asked to master sections of the text on your own. Use the Key Concepts as your guide to
determine which material is most important. I will provide class time for asking and
answering questions over material, which will appear on tests. Course objectives help
you determine which material you need to study and master, you must read the book.
All key concepts are covered in the text. Most will be covered
in class, but students are responsible for ALL required
concepts even if they have not been mentioned in the
class. You MUST READ the chapters WITHOUT exception.
Key Concepts for Psyc 2314
Your instructor will cover additional material and add concepts or objectives to this
list. These are the concepts required by the discipline in addition to those your
instructor assigns.
Learning objectives
OBJECTIVES FOR SLO #1: Define and identify key concepts in multiple (5)
areas of lifespan psychology including concepts, facts and theoretical
1.1.1. Developmental psychology
1.1.2. Life-span perspective
1.1.3. Cohort effects
1.2.1. The ecological-systems approach to the study of human development
1.2.2. Epigenetic system’s theory
1.3.1 Genes and chromosomes
1.3.2. Dominant and recessive genes
1.3.3. Behavioral genetics
1.3.3. Stages of prenatal development
1.3.4. Teratogens
1.3.5. Prenatal Abnormalities
1.3.6. Preterm and low birth weight
1.3.7. Gerontology
1.3.8. Menopause
1.3.9. Changes in the sense organs during adulthood
1.3.10. Ageism
1.3.11. Gerontology
1.3.12. Stages of dying
1.3.13. Grief and bereavement
1.4.1 Learning theory
1.4.2 Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
1.4.3 Vygotsky’s theory of cognitive development
1.4.4 Characteristics of good schools
1.5.1. Freud’s Psychosexual theory
1.5.2. Erikson’s Psychosexual theory
1.5.3. Kinkeeper
1.5.4. Activities of daily life
1.5.5. Respite care
1.5.6. Hospice
1.5.7. Palliative care
1.5.8. Living will
OBJECTIVES FOR SLO#2: Define and identify the basic research and
evaluation methods used in lifespan psychology, including the strengths and
weaknesses of each method.
Define and identify
2.1.1. Cross-sectional research method
2.1.2. Longitudinal research method
2.1.3. The basic steps of the scientific method
2.1.4. Surveys and case studies, noting at least one advantage (or strength) and
one disadvantage (or weakness) of each
2.1.5. Scientific observation as a research strategy, noting at least one
advantage (or strength) and one disadvantage (or weakness).
2.1.6. The components of an experiment, and discuss the main advantage of this
research method
2.1.7. Some of the ethical issues involved in conducting research with humans
OBJECTIVE FOR SLO#3: Demonstrate knowledge of and explain concepts
related to lifespan development.
3.1.1. Differences among the major theoretical perspectives in lifespan
3.2.1. The ecological-systems approach to the study of human development, and
explain how this approach leads to an understanding of the overlapping contexts
in which people develop.
3.3.1. Nature / nurture controversy
3.3.2. Process of reproduction
3.3.3. Multiple births
3.3.4. Genetics research
3.3.5. Genetic counseling
3.3.6. Brain development
3.3.7. SIDS
3.3.8. Role of nutrition, including breastfeeding
3.3.9. Role of exercise and it’s effects on preventing obesity
3.3.10. Eating disorders
3.3.11. Role of hormones in development during adolescence
3.3.12. Puberty
3.3.13. Changes in body image during adolescence
3.3.14. Sexual behavior including STD’s and decisions
3.3.15. Teen pregnancy
3.3.16. Factors that contribute to drug use and addiction
3.3.17. Primary and secondary aging
3.3.18. Osteoporosis
3.3.19. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
3.3.20. Variables affecting life expectancy
3.3.21. Theories of aging
3.3.22. Euthanasia and assisted suicide
3.4.1. Sensorimotor intelligence, including object permanence
3.4.2. Preoperation thought
3.4.3 Concrete operations
3.4.4 Formal operational thinking
3.4.5. Vygotsky’s theory
3.4.6. Theories of language development
3.4.7. Bilingualism and second language learners
3.4.8. School related testing
3.4.9. Mental retardation
3.4.10. Learning disabilities and ADHD
3.4.11. Metacognition and selective attention
3.4.12. Information Processing theory
3.4.13. Moral development
3.4.14. Characteristics of good schools
3.4.15. Working outside of school and it’s effects
3.4.16. Senescence
3.4.17. Psychological impact of attending college
3.4.18. Postformal thought
3.4.19. Fluid and crystallized intelligence and how each is affected by age
3.4.20. Gardner’s view of multiple intelligences
3.4.21. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
3.4.22. Wisdom
3.5.1. Temperament
3.5.2. Attachment, including secure and insecure and the strange situation
3.5.3. Prosocial and antisocial behavior
3.5.3. Child care concerns
3.5.4 Parenting styles
3.5.5 Cross-cultural parenting
3.5.6 Disciplining children
3.5.7 effects of media
3.5.8 Gender development theories
3.5.9 Identity vs. role confusion
3.5.10 Depression and suicide
3.5.11 Challenges of adolescence
3.5.12 Role of work in adult development
3.5.13 Intimacy vs. isolation
3.5.14 Generativity vs. stagnation
3.5.15 Integrity vs. despair
3.5.16 Social clock
3.5.17. Marital success
3.5.18. Divorce
3.5.19. Work and family issues in dual-income families, including role overload
and role buffering
3.5.20. Role of work in adult development
3.5.21. Midlife crisis
3.5.22. Sandwich generation
3.5.23. partner abuse
3.5.24. violent behavior of males
3.5.25. Activity theory vs. disengagement theory
OBJECTIVES FOR SLO#4: Apply lifespan psychological concepts to the
solutions of current issues and problems, such as, ethics, parenting, discipline,
