Graduate School Administration 130, Box 2201 South Dakota State University Brookings, SD 57007-1998 Phone: (605) 688-4181 Fax: (605) 688-6167 Dear _______________: I am pleased to offer you a (__% time), Graduate Teaching Assistantship in the (Department and/or College) at South Dakota State University (“University”) at a salary at the rate of $ ______ for _____ months. Our current plan is that you will have the opportunity to serve as a graduate assistant for the __________ academic year, but the University may opt to terminate this appointment at any time, without cause. The first day of your appointment is scheduled to begin (month-day-year) and end (month-day-year). This Graduate Teaching Assistantship at the University shall not exceed an average of twenty (20) working hours per week and your hours must be documented using an appropriate method approved by your supervisor. You will be expected to complete all graduate degree requirements, including thesis and dissertation research, by working hours outside of this assistantship. Your duties will include, but are not limited to: (list of duties must include 1) courses using prefix or departmental name and 2) ‘in-classroom’ teaching duties). This appointment and terms of appointment are subject to and governed by the laws of the State of South Dakota, the policies, rules, and regulations of the South Dakota Board of Regents and South Dakota State University, as may be amended. This offer is contingent on: 1) receipt of an official transcript(s) for the highest degree provided within thirty (30) days of the start of the appointment; 2) as applicable, the University’s verification of credentials and other information required by law and/or University policies, including, but not limited to, a criminal background check prior to beginning duties ; 3) signing and returning one copy of this letter to me by (date); 4) if not previously completed, signing and returning the attached Agreement to Assign Intellectual Property Rights document by (date), and 5) acceptance and continued enrollment in a SDSU graduate program. Provided you meet minimum stipend amounts, you are entitled to the special tuition rate (1/3 tuition for state-support and selfsupport courses) for graduate assistants as described in SD BOR policy 5:22. This notice is effective only when approved by the Board of Regents. No other official or employee of South Dakota State University or the Board of Regents has authority to extend any offer of employment or reemployment or to modify or to adjust the terms thereof. Upon receipt of your acceptance of this offer, your appointment will be processed for action by the University administration and presented shortly to the Board of Regents for final approval. If you choose to accept this appointment, you must also complete W4 and I9 forms in the Payroll Office, Admin Bldg. 306, (605.688.5781) on or before your first day of work. To maintain this appointment you must continue to meet the academic standards established for graduate assistants by the University. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact: (Name of dept contact), (dept mailing address); (dept telephone number); (dept email). Sincerely, Graduate School Administration 130, Box 2201 South Dakota State University Brookings, SD 57007-1998 Phone: (605) 688-4181 Fax: (605) 688-6167 (signature of Dept. Head/Dean/Director offering contract) Encl. I accept this job offer as described above. ____________________________ ____________________ Signature of Prospective Employee Date cc: Dean of the Graduate School Human Resources