West Loop Love Poems Quiz.doc

West Loop Love Poems Quiz
1.Which form or kind of poem did Shakespeare use?
A. Ode
B. Epic
C. Free verse
D. Sonnet
2. In “Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds” the speaker compares true love to:
A. The North Star
B. A battlefield
C. A ship in a storm
D. A summer’s day
3. In “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”, the speaker asks his lover not to mourn, even though
they are about to:
A. Be separated
B. Die together
C. Get divorced
D. Have sex
4. In “To His Coy Mistress,” how many years does the speaker say he would praise each
A. Fifty
B. Two hundred
C. Five hundred
D. Thirty thousand
5. What job does the speaker have in Marlowe’s poem, “The Passionate ________ to his
A. Fireman
B. Shepherd
C. Fisherman
D. Nymph
6. Which animal does the speaker in Donne’s poem draw to the attention of his would-be
A. Flea
B. Mouse
C. Camel
D. Fish
7. Which poet was also an artist who drew illustrations of his/her poems?
A. Edna St. Vincent Millay
B. Robert Frost
C. William Blake
D. Sir Walter Raliegh
8. Which fairy tale did Robert Pack refer to in his poem?
A. Cinderella
B. Puss in Boots
C. Rapunzel
D. The Frog Prince
9. The characters in “Sure Thing” meet in a(n):
A. Bar
B. Café
C. Bus station
D. Airport
10. Which author was Betty reading in “Sure Thing”?
A. William Faulkner
B. John Steinbeck
C. F. Scott Fitzgerald
D. Ernest Hemingway
11. In the end of “Sure Thing,” Bill and Betty go to see a film festival about which director?
A. Buster Keaton
B. Steven Spielberg
C. Woody Allen
D. Spike Lee
12. Which of Antigone’s family members is not dead at the beginning of the play?
A. Eteocles
B. Oedipus
C. Jocasta
D. Ismene
13. Which character finally convinces Creon to bury the body?
A. Antigone
B. Teireseis
C. Haemon
D. Ismene