divorce, midlife crisis, dual-income families, aging and /or evaluation of
Students will interpret
4.1.1. Psychological research on the basis of ethical standards.
Students will apply
4.2.1. Principles of Lifespan Psychology to relate to problems of biosocial
development, such as, factors that contribute to drug use and addiction
Students will apply
4.3.1. Postformal thought to address the problem of a moral dilemma, such as,
cheating in schools
Students will apply
4.4.1. Principles of Lifespan Psychology to interpreting social problems (including
rejection, peer pressure & bullying)
Feb 11
Feb 13
Feb 18
Feb. 20
Feb. 25
Feb 27
Mar 4
Mar 6
Mar. 18
Mar. 20
Mar. 25
Mar 27
Apr 1
Apr 2
Apr. 8
Apr 10
Apr 15
Apr 22
Apr 24
Apr 29
May. 1
May 6
Ch 1 – Science of Development
Ch 2- Genes & Prenatal Dev.
Ch 3 – First Two Years: Body and Brain
Ch 4 – First Two Years: Psychosocial
Ex. #1 – Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4
Ch 5 – Early Childhood: Body and Mind
Ch 6 – Early Childhood: Psychosocial Dev.
Ch 7 – Middle Childhood: Body & Mind
Ch 8 – Middle Childhood Psychosocial Dev.
Ex. #2 – Ch. 5, 6, 7, 8
Ch 9 – Adolescence: Body and Mind
Ch 10 – Psychosocial Development
Ch. 11 – Adulthood: Body, Mind & Social
Ex. #3 – Ch. 9, 10, 11
Ch. 12 – Adulthood – Body & Mind
Ch. 13 – Adulthood – Psychosocial Dev.
Ch. 14 - Late Adulthood: Body & Mind
Ch. 15 – Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Dev.
Epilogue – Death and Dying
Written Research paper due
Course Review
Ex. # 4 – Ch. 12, 13, 14, 15 and Epilogue
Attendance: You MUST visit with a faculty advisor, a counselor or on-line student
services at: http://studentservicesonline.hccs.edu/ prior to withdrawing (dropping) the
class and this must be done prior to the official drop date to receive a “W” on your
transcript. After that deadline, you will receive the grade you earn in the class (including
0’s on all missing assignments). Because a counselor or your instructor must process
the paperwork for the drop (you cannot drop yourself), please allow adequate time
before the drop date for them to do this. (Last date to withdraw is 7/30/ 2010).
Regarding daily attendance: It is important that you come to class. It has been my
experience that poor attendance records tend to correlate highly with poor grades. An
instructor may according to the rules of the college, drop a student after he/she has
missed six (6) hours of class time, provided that the six hours are missed prior to the
official drop date. Please speak to me personally with any issues in this area.
I may drop any student who misses 6 summer class hours. It is the student's
responsibility to notify me that they wish to withdraw from this course. Do not just stop
attending classes. If a student remains on my class roll past the last date for
Administrative & Student Withdrawals, a letter grade will be assigned based on all grades
for the course (including 0’s for missing assignments).
NOTICE: Students who repeat a course for a third or more times will face significant
tuition/fee increases at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask
your instructor / counselor about opportunities for tutoring / other assistance prior to
considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. In addition, in
2007, the Texas Legislature passed a law limiting new students (those starting college in
fall 2007) to no more than six total course withdrawals throughout their academic career
in obtaining a baccalaureate degree. There may be future penalties imposed.
MAKE-UP/LATE WORK POLICY: Make up examinations may be allowed for
verifiable/documented medical issues, medical emergencies, family emergencies (deaths,
etc.) and issues that are discussed/addressed with the instructor.
Written Assignment: Research Paper, The research paper must follow these very specific
You must select a topic which is discussed in your text. Try to choose one that
interests you or that relates to your own life. You must inform me of your topic
by 2/17/13 .
You must consult and utilize at least three outside references. These references
must be professional publications (books written by professionals or journals
listed in Psychological Abstracts). Popular magazines or books written by nonprofessionals will NOT be acceptable as references (e.g. you may not use Time,
Reader's Digest, or books written by ex-alcoholics or the mothers of mental
Your textbook MUST be referenced in the paper. There are NO exceptions.
Papers not referencing the text in the body of the paper will lose 10 points
You must use APA referencing style.
The paper should be five to seven (5-7) pages long. If you turn it in by 4/21/13
I will return it to you with feedback. You can make corrections and turn it in for
a final grade by 4/29/13 . The Final Due Date is __4/29/13___. Papers will
lose __20___ points per day after this date.
Your paper should have the following five sections:
Abstract: An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary in your own
words of the contents of the article; it allows readers to survey the
contents of an article quickly. A good abstract is accurate, selfcontained, concise, non-evaluative, coherent, and readable. (15% of
assignment grade).
Introduction: This section will state why the topic you are writing about
is an important one. Define key terms. This part of your paper should
only be a couple of paragraphs long, a page at most. (5%)
Main Body: This is where you state what you found in the literature.
Discuss the methods and results of the studies about which you read.
The paper should also demonstrate evidence of critical thinking. This
can be done in the form of analysis, comparisons between references,
evaluation or discussions of problems in the research. (General content =
30%; Critical thinking = 20%)
Summary/Conclusion: (5%)
E. References: List the sources you used in the paper, alphabetically by
author, using the APA style of references. There should be at least three
sources included PLUS your textbook. Any source listed here must have
been mentioned in the paper itself and all sources mentioned in the paper
must be listed here. For more information, consult the Publication Manual
of the American Psychological Association (4th Edition) which is in all
LRCs. (References = 20%, APA style = 5%) No web resources.
Academic Honesty:
Cheating, collusion, or plagiarism in any form will result in a grade of "0" on the exam
or project in question. A second violation will result in a grade of “F” for the course.
(See student handbook for definitions and instructor options)
Use of Camera and/or Recording Devices
As a student active in the learning community of this course, it is your
responsibility to be respectful of the learning atmosphere in your classroom. To
show respect of your fellow students and instructor, you will turn off your phone
and other electronic devices, and will not use these devices in the classroom
unless you receive permission from the instructor.
Use of recording devices, including camera phones and tape recorders, is
prohibited in classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices, and other locations where
instruction, tutoring, or testing occurs. Students with disabilities who need to use
a recording device as a reasonable accommodation should contact the Office for
Students with Disabilities for information regarding reasonable accommodations
It is a violation of HCC policy for an employee, agent, or student of the College to engage in
Sexual harassment as defined in the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
guidelines. Any student who has a complaint concerning this policy has the opportunity to seek
resolution of such compliant in accordance with procedures set forth in the Student Handbook.
Report any complaints immediately to the College Administrator or call the Institution Equity &
Compliance office, at 713-718-8271.
Disability Policy:
Houston Community College System is committed to compliance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504). Any
student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing,
etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability
Services Office at the respective college at the beginning of each semester. Your
instructor is authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability
Support Services Office. Dr. Becky Hauri is the disability counselor for SW college.
Her phone number is 713-718-7909.
We love your children and understand that parents often face
childcare problems. However, the campus is a workplace, and the purpose of
our presence here is the business of education. Therefore, we cannot allow
children in college classrooms or unattended children on campus. We ask for
Your cooperation in adhering to this policy.
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student
feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated
time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based
questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be
made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement
of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College
Student System online near the end of the term.
Incomplete Policy:
The grade "I" may be given at the discretion of the
instructor if for some agreed upon reason the student has missed an
assignment. The student is responsible for contacting the instructor and
arranging to complete the work the following semester. An “I” will turn to an
F automatically after one regular semester
HCCS Mission Statement: The Houston Community College System is an open-admission, public institution
of higher education offering associate degrees, certificates, academic preparation, workforce training, and lifelong
learning opportunities that prepare individuals in our diverse communities for life and work in an increasingly
international and technological society. HCCS will provide affordable and accessible education, university
transfer and general education, workforce development, customized training, continuing education, adult literacy
and developmental programs, personal enrichment opportunities, comprehensive student support services, and
an environment conducive to learning.
Note: The instructor may alter and or change this syllabus to allow for improvement of
the learning process, any changes will be announced in class.
* & **: Students whom cannot abide by these rules after having been advised of same
will be asked to leave the class should advice not withstand.